514 - Certifying convictions, forfeitures and nonappearances to the commissioner and recording convictions.

§ 514. Certifying  convictions,  forfeitures and nonappearances to the  commissioner and recording  convictions.  1.  (a)  Upon  a  judgment  of  conviction  of  any person of (a) homicide or assault arising out of the  operation of a motor vehicle, (b) criminally negligent homicide  arising  out  of the operation of a motor vehicle, (c) a felony involving the use  of a commercial motor vehicle, (d) a violation of any of the  provisions  of  this  chapter (except one relating to parking, stopping or standing)  or (e) a violation of any law, ordinance, rule  or  regulation  made  by  local  authorities  in  relation  to  traffic  (except  one  relating to  parking, stopping or standing) or upon the forfeiture of bail given upon  a charge of violating  any  such  provision,  law,  ordinance,  rule  or  regulation,  the  court  or  the clerk thereof shall within fifteen days  certify the facts of the case to the commissioner in such  form  and  in  such  manner  as may be prescribed by the commissioner, who shall record  the same in his office. Such certificate shall be  presumptive  evidence  of  the  facts recited therein. If any such conviction shall be reversed  upon appeal therefrom, or shall be vacated  or  set  aside,  the  person  whose conviction has been so reversed, vacated or set aside may serve on  the  commissioner  a  certified  copy  of  the appropriate order and the  commissioner shall thereupon record the  same  in  connection  with  the  record of such conviction.    (b)  Notwithstanding  the provisions of paragraph (a), upon a judgment  of conviction for any  offense  for  which  a  mandatory  suspension  or  revocation  is  required  to  be  imposed, or a permissive suspension or  revocation is imposed by the court, the court or the clerk thereof shall  within  ninety-six  hours  of  the  imposition  of  sentence  file   the  certificate  required  by  paragraph  (a)  along  with the license, when  surrendered at sentencing.    (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of  paragraphs  (a)  and  (b),  the  commissioner  may  prescribe  time  limitations  for  the  reporting  of  judgments of conviction and transmission of such license that are longer  than those prescribed by this section  for  any  courts  to  which  this  section is applicable.    3.  (a) Upon the failure of a person to appear or answer, within sixty  days of the return date or any subsequent adjourned date, or the failure  to pay a fine imposed by a court, pursuant to a summons charging him  or  her  with  a  violation of any of the provisions of this chapter (except  one for parking, stopping or standing), section five hundred two or five  hundred twelve of the tax law, section fourteen-f, two hundred eleven or  two hundred twelve of the transportation law or of any  law,  ordinance,  rule  or  regulation  made  by  a  local  authority, relating to traffic  (except for parking, stopping or standing), the trial court or the clerk  thereof shall within ten days certify that fact to the commissioner,  in  the manner and form prescribed by the commissioner, who shall record the  same  in  his  or  her office. Thereafter and upon the appearance of any  such person in response to such summons or the receipt of  the  fine  by  the  court, the trial court or the clerk thereof shall forthwith certify  that fact to the commissioner, in the manner and form prescribed by  the  commissioner;  provided,  however,  no  such certification shall be made  unless the  court  has  collected  the  termination  of  suspension  fee  required  to  be  paid pursuant to paragraph (j-1) of subdivision two of  section five hundred three of this chapter.    (b) Upon the failure of a person to appear  or  answer,  within  sixty  days of the return date or any subsequent adjourned date, or the failure  to  pay  a  fine  imposed  by  a  traffic  and parking violations agency  pursuant to a summons charging him or her with a violation of:    (1) any of the provisions of this  chapter  except  one  for  parking,  stopping or standing and except those violations described in paragraphs(a),  (b),  (d), (e) and (f) of subdivision two of section three hundred  seventy-one of the general municipal law;    (2)  section  five  hundred two or subdivision (a) of section eighteen  hundred fifteen of the tax law;    (3) section fourteen-f (except paragraph (b) of  subdivision  four  of  section  fourteen-f),  two  hundred  eleven or two hundred twelve of the  transportation law; or    (4) any lawful ordinance or regulation  made  by  a  local  or  public  authority  relating  to  traffic  (except  one  for parking, stopping or  standing);  the clerk thereof shall  within  ten  days  certify  that  fact  to  the  commissioner, in the manner and form prescribed by the commissioner, who  shall  record  the  same  in  his or her office. Thereafter and upon the  appearance of any such person in response to such summons or the receipt  of the fine by the agency, the traffic and parking violations agency  or  the clerk thereof shall forthwith certify that fact to the commissioner,  in  the  manner  and  form  prescribed  by  the  commissioner; provided,  however, no such certification shall be  made  unless  the  traffic  and  parking  violations  agency  has collected the termination of suspension  fee required to be paid pursuant to paragraph (j-1) of  subdivision  two  of section five hundred three of this chapter.    4.  (a) Upon the failure of the owner of a motor vehicle registered in  this state or his representative to appear or answer, on the return date  or any subsequent adjourned date, or in the case  of  an  administrative  tribunal fails to comply with the rules and regulations of said tribunal  following  entry  of  a  final  decision  in  response  to three or more  summonses or other process  issued  within  an  eighteen  month  period,  charging  that  said  motor  vehicle  was parked, stopped or standing in  violation of the provisions of this chapter or any law, ordinance,  rule  or   regulation   made   by  a  local  authority,  the  trial  court  or  administrative tribunal of appropriate  jurisdiction  may  certify  that  fact  to  the  commissioner  in  the  manner  and form prescribed by the  commissioner, who may record the same in his office.    (b) Upon such certification, the trial court, the  clerk  thereof,  or  the  administrative tribunal shall notify the registrant by certified or  registered mail, return receipt requested, that the  commissioner  shall  deny  the registration or renewal application until proof from the court  wherein the charges were pending is provided to the commissioner by such  court, administrative tribunal, or registrant that such  registrant  has  answered  or  appeared,  or  in  the  case of an administrative tribunal  provides proof that such registrant has  complied  with  the  rules  and  regulations  of  said  tribunal  following  entry  of  a final decision.  Thereafter and upon the appearance or  answer  of  any  such  person  in  response  to  such  summonses  the  trial  court  or clerk thereof shall  forthwith certify that fact to the registrant, and to  the  commissioner  in  a  manner and form prescribed by the commissioner. In the case of an  administrative  tribunal  such  certification  shall  be  made  to   the  registrant  and  to  the commissioner upon compliance with the rules and  regulations of such tribunal. Provided, however, that proof provided  to  the commissioner by a registrant in the form of a certification provided  to such registrant pursuant to this paragraph shall have the same effect  as  proof  provided  to the commissioner by such court or administrative  tribunal.    (c) At least sixty days prior to renewal date the  commissioner  shall  notify  the  registrant  that  unless he complies with the provisions of  this section as set forth above, his registration  or  renewal  thereof,  will be denied.4-a.  (a)  Upon the failure of the owner of a motor vehicle registered  in this state or his representative to appear or answer, on  the  return  date  or dates or any subsequent adjourned date or dates, or in the case  of an administrative tribunal,  fails  to  comply  with  the  rules  and  regulations  of  said  tribunal  following  entry of a final decision or  decisions, in response to twenty or  more  summonses  or  other  process  issued within an eighteen month period, charging that said motor vehicle  was  parked,  stopped or standing in violation of the provisions of this  chapter or any law, ordinance,  rule  or  regulation  made  by  a  local  authority,  the  trial  court  or administrative tribunal of appropriate  jurisdiction may certify that fact to the commissioner in the manner and  form prescribed by the commissioner.    (b) Thereafter and upon the appearance or answer of any such person in  response to such summonses  the  trial  court  or  clerk  thereof  shall  forthwith  certify  that fact to the registrant, and to the commissioner  in a manner and form prescribed by the commissioner. In the case  of  an  administrative  tribunal,  such  certification  shall  be  made  to  the  registrant and to the commissioner upon compliance with  the  rules  and  regulations  of such tribunal. Provided, however, that proof provided to  the commissioner by a registrant in the form of a certification provided  to such registrant pursuant to this paragraph shall have the same effect  as proof provided to the commissioner by such  court  or  administrative  tribunal.    § 5. Upon the conviction of any person under eighteen years of age who  resides  within the household of his parent or guardian, the trial court  or clerk shall forthwith transmit written notice of such  conviction  to  the  parent  or  guardian  of such minor person; provided, however, that  transmittal of such notice of conviction shall not be  required  in  any  case  in  which  notice of arraignment of such person upon the charge or  charges  of  which  convicted  is  required  by,  and  shall  have  been  previously  transmitted  as  provided  in,  subdivision  two  of section  eighteen hundred seven of this chapter.    6. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision  of  this  section,  the  commissioner  may  exempt  by  regulation  additional provisions of this  chapter or of other laws, ordinances,  rules  or  regulations  from  the  requirements of subdivisions one and two.    7.   Any   person  chargeable  with  the  duty  of  reporting  to  the  commissioner a conviction, bail  forfeiture,  the  fact  that  a  person  failed  to  appear  or  answer pursuant to a summons, or the fact that a  person has answered or appeared, or in the  case  of  an  administrative  tribunal  that  a  person has complied with the rules and regulations of  said tribunal following entry of a final decision, who wilfully fails or  neglects to do so, shall be punishable  by  a  fine  of  not  more  than  twenty-five dollars for each separate offense.