501 - Drivers' licenses and learners' permits.

§  501.  Drivers'  licenses and learners' permits. 1. The commissioner  shall issue classified drivers' licenses as provided  in  this  article.  Any  such  license  shall be valid only for the operation of the type of  vehicles specified for each such class of license but shall not be valid  for the operation of any type of vehicle for  which  an  endorsement  is  required by this section or regulations promulgated hereunder unless the  license   contains   such  endorsement  and  shall  be  subject  to  any  restrictions contained thereon.    2. Driver license classifications, endorsements and  restrictions  and  exceptions. (a) License classifications. (i) Class A. Such license shall  be  valid  to  operate  any motor vehicle or any combination of vehicles  except it shall not be valid to operate a motorcycle other than a  class  B or C limited use motorcycle.    (ii)  Class  B.  Such license shall be valid to operate any vehicle or  combination of vehicles which may be operated with a class E license and  shall be valid to operate any motor vehicle or any such  vehicle,  other  than  a  tractor,  towing  a  vehicle having a GVWR of not more than ten  thousand pounds except it shall not be valid  to  operate  a  motorcycle  other than a class B or C limited use motorcycle.    (iii)  Class  C. Such license shall be valid to operate any vehicle or  combination of vehicles which may be operated with a class E license and  shall be valid to operate any motor vehicle with a GVWR of not more than  twenty-six thousand pounds and any such vehicle towing  another  vehicle  with  a GVWR of not more than ten thousand pounds except it shall not be  valid to operate a tractor or a motorcycle other than a  class  B  or  C  limited use motorcycle.    (iv)  Class D. Such license shall be valid to operate any passenger or  limited use automobile or any  truck  with  a  GVWR  of  not  more  than  twenty-six  thousand  pounds or any such vehicle towing a vehicle with a  GVWR of not more than ten thousand pounds, or any  such  vehicle  towing  another  vehicle  with  a GVWR of more than ten thousand pounds provided  such combination of vehicles has a GCWR  of  not  more  than  twenty-six  thousand  pounds,  or  any  personal use vehicle with a GVWR of not more  than twenty-six thousand pounds or any such  vehicle  towing  a  vehicle  with a GVWR of not more than ten thousand pounds, except it shall not be  valid  to  operate  a  tractor,  a  motorcycle other than a class B or C  limited use motorcycle, a vehicle used to transport passengers for  hire  or for which a hazardous materials endorsement is required, or a vehicle  defined  as  a  bus in subdivision one of section five hundred nine-a of  this title.    (v) Class E. Such license shall be  valid  to  operate  only  vehicles  which may be operated with a class D license, except that in addition it  shall  be  valid to operate any such motor vehicle, other than a vehicle  defined as a bus in subdivision one of section five  hundred  nine-a  of  this chapter, used to transport up to fourteen passengers for hire.    (vi)  Class  DJ.  Such license shall be valid to operate only vehicles  which may be operated with a class D license by a person under  eighteen  years  of  age,  except it shall not be valid to operate a motor vehicle  with an unladen weight or a GVWR of more than ten thousand pounds or any  motor vehicle towing another vehicle with an unladen weight or  GVWR  of  more than three thousand pounds. Such license shall automatically become  a class D license when the holder becomes eighteen years of age.    (vii)  Class M. Such license shall be valid to operate any motorcycle,  or any motorcycle,  other  than  a  limited  use  motorcycle,  towing  a  trailer.    (viii) Class MJ. Such license shall be valid to operate any motorcycle  or  limited use motorcycle by a person under eighteen years of age. Suchlicense shall automatically become a class M  license  when  the  holder  becomes eighteen years of age.    (b)  Endorsements.  The  following  endorsements  shall be required to  operate vehicles as set forth herein. In addition  the  commissioner  by  regulation may provide for further endorsements.    (i)  T  endorsement.  Shall  be  required to operate double and triple  trailers.    (ii) H endorsement. Shall be required to transport hazardous materials  as defined in section one  hundred  three  of  the  hazardous  materials  transportation  act,  public  law  93-633,  title  I,  when  the vehicle  transporting such materials  is  required  to  be  placarded  under  the  hazardous  materials  regulation,  49  CFR  part  172,  subpart  F or is  transporting any quantity of material listed as a select agent or  toxin  in  42  CFR  part  73. An applicant for a commercial driver's license in  this state who wishes to transport hazardous materials must obtain a New  York state hazardous materials endorsement even if such applicant  holds  a  valid hazardous materials endorsement issued by another state. A farm  vehicle shall be exempt from the requirement for such  endorsement  when  transporting  hazardous  materials within one hundred fifty miles of the  person's farm. However, a separate non-commercial endorsement  shall  be  required  for  such  exempted  transportation.  In  order to obtain such  endorsement, the license holder must submit fingerprints for purposes of  a criminal history record check pursuant  to  subdivision  six  of  this  section.    (iii) N endorsement. Shall be required to operate tank vehicles.    (iv)  P  endorsement. Shall be required to operate a bus as defined in  sections one hundred four and five hundred nine-a of this chapter.    (v)  X  endorsement.  Shall  be  an  endorsement  combining  H  and  N  endorsements.    (vi)  Farm endorsement. Shall be required to operate a farm vehicle or  a combination of farm vehicles which may not be operated with a class C,  D or E license. The identification and scope of any such endorsement  or  endorsements  shall  be as prescribed by regulation of the commissioner.  Such identification and scope shall, at a minimum, include a distinction  between the operation of a farm vehicle  having  a  GVWR  of  more  than  twenty-six  thousand  pounds  within  one  hundred  fifty  miles  of the  person's farm and the operation of a combination of farm vehicles having  a GVWR of more than twenty-six thousand pounds within one hundred  fifty  miles of the person's farm.    (vii) Personal use vehicle endorsement. Shall be required to operate a  personal use vehicle or a combination of personal use vehicles which may  not  be  operated with a class C, D or E license. The identification and  scope of any such endorsement or endorsements shall be as prescribed  by  regulation of the commissioner, but no such endorsement shall permit the  operation  of  a  rental truck towing a vehicle with a GVWR of more than  ten thousand pounds.    (viii) W endorsement. Shall be required to operate a tow truck.    (ix)  Metal  coil  endorsement.  Shall  be  required  to  operate  any  commercial motor vehicle, as defined in subdivision four of section five  hundred  one-a of this article, carrying metal coils. The identification  and scope of such endorsement shall be as prescribed  by  regulation  of  the commissioner.    (x)  S  endorsement.  Shall  be  required  to operate a school bus, as  defined in section one hundred  forty-two  of  this  chapter,  which  is  designed or used to transport fifteen or more passengers.    (c)  Restrictions.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing provisions of this  subdivision, the operation of vehicles may be limited by  a  restriction  or  restrictions  placed on a license. The following restrictions may beissued by the commissioner based  upon  the  representative  vehicle  in  which  the  road  test  was  taken, or if the license is issued based on  driving experience, the vehicle in which the experience was  gained.  In  addition,  the  commissioner  may  by  regulation provide for additional  restrictions based upon other types of vehicles or other factors  deemed  appropriate by the commissioner.    (i)  A  restriction  prohibiting  the  operation of a vehicle with air  brakes.    (ii) A restriction limiting the operation of a combination of vehicles  to truck-trailer combinations.    (iii) A restriction limiting operation to vehicles of not more than  a  specified GVWR.    (d)  Exceptions.  (i) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this  subdivision, a motor vehicle or combination of vehicles,  other  than  a  motorcycle,  that  is (A) a military vehicle operated by a member of the  armed forces, or (B) a police vehicle or fire vehicle during its use  in  an  emergency  operation as defined in section one hundred fourteen-b of  this chapter, or in the performance of official  duties,  or  activities  related to the execution of emergency governmental functions pursuant to  section  383.3 (d)(2) of title 49 of the code of federal regulations, or  (C) a vehicle owned and identified as being owned  by  the  state  or  a  political  subdivision  thereof  or  an  ambulance service as defined in  subdivision two of section three thousand one of the public  health  law  or a voluntary ambulance service as defined in subdivision three of such  section  and  used  to  provide  emergency medical service as defined in  section three thousand one of the  public  health  law,  or  to  perform  official  duties,  or  activities  related to the execution of emergency  governmental functions pursuant to section 383.3 (d)(2) of title  49  of  the  code of federal regulations, may be operated with any class license  other than a class DJ, M  or  MJ  license.  For  the  purposes  of  this  paragraph  the  term  "member  of the armed forces" shall include active  duty military personnel; members of the reserve components of the  armed  forces;  members  of  the  national  guard  on  active  duty,  including  personnel on  full  time  active  guard  duty,  personnel  on  part-time  national   guard  training,  and  national  guard  military  technicians  (civilians who are required to wear military uniforms); and active  duty  United  States  coast guard personnel. The term shall not include United  States reserve technicians. Notwithstanding the  provisions  of  section  one  hundred  fourteen-b  of  this  chapter,  for  the  purposes of this  subparagraph, the term "emergency  operation"  shall  include  returning  from emergency service.    (ii)  Notwithstanding  the foregoing provisions of this subdivision, a  motor vehicle or combination of vehicles which is designed and primarily  used for purposes other than the transportation of persons  or  property  which  is  excluded  from  the  definition  of  commercial motor vehicle  pursuant to the provisions of subparagraph  (iv)  of  paragraph  (a)  of  subdivision  four  of  section five hundred one-a of this chapter may be  operated with any class license other than a class DJ, M or MJ license.    3. Restrictions on use of class DJ and class MJ licenses. A  class  DJ  or  class  MJ  license  shall  permit the holder to operate a vehicle in  accordance with the following restrictions:    (a) in the counties of Nassau and Suffolk:    (i)  for  the  purpose  of  driving  to  and  from  a   state-approved  cooperative  work-study  educational  program, or to or from an approved  program for credit in a post-secondary institution,  or  to  or  from  a  state-approved  registered  evening high school or while engaged in farm  employment, or to or from an approved driver education course; or(ii) from five o'clock in the morning to nine o'clock in the  evening,  to  and from a place of business where the holder is regularly employed,  or when accompanied by a duly licensed parent,  guardian,  person  in  a  position  of  loco parentis, driver education teacher, or driving school  instructor.    (b) in all other areas of the state, except for the city of New York:    (i)  from  five o'clock in the morning to nine o'clock in the evening;  or    (ii) from nine o'clock in the evening to five o'clock in  the  morning  when  going  to  or from school, or to or from a place of business where  the  holder  is  employed  on  a  regularly  scheduled  basis,  or  when  accompanied  by a duly licensed parent, guardian or one in a position of  loco parentis to the licensee.    (c) in the city of New York, driving shall be prohibited.    (d) for the purpose of this subdivision, the term "school" shall  mean  instruction,  education or training licensed or approved by a department  or agency of the state or training conducted by the armed forces of  the  United States except it shall not include extra-curricular activities or  social events for which scholastic credits are not given.    (e)  any  person  operating a motor vehicle to or from school or to or  from a place of business as authorized by this subdivision must  possess  documentation  signed  by  such  person's  instructor  or  employer. The  commissioner shall, by regulation, prescribe the  form  and  content  of  such documentation.    4.  Probationary licenses. Any driver's license, other than a class DJ  and class  MJ  license,  shall  be  considered  probationary  until  the  expiration  of  six  months  following the date of issuance thereof, and  thereafter as provided in section five hundred ten-b of this title,  but  this subdivision shall not apply to renewals of a license, or, unless so  provided  by  the  commissioner,  to a license for which a road test has  been waived by the commissioner.    5. Learners' permits.  (a)  The  commissioner  shall  issue  learner's  permits as provided in this article. Such permit shall be valid only    (i)  for  the  operation  of  a motor vehicle of a type which could be  operated by the holder of the class of license for which application  is  being made;    (ii) when the holder is under the immediate supervision and control of  a  person  at least twenty-one years of age who holds a license valid in  this state for the operation of the type of vehicle being operated; and    (iii) in accordance with any additional restrictions prescribed by the  commissioner and noted on such permit.    (b) In addition to the restrictions contained in paragraph (a) of this  subdivision, a learner's permit issued to a person applying for a  class  DJ or class MJ license shall be subject to the restrictions contained in  section  five  hundred  one-b of this article and shall not be valid for  the operation of any motor vehicle:    (i) within the city of New York, except that the holder of such permit  may operate a motor vehicle within  the  city  of  New  York  from  five  o'clock  in  the morning to nine o'clock in the evening when such person  is under the immediate supervision and control  of  a  person  at  least  twenty-one years of age who is such holder's parent, guardian, person in  a position of loco parentis, driver education teacher for the purpose of  certification  pursuant  to section eight hundred six-a of the education  law or driving  school  instructor  for  the  purpose  of  certification  pursuant  to subdivision seven-a of section three hundred ninety-four of  this chapter  and  such  vehicle  is  equipped  with  dual  controls  as  prescribed by the commissioner;(ii)  in the counties of Nassau and Suffolk, except that the holder of  such permit may operate a motor vehicle within the  counties  of  Nassau  and  Suffolk  from  five  o'clock  in the morning to nine o'clock in the  evening when such person is under the immediate supervision and  control  of  a  person  at  least  twenty-one  years  of age who is such holder's  licensed parent, guardian, person in a position of loco parentis, driver  education teacher for the purpose of certification pursuant  to  section  eight  hundred  six-a of the education law, or driving school instructor  for the purpose of certification  pursuant  to  subdivision  seven-a  of  section  three hundred ninety-four of this chapter, or a person at least  twenty-one years of age who holds a license valid in this state for  the  operation  of  the  type  of  vehicle being operated, for the purpose of  certification pursuant to subdivision two of section five hundred two of  this article, and who has  been  designated  by  such  holder's  parent,  guardian  or  person  in  a  position of loco parentis to accompany such  holder, as evidenced by a written statement to that effect;    (iii) from nine o'clock in the evening to five o'clock in the morning,  unless the holder of such permit is under the immediate supervision  and  control  of  a  person  at  least  twenty-one  years  of age who is such  holder's licensed  parent,  guardian,  person  in  a  position  of  loco  parentis,  driver  education  teacher  for  the purpose of certification  pursuant to section eight hundred six-a of the education law, or driving  school  instructor  for  the  purpose  of  certification   pursuant   to  subdivision  seven-a  of  section  three  hundred  ninety-four  of  this  chapter.    (c) The restrictions contained in  paragraphs  (a)  and  (b)  of  this  subdivision shall apply to a learner's permit which has been issued to a  person  who  has  made  application  for  a class M or class MJ license,  except that the required supervising driver need exercise  only  general  supervision  and control over the learner as prescribed by regulation of  the commissioner when the learner is operating a  motorcycle,  provided,  however,  a  person  who  possesses  a learner's permit and who has made  application for a class M or class  MJ  license,  shall  not  operate  a  motorcycle  while there is another person on such motorcycle unless such  other person possesses a valid class M license.    6. H endorsement criminal history record check.  Upon  receipt  of  an  application  and  completion  of  all  other requirements imposed by the  commissioner for an H endorsement to permit the  operator  to  transport  hazardous  materials  as  defined  in  section  one hundred three of the  hazardous materials transportation act, public law 93-633, title I, when  the vehicle transporting such materials  is  required  to  be  placarded  under the hazardous materials regulation, 49 CFR part 172, subpart F, or  is  transporting  any  quantity  of material listed as a select agent or  toxin in 42 CFR part 73, the commissioner,  subject  to  the  rules  and  regulations of the division of criminal justice services, shall initiate  a  criminal  history  record check of the person making the application.  The  commissioner  shall  obtain  from  each  applicant  two   sets   of  fingerprints  and  the  division of criminal justice services processing  fee imposed pursuant to subdivision eight-a  of  section  eight  hundred  thirty-seven  of  the  executive  law and any fee imposed by the federal  bureau of investigation. The commissioner shall promptly  transmit  such  fingerprints  and  fees to the division of criminal justice services for  processing. The federal bureau of  investigation  and  the  division  of  criminal justice services shall forward such criminal history record, if  any,  to  the  commissioner. All such criminal history records processed  and sent pursuant to this section shall be confidential pursuant to  the  applicable  federal and state laws, rules and regulations, and shall not  be published or in any way disclosed to persons  other  than  authorizedpersonnel,  unless  otherwise  authorized  by  law.  No  cause of action  against the commissioner, the department or  the  division  of  criminal  justice  services  for  damages related to the dissemination of criminal  history   records   pursuant  to  this  section  shall  exist  when  the  commissioner, department or division of criminal  justice  services  has  reasonably  and  in good faith relied upon the accuracy and completeness  of criminal history information furnished to it by  qualified  agencies.  The  provision  of  such information by the division of criminal justice  services shall be subject to the provisions of  subdivision  sixteen  of  section  two  hundred ninety-six of the executive law. The consideration  of such criminal history record by the commissioner shall be subject  to  article  twenty-three-A  of  the  correction law. The commissioner shall  review such criminal history record for a conviction within the previous  ten years for: (i) any violent felony offense,  as  defined  in  section  70.02  of  the  penal  law;  or  (ii)  any felony defined in article one  hundred twenty, one hundred twenty-five, one hundred thirty, one hundred  thirty-five, one hundred forty,  one  hundred  forty-five,  one  hundred  fifty,  one  hundred fifty-five, one hundred sixty, one hundred seventy,  one hundred seventy-five, two hundred,  two  hundred  ten,  two  hundred  twenty,   two   hundred  twenty-one,  two  hundred  forty,  two  hundred  sixty-five, four hundred  sixty,  four  hundred  seventy,  four  hundred  eighty-five,  or  four  hundred  ninety  of  the  penal  law  or section  fifty-three-e of the railroad law;  or  (iii)  any  offense  in  another  jurisdiction  which  includes  all  of  the  essential  elements of such  offenses described in paragraphs (i) and (ii) of  this  subdivision  and  for  which  a  sentence  of  imprisonment  for  more  than  one year was  authorized in the other jurisdiction and is authorized  in  this  state,  regardless of whether such sentence was imposed; or any of the following  federal  offenses:  improper  transportation of a hazardous material, as  defined in 49 U.S.C. 46312, conveying false information or  threats,  as  defined  in 49 U.S.C. 46507, espionage, as defined in 18 U.S.C. 793, 794  or 3077, sedition, as defined in 18 U.S.C. 2384, 2385 or  section  4  of  the subversive activities control act of 1950, treason, as defined in 18  U.S.C.  2381  or conspiracy or solicitation, as defined in 18 U.S.C. 371  or 373; or (iv) an attempt or conspiracy to commit any of  the  offenses  specified  in  paragraphs  (i),  (ii),  or (iii) of this subdivision. In  calculating such ten year period, any period of time  during  which  the  person was incarcerated for any reason between the time of commission of  the  previous  felony  and  the time of commission of the present felony  shall be excluded and such ten year period shall be extended by a period  or periods equal to the time  served  under  such  incarceration.  After  receipt  of  a  criminal  history  record  from the division of criminal  justice services, if any, and review of such  record,  the  commissioner  shall promptly notify the applicant whether he or she will be granted an  H  endorsement  based upon the applicant's criminal history and promptly  notify such  applicant  of  the  determination  and  the  procedure  for  requesting  a  hearing pursuant to this subdivision. If the commissioner  denies an applicant an H endorsement based either in whole or in part on  such applicant's criminal record,  the  commissioner  must  notify  such  applicant of the basis for such denial, and afford such applicant notice  and  an  opportunity  to  be heard and offer proof in opposition to such  determination. If the  applicant  requests  a  hearing  to  contest  the  commissioner's  determination,  such  hearing must be requested no later  than thirty days after the applicant's receipt of the determination  and  must be scheduled by the commissioner within sixty days of such request.  Upon  request  and pursuant to the rules and regulations of the division  of criminal justice services, any applicant may obtain, review and  seek  correction of his or her criminal history record.