516-B - Reciprocal agreements concerning reporting of traffic offenses and administrative action thereon.

§ 516-b. Reciprocal   agreements   concerning   reporting  of  traffic  offenses and administrative action thereon.  (a)  The  commissioner  may  execute  a  reciprocal  compact  or  agreement not inconsistent with the  provisions of this chapter with the motor vehicle administrator or other  authorized  official  of  another  state  concerning  the  reporting  of  convictions  for  traffic  offenses  occurring in each state by a person  licensed in, or a resident of, the other  state  to  such  licensing  or  residence  state and the treating of any such reported conviction in the  same manner as if the conviction occurred in the licensing or  residence  state  for  the  purpose  of  administrative action. Any such compact or  agreement  shall  specify  the  offenses  subject  to  the  compact   or  agreement,  and  shall include a determination of comparable offenses in  each state if any such offenses are of a  substantially  similar  nature  but are not denominated or described in precisely the same words in each  party state.    (b)  The  word "state" when used in this section shall mean any state,  territory, a possession of the United States, District  of  Columbia  or  any province of Canada.    (c)  Traffic  offenses which may be subject to a reciprocal compact or  agreement entered into pursuant to this section shall be limited to  the  follwing types of offenses in this state and equivalent offenses in each  party state:    (1)  Manslaughter,  criminally  negligent homicide and assault arising  from the operation of a motor vehicle;    (2) Operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol  or  a drug;    (3) Any felony in the commission of which a motor vehicle is used;    (4)  Leaving  the scene of a personal injury or fatal incident without  reporting;    (5) Any speeding offense;    (6) Any offense consisting of disobeying any traffic control device;    (7) Any offense involving failure to yield the right-of-way;    (8) Any offense involving direction of traffic, overtaking or passing;    9. Any offense involving failure to use a safety  belt  or  child  re-  straint device;    (10) Reckless driving; and    (11) Passing a stopped school bus.    * (d)  Nothing  in  this  section  shall  be construed to prohibit the  reporting or recording of convictions  or  youthful  offender  or  other  juvenile adjudications other than those included in a reciprocal compact  or  agreement  executed pursuant to this section when the laws of either  state require or permit action to be taken or sanctions to be imposed on  the basis of such convictions or youthful  offender  or  other  juvenile  adjudications.    * NB Effective until October 1, 2011    * (d)  Nothing  in  this  section  shall  be construed to prohibit the  reporting or recording of convictions other than  those  included  in  a  reciprocal  compact  or agreement executed pursuant to this section when  the laws of either state  require  or  permit  action  to  be  taken  or  sanctions to be imposed on the basis of such convictions.    * NB Effective October 1, 2011