215 - Powers and duties of improvement district commissioners.

§  215.  Powers  and  duties  of  improvement  district commissioners.  Subject to law and the provisions of this chapter, the commissioners  of  every improvement district shall constitute and be known as the board of  commissioners of such improvement district. Such board of commissioners    1.  Shall  elect  one  of  their  members  as  chairman and another as  secretary of the board of commissioners at  the  first  meeting  thereof  following  each  annual election of district commissioners, or the board  of commissioners may designate the town clerk of such town as  secretary  of  the  board  of  commissioners  and when so designated the town clerk  shall act as secretary thereof without  additional  compensation.  Every  board of commissioners shall file and maintain in the office of the town  clerk  a  complete  and accurate record of all proceedings of such board  including certified copies of the minutes of  each  meeting  within  ten  days after each such meeting.    1-a.  May,  when specifically authorized by the town board and subject  to such restrictions as the town board may impose not inconsistent  with  law,  designate one of their members as treasurer and disbursing officer  for such district in place of the supervisor, and  when  a  commissioner  has  been  so  designated, the supervisor, and the receiver of taxes and  assessments or town tax collector shall pay over to the treasurer of the  district all taxes, assessments or  water  rates  or  rentals  assessed,  levied  or  collected for district purposes or services rendered by such  district,  and  all  proceeds  of  obligations   issued   for   district  improvements.   The   proceeds   of   obligations  issued  for  district  improvements shall be deposited, secured and used pursuant to the manner  prescribed by section 165.00 of the local  finance  law.  The  treasurer  shall,  within  ten  days,  deposit  and  secure all other moneys in the  manner provided by section ten of the general municipal law.  The  board  of  commissioners  shall  require  the  treasurer  so designated, before  entering upon the duties of his office, to give an official undertaking,  conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties and that he  will  well  and  truly  keep, pay over and account for all moneys and property  belonging to the district and coming into his  hands  as  treasurer,  in  such  form,  in  such  sum  and  with  such  sureties  as  the  board of  commissioners shall direct and  approve,  and  such  approval  shall  be  indicated  upon  such  undertaking;  and when approved, such undertaking  shall  be  filed  in  the  office  of  the  town  clerk.  The  board  of  commissioners may determine by resolution that such undertaking shall be  executed  by  a  surety  company  authorized to transact business in the  state of New York, and the expense thereof shall  be  a  charge  on  the  district.    1-b.  Shall  audit all claims against the district and shall order the  payment thereof by the district treasurer or the town supervisor, as the  case may be, in the amounts allowed. Except  as  otherwise  provided  by  this  subdivision, no such claim shall be audited or ordered paid by the  board of commissioners unless an itemized voucher therefor, verified  by  or on behalf of the claimant, in such form as the board of commissioners  shall prescribe, shall have been presented to the board of commissioners  for  audit  and  allowance.  The  board  of  commissioners may, however,  provide by resolution, that any such claim may be presented, audited and  paid if it shall have been  certified  to  be  true  and  correct  in  a  statement  signed by or on behalf of the claimant upon a form prescribed  by the board of commissioners. The provisions of this subdivision  shall  not  be  applicable  to  claims  for  the  payment  of fixed salaries of  officers or employees, the  principal  of  or  interest  on  obligations  issued  for  purposes  of  the  district,  fixed amounts becoming due on  lawful contracts for periods exceeding one year, and amounts  which  the  district  may  be  required  to  pay  to the state employees' retirementsystem on account of contributions for  past  and  current  services  of  officers and employees.    1-c.  Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of  subdivision  one-b of this  section,  may  by  resolution  establish  a  petty  cash  fund  for  the  improvement  district treasurer for the payment, in advance of audit, of  properly  itemized  and  verified  or  certified  bills  for  materials,  supplies  or  services  furnished  to  the  improvement district for the  conduct of its affairs and upon terms calling for payment to the  vendor  upon  the delivery of any such materials or supplies or the rendering of  any such services. The amount of such petty cash fund shall  not  exceed  two  hundred  fifty  dollars. At the time of any payment from such fund,  the treasurer shall require delivery to him of a bill in form sufficient  for audit by the board of commissioners of such improvement district  as  required by law. At each meeting of the board of commissioners a list of  all  expenditures  made  from  such  funds since the last meeting of the  board, together with the bill supporting  such  expenditures,  shall  be  presented  by the treasurer to the board of commissioners for audit. The  board of commissioners of such improvement  district  shall  direct  the  treasurer  to  reimburse  such  petty  cash  fund  from  the appropriate  budgetary item or items, in an amount equal to the total of  such  bills  which  it  shall so audit and allow. Any of such bills or any portion of  such bills which the board of commissioners shall refuse  to  audit  and  allow  shall  be  the  personal  liability of the treasurer and he shall  promptly  reimburse  such  petty  cash  fund  in  the  amount  of   such  disallowances.  If  such  reimbursement has not been made by the time of  the first payment of salary to the treasurer after  the  action  of  the  board of commissioners in disallowing an amount so expended, such amount  shall  be  withheld  from  such  salary payment to the treasurer and, if  necessary, subsequent salary payments and paid into such petty cash fund  until an amount equal to the amount so disallowed in the  audit  of  the  board  of commissioners has been repaid to the petty cash fund. Any bond  or undertaking  filed  by  the  treasurer  shall  be  available  to  the  improvement  district  for  recovery of any losses incurred by reason of  the operation of such petty cash funds.    2. Shall cause a map to be prepared showing the  exact  boundaries  of  the district and file a certified copy thereof in the office of the town  clerk.    3.  Shall  give  notice  of annual elections in the manner provided in  this article.    4.  Subject  to  the  provisions  of  this  article,  shall  have  the  management  and  control  of the property of the district and may insure  the same against loss or damage from any risk whatsoever.    5. Subject to the provisions of this article, may acquire by purchase,  lease, gift, devise or by condemnation, real property  for  any  of  the  purposes  authorized by law. All real property required for any district  purpose, shall be deemed to be  required  for  public  use  and  may  be  acquired by such district.    6.  May  sue and be sued as the board of commissioners of the district  for the breach of any contract entered into by them,  pursuant  to  this  article.  Any  sum of money recovered by them in such an action shall be  paid over to the town  treasury  and  be  credited  to  the  improvement  district.  In  the event of the entry of any judgment against such board  of commissioners such board shall notify the town board as to the amount  of such judgment, interest and costs, and the town board shall forthwith  satisfy and pay such judgment, interest and costs,  and  the  amount  so  paid in satisfaction of any such judgment, interest and costs shall be a  charge  against such improvement district and as such levied against the  taxable property therein, or the amount of any such judgment,  includinginterest  and costs may be financed pursuant to the local finance law in  which event amounts necessary to provide  for  the  annual  payments  of  principal of and interest on any obligations issued by the town for such  purpose  shall be a charge against such improvement district and as such  levied against the taxable property therein.    8. Shall have the power, with the approval of the majority of the town  board, and, if a public hearing thereon is required by paragraph (a)  of  subdivision  twelve of section one hundred ninety-eight of this chapter,  after such hearing, and within the limits authorized by such  paragraph,  to  sell  or  lease  any  real  or  personal  property owned by, but not  required for the purposes of, the district. The receipts from such  sale  or lease shall be paid to the supervisor of the town and credited to the  district  and may be expended for any district purpose permitted by law,  as the board of commissioners may direct.    9. Shall, on or before the fifteenth day of January, of each and every  year, file with the town clerk and post on the website of the  district,  provided  such  website  is  maintained, a report for the preceding year  ending the thirty-first day of December, containing a statement  of  the  following facts:    a.  The  amount of money on hand at the beginning of the year, and the  receipts from all sources during such year.    b. An itemized statement of the amount paid out during such year,  and  the balance on hand.    c.  The  outstanding  indebtedness  of  the district, either bonded or  otherwise, separately stated.    d. The estimated deficiency in the amount necessary to  pay  principal  or  interest or the expenses of the district during the next year, after  applying thereto the probable amount of income.    e. The improvements and extensions made during such preceding year  in  the district.    f.  Such  other facts as the board deems important for the information  of the district, together  with  such  recommendations  concerning  such  district  as  may  be  deemed  proper. Upon receipt of the filing of the  report, the town clerk shall cause a copy of the report to be posted  on  the website of the town, if such website is maintained.    9-a.  Shall  annually prepare an estimate of proposed expenditures for  and revenues of such district for  the  year  beginning  with  the  next  succeeding  January  fist.  Such  estimate  shall  specify  by  item all  proposed  expenditures  for  general  purposes,  including  expert   and  professional  services,  and for debt service. Such estimate may contain  for contingent purposes, an amount not to exceed ten per centum  of  the  amount  estimated  as  necessary  to meet the expense of maintaining the  improvement exclusive of the amount necessary to pay  debt  service  and  judgments.  The board of commissioners shall conduct a public hearing on  such estimate on the first  Thursday  following  the  first  Tuesday  of  September  or,  in  Westchester  and Monroe counties, the first Thursday  following the first Tuesday of October. Notice of such hearing shall  be  published  at  least  once in the official newspaper of the town wherein  such  district  is  located,  or  if  no  official  newspaper  has  been  designated  by  the town, in any newspaper having general circulation in  the district. The notice may be published in such  other  newspapers  as  the  board  of  commissioners may direct. The notice of hearing shall be  published not more than twenty nor less than five days prior to the  day  specified  for  the  hearing. The notice of hearing shall state the time  when and the place where the public hearing will be  held,  the  purpose  thereof,  and  that  a copy of the estimate of proposed expenditures for  and revenues of such district for the year beginning with the succeeding  first day of January is available for  public  inspection  at  specifiedtimes  and  at  a  specified public place. After the public hearing, the  board of commissioners of an improvement district may change, alter  and  revise  such estimate prior to filing with the budget officer. Notice of  such public hearing shall also be posted on the websites of the district  and  the  town  in which the district is located, provided such websites  are maintained, on the signboard of the town and conspicuously posted in  three or more designated public locations within  the  district,  on  or  about the day on which such notice is published.    10.  Shall,  after  the  public  hearing  conducted  as  prescribed in  subdivision nine-a of  this  section,  annually  file  with  the  budget  officer  at  the  time  specified  in  sections one hundred four and two  hundred two-a of this chapter and post on the website of  the  district,  if such website is maintained, the estimate of proposed expenditures for  and revenues of such district for the year beginning with the succeeding  first  day  of  January. Upon receipt of the filing of the estimate, the  budget officer shall cause a copy of such estimate to be posted  on  the  website  of  the  town,  if such website is maintained. In any town, the  town board may reduce any item specified in such estimate, but  may  not  reduce  any  item relating to estimated revenues and debt service unless  the majority of the commissioners of  an  improvement  district  request  such reduction in writing.    11. May award contracts in the same manner and upon the same notice as  provided for the award of contracts by the town board in article twelve,  provided,  however,  that the board of commissioners shall not incur any  indebtedness or contract any obligation in excess of the amount provided  for in the annual estimate and for which a tax or  assessment  has  been  previously  levied  upon  the  district,  except pursuant to petition as  hereinafter provided or except from funds made available pursuant to the  local finance law.    12. Shall adopt a resolution prescribing how water  connections  shall  be  made  and shall make and establish from time to time, water rates to  be paid by consumers and may provide  for  the  payment  of  such  water  charges  in  advance.  The  board  of  commissioners  may provide that a  discount shall be allowed for the prompt payment of water  rates  within  the  time  required  by  such  board for the payment thereof. Such water  charges shall be a  lien  upon  the  real  property  upon  which  or  in  connection  with  which  said water was used. The board of commissioners  may provide that unpaid water rates which are in arrears for thirty days  or longer shall be subject to a penalty not exceeding ten per centum  of  the  amount  due  and  may further provide for cutting off the supply of  water if such water charges are not paid within sixty days from the date  due, in a water district.  At  the  same  time  as  the  filing  of  the  estimates  specified  in section one hundred four of this chapter, or in  case the town board shall elect by resolution a subsequent  date,  which  in  no  event  shall be later than November first in any year, the water  commissioners shall annually file with the  town  board,  and  with  the  supervisors  of  adjoining  towns  in  which permits have been issued to  property owners, statements showing the  unpaid  water  charges  in  the  respective  districts  and towns and which have not appeared on any such  statements previously filed.    13. Shall adopt  a  resolution  or  ordinance  prescribing  how  sewer  connections shall be made, in a sewer district.    14.  Shall adopt a resolution or ordinance prescribing how storm sewer  connections shall be made, in a drainage district.    15. Shall have all the powers provided in section two hundred  one  of  this  chapter  to  require  the  installation of sewer connections, in a  sewer or drainage district and water connections, in a  water  district.  All   notices   therein   required  shall  be  given  by  the  board  ofcommissioners and the cost  or  expense  of  the  improvement  shall  be  certified to the town board and assessed by it.    16.  Shall  have  all  the  powers  of  the  town  board,  pursuant to  subdivision  four  of  section  one  hundred  ninety-eight,  in  a  park  district.    17.  Shall  have  all  the  powers  of  the  town  board,  pursuant to  subdivision seven of section one hundred ninety-eight, in a  refuse  and  garbage district.    18.  Shall  have  all  the  powers  of  the  town  board,  pursuant to  subdivision eight of section one hundred ninety-eight, in a public  dock  district.    19.  Except  as  otherwise  provided  by  this article, shall have and  exercise any power conferred upon the town board of the town in  such  a  district,  pursuant  to provisions of article twelve and of sections two  hundred  thirty-seven,  two  hundred  thirty-eight   and   two   hundred  thirty-nine of article fifteen, when delegated to it by the town board.    20.  May  provide  by  resolution that candidates for district offices  shall file their names with the secretary of the board of  commissioners  at  least  thirty days prior to the date of the district elections, and,  in addition, require that such nominations be submitted in petition form  subscribed by twenty-five registered voters of the district. Thereafter,  the ballots for the election of  district  officers  shall  specify  the  names  of  the  candidates  duly  filed and, in addition, provide proper  blank spaces for each office to be filled at such election. If any  such  resolution shall be adopted, the requirements thereof shall be specified  in  the  notice  of each district election held thereafter. The board of  commissioners may rescind such resolution at  any  time  and  thereafter  district officers shall be elected as otherwise provided herein.    21.  Whenever  a vacancy shall occur or exist in any elective district  office, the town board of the town in which  such  district  is  located  shall  appoint  a qualified person to fill the vacancy and the person so  appointed shall hold office until the thirty-first day of December  next  succeeding  the  first annual district election held at least sixty days  after such vacancy shall occur or exist, provided, however,  that  if  a  vacancy so occurs or exists in any elective district office, the term of  which  would expire on the thirty-first day of December next succeeding,  the person so appointed shall hold office only until  such  thirty-first  day of December; and at the first annual district election held at least  sixty  days  after such vacancy shall occur and exist, a successor shall  be elected for the unexpired portion of the term beginning on the  first  day  of January next succeeding. Whenever a vacancy shall occur or exist  in any other  district  office,  the  board  of  commissioners  of  such  district  may  appoint  a qualified person to fill the vacancy who shall  hold office for the remainder of the unexpired term.    22. May regularly employ an attorney or an engineer  for  professional  services  and  advice,  or  may  employ  from  time to time and whenever  necessary an attorney or  engineer  or  counsel  or  expert  engineering  service   in   relation  to  a  specific  subject  matter,  improvement,  proceedings or litigation, provided  however,  that  no  such  attorney,  engineer,  counsel  or  engineering service shall be employed unless and  until the town board of the town in which such district is located shall  adopt a resolution authorizing such employment. With the consent of  the  town  board,  the  town  attorney  or  the  town  engineer  may  perform  professional services for the district  and  receive  such  compensation  therefor  as  may be agreed upon between the commissioners and such town  attorney or town engineer.    23. May purchase uniforms and protective apparel for employees of  the  district.