304 - Inspection and certificates of inspection.

§ 304. Inspection  and  certificates of inspection. (a) No certificate  or certificates of inspection shall be issued by an official  inspection  station  until  the  mechanisms  and  other  equipment,  as specified in  section three hundred one (c) of this  chapter,  of  the  motor  vehicle  inspected are in proper and safe condition and comply with the rules and  regulations  of the commissioner and with the laws of this state and the  emissions of such motor vehicle conform with subdivision (d) of  section  three  hundred  one of this article and regulations promulgated pursuant  thereto at the time the certificate is issued.    (b) If  such  inspection  discloses  the  necessity  for  adjustments,  corrections  or  repairs  the  owner shall be so notified and shall have  such adjustments, corrections or repairs made within a period of  thirty  days.  If  such  inspection  discloses improper tire pressure, the owner  shall be so notified and  may  have  such  adjustments,  corrections  or  repairs  made  as authorized by this subdivision. The commissioner shall  establish procedures for reporting the results of such  inspections  and  for   notifying  the  owners.  The  owner  may  have  such  adjustments,  corrections and repairs made in any way and by any person provided  that  such  repairs  are  made  in  a  manner  consistent with federal law and  regulations.    (c)  The  commissioner  shall  issue  certificates  of  inspection  to  official  inspection  stations. Such certificates of inspection shall be  serially numbered and shall bear such information  as  the  commissioner  may  require,  and  shall include a notice that any complaint against an  official inspection station for  inadequate  inspection  or  for  making  excessive  or  unreasonable  repairs,  may  be  made  in  writing to the  department of motor vehicles at Albany, New York. Each certificate shall  be valid until the end of the inspection period during which  the  motor  vehicle  must  again  be  inspected,  as  determined  by  the  rules and  regulations of the commissioner, or until the end of the  repair  period  designated under section three hundred four (b), whichever occurs first.