17-1735 - Town legislation to carry over.
§ 17-1735 Town legislation to carry over. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary in any village which has been or may hereafter be incorporated to embrace the entire territory of a town, all local laws, ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations in effect in such town, on the date of incorporation shall remain in effect in such village, and such local laws, ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations may be amended from time to time by the town board, and such amendments shall be in effect in such village, and new local laws, ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations may be enacted from time to time by the town board and shall be in effect in such village, as if the same had been duly adopted by the board of trustees provided, however, that such local laws, ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations shall cease to be in effect in the village or any part thereof when so determined by duly enacted village local law, resolution, rule or regulation as may be appropriate, or when replaced by duly enacted village local law, resolution, rule or regulation covering the same subject matter. Any such local laws, ordinances, resolutions, rules or regulations, and any local laws, resolutions, rules or regulations enacted by any such village, may be administered and enforced by either such town or such village.