195 - Recording of determination; review by certiorari.

§  195.  Recording of determination; review by certiorari. 1. The town  clerk shall cause a certified copy of the determination or order of  the  town  board  adopted  pursuant  to  the  provisions  of this article, or  adopted pursuant to the provisions of article seventeen-A of the general  municipal law, establishing, extending, dissolving  or  diminishing  any  district,  consolidating  districts  or  increasing  the  maximum amount  proposed to be expended for the improvement in any district or extension  thereof, or determining to construct any improvement authorized by  this  article, to be duly recorded in the office of the clerk of the county in  which  the  town  is located, within ten days after the adoption of such  order or determination by the town board,  and  when  so  recorded  such  determination  or  order shall be presumptive evidence of the regularity  of the proceedings for  the  establishment,  extension,  dissolution  or  diminution  of  such  district,  of  the  proceedings instituted for the  construction of such improvement and of all other action taken  by  said  town board in relation thereto.    Within  ten days after the adoption of a determination or order by the  town  board  establishing,  extending,  dissolving  or   diminishing   a  district,  or  consolidating  districts,  the  town  clerk shall cause a  certified copy thereof to be filed in the office of the state department  of audit and control at Albany, New York.    2. Any interested person aggrieved by any final determination or order  made pursuant to the provisions of this article may review the  same  by  certiorari provided that the application for such order of certiorari is  made  within thirty days from the date of the recording of the certified  copy of the order or determination in the office of  the  clerk  of  the  county.  The  said  determination or order shall be final and conclusive  unless application has been made for review by certiorari within  thirty  days  from  the time of recording thereof. No review shall be had unless  at the time of the application for a  certiorari  order  the  interested  person  seeking  the  review  shall  give an undertaking approved by the  supreme court, or a justice thereof, as to form, amount and  sufficiency  sureties,   that,   in  the  event  of  failure  to  modify  said  final  determination or order he or they will pay to the town board,  all  such  costs  and  expenses  as  are  incurred  by  it  on  account of the said  certiorari proceedings, as shall be determined  by  the  court.  In  the  event that upon such review there shall be any modification by the court  of  said  final  determination  or  order  the  court  shall  direct the  modification thereof by order which shall be final  and  conclusive  and  such  town  board shall cause such order to be recorded and filed in the  same places and manner as was the determination or order appealed from.