502 - Requirements for licensing.

§  502.  Requirements  for  licensing.  1.  Application  for  license.  Application for a driver's license shall be made  to  the  commissioner.  The  fee  prescribed  by law may be submitted with such application. The  applicant shall furnish such proof of identity, age, and fitness as  may  be  required by the commissioner. The commissioner may also provide that  the application procedure shall include the taking of a photo  image  or  images  of  the  applicant  in  accordance  with  rules  and regulations  prescribed by the commissioner. In addition, the commissioner also shall  require that the applicant provide his or her social security number and  provide space on the application so that the applicant may  register  in  the  New  York  state  organ  and  tissue  donor  registry under section  forty-three hundred ten of  the  public  health  law.  In  addition,  an  applicant   for  a  commercial  driver's  license  who  will  operate  a  commercial motor vehicle in interstate commerce shall certify that  such  applicant  meets the requirements to operate a commercial motor vehicle,  as set forth in public law 99-570, title XII, and title 49 of  the  code  of  federal  regulations,  and all regulations promulgated by the United  States  secretary  of  transportation  under  the  hazardous   materials  transportation act. Upon a determination that the holder of a commercial  driver's  license  has  made  any  false  statement, with respect to the  application  for  such  license,  the  commissioner  shall  revoke  such  license.    2.  Age.  (a)  An  applicant for a class A license or for a commercial  driver's license which contains an H or an X  endorsement  or  which  is  valid  for operation in interstate commerce shall be at least twenty-one  years of age.    (b) Except as  provided  in  paragraph  (a)  of  this  subdivision  an  applicant for a class B, C or E license shall be at least eighteen years  of age.    (c) An applicant for a class D or M license shall be at least eighteen  years  of  age,  except  that  an  application  shall be accepted if the  applicant is at least seventeen years  of  age  and  submits  acceptable  proof of successful completion of a driver education course, approved by  the  state  education  department  and  the  commissioner,  and proof of  completion of the minimum hours of supervised  driving  as  required  in  paragraph (d) of this subdivision.    (d)  An  applicant  for  a  class  DJ  or MJ license shall be at least  sixteen years of age and such applicant must submit written  consent  to  the issuance of such license by the applicant's parent or guardian. Upon  receipt  of  withdrawal  of  such  consent,  any class DJ or MJ license,  learner's permit or license application shall be cancelled. No class  DJ  or MJ license shall be issued unless the applicant presents, at the time  of  the  road test administered pursuant to paragraph (b) of subdivision  four of this section, a written certification by the applicant's  parent  or guardian that such applicant has operated a motor vehicle for no less  than fifty hours, at least fifteen hours of which shall be after sunset,  under  the  immediate  supervision of a person as authorized pursuant to  subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) of subdivision  five  of  section five hundred one of this article, a driver education teacher  pursuant to section eight hundred  six-a  of  the  education  law  or  a  driving  school  instructor  pursuant  to subdivision seven-a of section  three hundred ninety-four of this chapter.    3. Application for learner's permit. An application  for  a  learner's  permit  shall  be included in the application for a license. A learner's  permit shall be issued in such form as the commissioner shall  determine  but shall not be issued unless the applicant has successfully passed the  vision test required by this section and the test set forth in paragraph  (a) of subdivision four of this section with respect to laws relating totraffic and ability to read and comprehend traffic signs and symbols and  has  satisfactorily  completed any course required pursuant to paragraph  (a)  of  subdivision  four  of  this  section.  Upon  acceptance  of  an  application  for  a  learner's permit the commissioner shall provide the  applicant with a driver's manual which includes but is  not  limited  to  the  laws  relating  to  traffic, the laws relating to and physiological  effects of driving while ability impaired and driving while intoxicated,  the law for exercising due  care  to  avoid  colliding  with  a  parked,  stopped  or  standing  authorized  emergency vehicle pursuant to section  eleven hundred forty-four-a of this  chapter,  explanations  of  traffic  signs  and  symbols  and  such  other  matters  as  the commissioner may  prescribe.    4. Examinations. (a) (i) Upon  submission  of  an  application  for  a  driver's  license,  the  applicant  shall be required to take and pass a  test, or submit evidence of passage of a test, with respect to the  laws  relating  to  traffic,  the  laws  relating  to driving while ability is  impaired and while intoxicated,  under  the  overpowering  influence  of  "Road  Rage",  or  "Work  Zone  Safety"  awareness  as  defined  by  the  commissioner, the law relating to exercising due care to avoid colliding  with a parked, stopped or standing authorized emergency vehicle pursuant  to section eleven hundred forty-four-a of this chapter, the  ability  to  read  and comprehend traffic signs and symbols and such other matters as  the commissioner may prescribe, and to satisfactorily complete a  course  prescribed  by the commissioner of not less than four hours and not more  than five hours, consisting of classroom  driver  training  and  highway  safety instruction or the equivalent thereof. Such test shall include at  least  seven  written questions concerning the effects of consumption of  alcohol or drugs on the ability of a person to operate a  motor  vehicle  and  the  legal  and financial consequences resulting from violations of  section eleven hundred  ninety-two  of  this  chapter,  prohibiting  the  operation  of  a  motor  vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or  drugs. Such test shall include one or more written questions  concerning  the  devastating  effects  of  "Road Rage" on the ability of a person to  operate a  motor  vehicle  and  the  legal  and  financial  consequences  resulting  from  assaulting,  threatening or interfering with the lawful  conduct of another person legally using the  roadway.  Such  test  shall  include  one  or  more  questions  concerning  the  potential dangers to  persons and equipment resulting from the unsafe  operation  of  a  motor  vehicle  in  a  work zone.   Such test may include one or more questions  concerning the law for exercising due care to  avoid  colliding  with  a  parked,  stopped  or  standing  authorized emergency vehicle pursuant to  section eleven hundred forty-four-a of this chapter. Such test shall  be  administered  by  the  commissioner.  The  commissioner  shall cause the  applicant to take a vision test and a test  for  color  blindness.  Upon  passage  of  the  vision  test,  the application may be accepted and the  application fee shall be payable.    (ii)  The  commissioner  shall  promulgate   rules   and   regulations  establishing  eligibility  standards  for  the  taking  and  passing  of  knowledge tests in other than written form.    (b) Upon successful  completion  of  the  requirements  set  forth  in  paragraph  (a)  of  this  subdivision which shall include an alcohol and  drug  education  component  as  described  in  paragraph  (c)  of   this  subdivision, a "Road Rage" awareness component as described in paragraph  (c-1)  of  this subdivision and a "Work Zone Safety" awareness component  as described in paragraph (c-2) of this  subdivision,  the  commissioner  shall  cause  the  applicant  to  take  a  road test in a representative  vehicle of  a  type  prescribed  by  the  commissioner  which  shall  be  appropriate to the type of license for which application is made, exceptthat  the  commissioner may waive the road test requirements for certain  classes  of  applicants.  The  commissioner  shall  have  the  power  to  establish  a  program  to  allow  persons  other  than  employees of the  department  to  conduct  road tests in representative vehicles when such  tests are required for applicants to obtain a class A, B or  C  license.  If  she chooses to do so, she shall set forth her reasons in writing and  conduct a public hearing on the matter. She shall only establish such  a  program after holding the public hearing.    (c)  Alcohol  and  drug  education  component.  The commissioner shall  provide in the pre-licensing course, set forth in paragraph (b) of  this  subdivision  a  mandatory component in alcohol and drug education of not  less than two hours as a prerequisite for obtaining a license to operate  a motor vehicle. The purpose of the component is to educate  prospective  licensees  on the effects that ingestion of alcohol and other drugs have  on a person's ability to operate a motor vehicle. The commissioner shall  establish a curriculum for the  alcohol  and  drug  education  component  which  shall  include  but not be limited to: instruction describing the  hazards of driving while impaired  or  intoxicated;  the  penalties  for  alcohol  related  motor vehicle violations including sanctions set forth  in the penal law that apply to homicides and assaults arising out of the  operation of a motor vehicle while intoxicated and those  sanctions  set  forth  in  the  vehicle  and  traffic  law  relating  to  driving  while  intoxicated; and the medical, biological and  physiological  effects  of  the  consumption of alcohol and their impact on the operation of a motor  vehicle.    (c-1) "Road Rage" awareness component. The commissioner shall  provide  in  the  pre-licensing  course,  set  forth  in  paragraph  (b)  of this  subdivision a mandatory component in "Road Rage" awareness education  as  a  prerequisite  for obtaining a license to operate a motor vehicle. The  purpose of the component is to  educate  prospective  licensees  on  the  effects  that  the development and expression of "Road Rage", as defined  by the commissioner, have on a  person's  ability  to  operate  a  motor  vehicle.  The  commissioner  shall  establish a curriculum for the "Road  Rage" component which shall include but not be limited  to:  instruction  describing  the  hazards  of driving and exiting the vehicle while under  the influence of "Road Rage";  the  penalties  for  "Road  Rage"-related  motor  vehicle  or other violations including sanctions set forth in the  penal law that apply to  homicides  and  assaults  arising  out  of  the  operation  of  a  motor  vehicle  while  expressing "Road Rage", and any  sanctions set forth in law relating to driving while under the influence  of "Road Rage"; and the medical, biological and physiological effects of  the development and expression of "Road Rage", and their impact  on  the  operation  of  a  motor  vehicle.  The  commissioner is charged with the  responsibility for defining the  term  "Road  Rage",  as  used  in  this  paragraph,  in  consultation  with  law  enforcement  personnel, medical  professionals, representatives  of  the  court  system,  highway  safety  officials,  and  any  other  group  that  the  commissioner believes can  contribute to a comprehensive statement of the issue.    (c-2) "Work Zone Safety" awareness  component.  (i)  The  commissioner  shall provide in the pre-licensing course, set forth in paragraph (b) of  this  subdivision, a mandatory component in "Work Zone Safety" awareness  education as a prerequisite for obtaining a license to operate  a  motor  vehicle.  The  purpose  of  the  component  is  to  educate  prospective  licensees on the potential dangers to construction workers, construction  equipment operators and operators of motor vehicles in  a  highway  work  zone.  For  the  purposes  of this paragraph, the term "work zone" shall  include "work area" as defined by section  one  hundred  sixty  of  thischapter,  and  "restricted  highway"  as  authorized  in section sixteen  hundred twenty-five of this chapter.    (ii)  The commissioner shall establish a curriculum for the "Work Zone  Safety" component which shall include but not be limited to: instruction  describing the potential hazards of driving through a work zone, whether  or  not  work,  maintenance  or  other  related  construction  is  being  undertaken therein, and information on the provisions of law relating to  driving  within  a  work  zone  and  sanctions  for  violations  of such  provisions, including speeding in a work zone.    (iii) In developing such curriculum, the  commissioner  shall  consult  with the commissioner of transportation, the superintendent of the state  police,   representatives   of   the   highway   construction  industry,  representatives  of  highway  construction   workers,   highway   safety  officials,  and  any  other  group  that  the  commissioner believes can  contribute to a comprehensive presentation of the issue.    (d) The  commissioner  shall  make  available  for  distribution  upon  registration  at  each  location  where the pre-licensing course will be  given, instructional handbooks  outlining  the  content  of  the  entire  curriculum   of  the  pre-licensing  course  including  the  information  required to be included in the course pursuant to paragraphs (c),  (c-1)  and  (c-2)  of this subdivision. The commissioner shall also provide for  the additional training of the instructors necessary for  the  competent  instruction  of the alcohol and drug education and "Road Rage" awareness  and "Work Zone Safety" awareness subject matters  of  the  pre-licensing  course.    (e)  The  commissioner  shall  make  available to each applicant for a  commercial  driver's  license  instructional  handbooks  outlining   the  requirements  necessary  to  qualify  for such license, and containing a  discussion of the offenses which will result  in  disqualification  from  operating  a commercial motor vehicle as defined in section five hundred  one-a of this chapter. Such handbooks shall be available in both English  and Spanish language versions.    (f) The commissioner shall promulgate such rules  and  regulations  as  are necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.    (g) The commissioner may, in his discretion, waive the requirement for  passage of a test with respect to the laws relating to traffic, the laws  relating  to driving while ability is impaired and while intoxicated and  the ability to read and comprehend traffic signs and  symbols,  and  the  requirement  for  completion of the course set forth in paragraph (a) of  this subdivision for applicants who hold a valid or  renewable  driver's  license issued by another jurisdiction or the United States government.    (h) Course completion certificate fee. The fee for a course completion  certificate  provided by the department to an entity that is approved by  the commissioner to offer the pre-licensing  course,  required  by  this  subdivision,  for  issuance  by  such  entity  to  students  upon  their  completion of such pre-licensing course shall be one  dollar.  Such  fee  shall  be  paid  by such entity and shall not be charged to a person who  takes the course in any manner.    5.  Issuance  of  license.  (a)  Upon  successful  completion  of  the  requirements  set  forth  in  subdivision four of this section, and upon  payment of the fee prescribed by law, the commissioner  shall  issue  an  appropriate  license  to the applicant, except that the commissioner may  refuse to issue such license    (i) if the applicant is the holder of a currently valid  or  renewable  license  to  drive issued by another state or foreign country unless the  applicant surrenders such license, or    (ii) if such issuance would be inconsistent  with  the  provisions  of  section five hundred sixteen of this chapter.(b)  The  commissioner  shall,  with  respect  to  the  issuance  of a  hazardous materials endorsement, comply with  the  requirements  imposed  upon  states pursuant to sections 383.141 and 1572.13 of title 49 of the  code of federal regulations.    (c)  The commissioner shall not issue a commercial driver's license to  a person while such person would be  subject  to  disqualification  from  operating  a  commercial  motor  vehicle  for any cause set forth in the  commercial motor vehicle safety  act  of  nineteen  hundred  eighty-six,  public  law 99-570, title XII and regulations promulgated thereunder. In  addition, the commissioner shall suspend a commercial  driver's  license  for  the period of time in which such driver is determined to constitute  an imminent hazard and is disqualified pursuant to 49 C.F.R 383.52.    6. Renewal of license. (a) A license issued  pursuant  to  subdivision  five  of this section shall be valid until the expiration date contained  thereon, unless such license is suspended, revoked  or  cancelled.  Such  license  may be renewed by submission of an application for renewal, the  fee prescribed by law, proofs of prior licensing, fitness and acceptable  vision prescribed by the commissioner, the applicant's  social  security  number,  and  if  required  by  the  commissioner  a  photo image of the  applicant in such numbers and form as the commissioner shall  prescribe.  In  addition,  an  applicant  for  renewal  of  a  license  containing a  hazardous material endorsement shall pass an examination to retain  such  endorsement.  The  commissioner  shall, with respect to the renewal of a  hazardous materials endorsement, comply with  the  requirements  imposed  upon  states  by sections 383.141 and 1572.13 of title 49 of the code of  federal regulations. A renewal of such license shall be  issued  by  the  commissioner  upon  approval  of  such  application, except that no such  license shall be issued if its issuance would be inconsistent  with  the  provisions  of  section  five  hundred sixteen of this title, and except  that the commissioner may refuse to renew such license if the  applicant  is  the holder of a currently valid or renewable license to drive issued  by another state or foreign country unless the applicant surrenders such  license.    (b) Time for renewal. A renewal license  may  only  be  issued  if  an  application  for such license is filed within two years from the date of  expiration of the prior license. Such application may be filed prior  to  the  expiration  of  the  license  being renewed for a period of time as  provided by regulation of the commissioner.    7. Compliance with selective service act required. (a) All persons who  are at least eighteen years of age but less than twenty-six years of age  who apply to the commissioner for a learner's permit, driver's  license,  renewal  of  license, or non-driver's identification card, shall either:  (i) be in compliance with the requirements  of  the  military  selective  service  act  as provided for pursuant to 50 U.S.C. App 451 et. seq., as  amended, or (ii) consent to permit  the  commissioner  to  forward  such  information  as  is  required  to  register  such  individual  with  the  selective service system, if such individual must be registered pursuant  to such act.    (b) The  commissioner  shall  forward  in  an  electronic  format  the  necessary   personal  information  required  for  registration  of  such  individuals specified in paragraph (a)  of  this  subdivision  with  the  selective   service   system.   Such  individual's  application  to  the  commissioner for  a  learner's  permit,  driver's  license,  renewal  of  license or non-drivers' identification card shall serve as an indication  that  the  applicant  has already registered with the military selective  service act or that such individual is authorizing the  commissioner  to  forward  to  the  selective service system the necessary information for  such selective service registration. The commissioner shall notify  suchapplicants  on the application form that any application for a learner's  permit,  driver's  license,   renewal   of   license   or   non-driver's  identification  card  shall  serve  as consent to be registered with the  selective service system, if so required by federal law.