510-B - Suspension and revocation for violations committed during probationary periods.

§  510-b.  Suspension  and  revocation for violations committed during  probationary periods. 1. A license, other than a class DJ  or  class  MJ  license,  shall  be  suspended, for a period of sixty days, (i) upon the  first conviction of the licensee of a violation,  committed  during  the  probationary  period  provided  for  in subdivision four of section five  hundred one of this title, of any provision of  section  eleven  hundred  twenty-nine  of  this  chapter,  section  eleven  hundred eighty of this  chapter or any ordinance or  regulation  limiting  the  speed  of  motor  vehicles  and  motorcycles,  section  eleven  hundred eighty-two of this  chapter, or subdivision one of section eleven hundred ninety-two of this  chapter or section twelve hundred twelve of this chapter; or  (ii)  upon  the  second  conviction of the licensee of a violation, committed during  the aforesaid probationary  period,  of  any  other  provision  of  this  chapter  or  of  any  other  law,  ordinance,  order, rule or regulation  relating to traffic.    2. A license, other than a class DJ or class  MJ  license,  considered  probationary  pursuant  to  subdivision  three  of this section shall be  revoked upon the conviction of the licensee of a violation or violations  committed within six months following the  restoration  or  issuance  of  such  license,  which  conviction  or  convictions  would  result in the  suspension of a probationary license pursuant to subdivision one of this  section.    3. Any license, other than a class DJ or class MJ  license,  which  is  restored  or  issued  to  a  person  who  has had his last valid license  suspended or revoked pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be  considered probationary until the expiration of six months following the  date of restoration or issuance thereof.    4. The provisions of subdivisions one, five, six and seven of  section  five  hundred  ten  of  this  chapter  shall  apply to any suspension or  revocation under this section. However, the provisions of  this  section  shall  not operate to prevent a mandatory revocation or suspension for a  greater period of time under subdivision two of section five hundred ten  of this chapter or section eleven hundred ninety-three of this  chapter;  nor   shall  the  provisions  of  this  section  prevent  revocation  or  suspension under subdivisions two and three of section five hundred  ten  based  upon  two  or more violations, including the same violation which  was the basis for suspension or revocation under this section.