56 - Town-village cooperation.

§ 56. Town-village cooperation. 1. Where a suburban town and a village  or villages therein create one or more joint municipal survey committees  pursuant to article twelve-C of the general municipal law and where such  a  committee  makes  a  recommendation  relating  to the provision of an  existing or new function, service or facility in the town and in one  or  more villages thereof:    a.  If  the  recommendation is for the provision or extension of (1) a  town function, service or facility to one or more villages in  the  town  and  for the spreading of the costs thereof against the affected area of  the town outside villages and against the affected area of such  village  or villages or (2) a village function, service or facility to an area of  the  town outside any village or to an area of any other village and for  the spreading of the costs thereof against the affected area  or  areas,  of  the  village  or villages and against the affected area of the town,  and if such recommendation is acceptable  to  the  town  board  and  the  affected  village  board  or boards, the town board and village board or  boards, respectively, may adopt such recommendation and, notwithstanding  any inconsistent  provision  of  any  general  or  special  law,  taxes,  assessments,  or  other  charges  necessary  to  pay  the  cost  of such  function, service or facility shall be spread (1) by  the  town  against  the  affected area of the town outside villages and against the affected  area in such village or villages or  (2)  by  the  village  or  villages  against  the  affected  area of such village or villages and by the town  against the affected area of the town outside any such village,  as  the  case may be.    b.  If  the  recommendation  is  for  the  provision or extension of a  function, service or facility by the town in the area  outside  villages  or  outside a specified village or villages, as the case may be, and for  the separate provision thereof by such village  or  villages,  with  the  respective  costs  to  be  spread  by  the town against the area outside  villages or outside the specified village or villages, as the  case  may  be, and separately by such village or villages against the area or areas  within  the  same,  and if such recommendation is acceptable to the town  board and the affected village board or boards, the town board  and  the  affected   village   board  or  boards,  respectively,  may  adopt  such  recommendation and, notwithstanding any inconsistent  provision  of  any  general  or  special  law,  the  necessary  taxes, assessments, or other  charges for such function, service or facility shall be borne and spread  on such basis.    c. If the recommendation is for the performance of a  function,  power  or  duty  among  them  or  their  districts,  on a cooperative, joint or  contract basis pursuant to article five-G of the general municipal  law,  or  other  similar law, and for allocating and financing the capital and  operating costs among them or their districts on a  specified  equitable  basis,  and  if  such recommendation is acceptable to the town board and  the affected village board or boards, the town board  and  the  affected  village  board  or  boards,  respectively, may adopt such recommendation  pursuant to such article and, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision  of general or special law, such function, power  or  duty  shall  be  so  provided and the costs allocated and financed on such basis.    d.  Where  costs are to be spread against an area of a town or an area  of a village and such costs are financed pursuant to the  local  finance  law, such area shall be primarily liable therefor.    2.  Members  of the town board shall be eligible to serve on any joint  municipal survey committee in which the town participates.