1116 - Lane direction control indications.

§ 1116. Lane   direction  control  indications.  Whenever  traffic  is  controlled by lane direction control signals located over the individual  lanes of a highway, only the colors green, yellow and red shall be used,  and said signals shall indicate and apply as follows:    (a) Traffic facing a steady downward pointing green arrow  signal  may  travel in any lane over which such signal is located.    (b) Traffic facing a steady yellow X signal is thereby warned that the  related  green  downward arrow indication is being terminated and that a  red X indication will  be  exhibited  immediately  thereafter  and  such  traffic  shall vacate, in a safe manner, the lane over which such signal  is located.    (c) Traffic facing a flashing yellow X signal may travel in  any  lane  over which such signal is shown preparatory to making a left turn, using  proper caution.    (d)  Traffic facing a steady red X signal shall not enter or travel in  any lane over which such signal is located.