303 - Settlement of disputes.

§ 303. Settlement of disputes. If disputes arise between the owners of  adjoining  lands,  concerning  the  liability of either party to make or  maintain any division fence, or the proportion or particular part of the  fence to be made or maintained by either of them, such disputes shall be  settled by any two of the fence viewers of the town, one of  whom  shall  be  chosen  by  each  party;  and  if  either neglect, after eight days'  notice, to make such choice, the other party may select both. The  fence  viewers,  in  all  matters  heard by them, shall see that all interested  parties have had  reasonable  notice  thereof,  and  shall  examine  the  premises  and hear the allegations of the parties. If they cannot agree,  they shall select another  fence  viewer  to  act  with  them,  and  the  decision  of  any  two  shall  be  reduced  to  writing,  and  contain a  description of the fence, and the proportion to be maintained  by  each,  and  shall be forthwith filed in the office of the town clerk, and shall  be final upon the parties to such dispute, and all parties holding under  them.