1340 - Authorization to impose tax.

§  1340.  Authorization  to  impose  tax. (a) In addition to any other  taxes, now authorized by law, any city having a population of more  than  one  hundred  ninety thousand but less than two hundred fifteen thousand  inhabitants, determined in accordance with the 1980 federal  census,  is  hereby authorized and empowered to adopt and amend local laws imposing a  tax  on  the earnings of nonresidents of such city to be administered in  the manner provided for in this article by the commissioner.    The tax authorized by this article may be imposed  only  if  the  city  imposing  the  tax  herein  authorized  also  imposes  a city income tax  surcharge on its residents. The rates of such tax  shall  be  the  rates  contained in section two of the model local law.    (b)  (i) A local law enacted pursuant to the authority of this section  shall go into effect on the  first  day  of  January,  nineteen  hundred  eighty-four  and shall apply to taxable years beginning on or after such  date and before two thousand twelve. Provided, however,  no  such  local  law  shall  be  so  effective  unless  such local law is enacted by July  thirty-first, nineteen hundred eighty-four and unless a  certified  copy  of  such  local  law  is  mailed  by registered or certified mail to the  commissioner at such commissioner's office in Albany by such date.  (ii)  If  the  requirements of the preceding sentence are not met, a local law  enacted pursuant to the authority of this section shall go  into  effect  on  the  first  day  of  the  next succeeding January and shall apply to  taxable years beginning on or after such date and  before  two  thousand  twelve.  Provided,  however,  no  such  local  law shall be so effective  unless such local law is enacted at least ninety days prior to the  date  it  is to become effective and unless a certified copy of such local law  is mailed by registered or certified mail to the  commissioner  at  such  commissioner's  office in Albany by such date. However, the commissioner  may waive and reduce such  ninety  day  minimum  requirements  within  a  period of not less than thirty days prior to such effective date if such  commissioner deems such action to be consistent with such commissioner's  duties  under  this  article.  (iii)  Any  amendment of such a local law  enacted pursuant to the authority of the section, which changes the rate  of the income tax surcharge on residents, shall take effect on the first  day of January in the year in which such amendment is enacted and  shall  apply  to  taxable  years  beginning  on  or  after  such  date, if such  amendment is enacted on or before July thirty-first of the year in which  it is to take effect and a certified copy of such amendment is mailed by  registered or certified mail to the commissioner at his or her office in  Albany by such date. (iv) If the requirements of paragraph (iii) of this  subsection are not met, the amendment of such local law  shall  go  into  effect  on  the first day of the next succeeding January and shall apply  to taxable years beginning on or after such date, provided that no  such  amendment  shall  take  effect unless it is enacted at least ninety days  prior to the date it is to become effective and a certified copy thereof  is mailed by registered or certified mail to the commissioner at his  or  her office in Albany by such date.    (c) The terms of such local law shall be substantially the same as the  following model local law.                        EARNINGS TAX ON NONRESIDENTS                               Model Local Law  Section   1. Meaning of terms.            2. Persons subject to tax.            3. Taxable  years  to  which  tax  imposed  by  this local law                 applies.            4. Allocation to the city.            5. Accounting periods and methods.            7. Withholding of tax on wages.8. Returns and payment of tax.            9. Combined returns and employer's returns.           10. Time and place for filing returns and paying tax.           11. Signing of returns and other documents.           12. Change of residence status during year.           13. Extensions of time.           14. Requirements   concerning  returns,  notices,  records  and                 statements.           15. Report of change in  federal  or  New  York  state  taxable                 income.           16. Effect  of  invalidity  in part; inconsistencies with other                 laws.    Section 1. Meaning of terms. As used in this local law, the  following  terms shall mean and include:    (a) City. City shall mean the city imposing the tax.    (b)  Payroll  period  and  employer. Payroll period and employer shall  mean the same as payroll period and employer as defined  in  subsections  (b)  and  (d) of section thirty-four hundred one of the internal revenue  code, and "employee" shall also include all those included as  employees  in subsection (c) of such section of such code.    * (c)  Wages.  Wages  shall mean wages as defined in subsection (a) of  section thirty-four hundred one of the  internal  revenue  code,  except  that (1) wages shall not include payments for active service as a member  of  the  armed forces of the United States and shall not include, in the  case of a nonresident individual or partner of a  partnership  doing  an  insurance  business  as  a  member  of  the  New York insurance exchange  described in section six thousand two hundred one of the insurance  law,  any  item  of  income, gain, loss or deduction of such business which is  such individual's distributive or pro rata share for federal income  tax  purposes  or  which  such  individual  is  required to take into account  separately for federal income tax purposes and (2) wages  shall  include  (i)  the  amount  of  member  or  employee contributions to a retirement  system or pension fund picked up by the employer pursuant to subdivision  f of section five hundred seventeen or  subdivision  d  of  section  six  hundred  thirteen  of  the retirement and social security law or section  13-225.1, 13-327.1, 13-125.1, 13-125.2 or 13-521.1 of the administrative  code of the  city  of  New  York  or  subdivision  nineteen  of  section  twenty-five  hundred  seventy-five of the education law, (ii) the amount  deducted or deferred from an employee's salary under a flexible benefits  program established pursuant to  section  twenty-three  of  the  general  municipal  law  or  section one thousand two hundred ten-a of the public  authorities law, (iii) the amount  by  which  an  employee's  salary  is  reduced  pursuant to the provisions of subdivision b of section 12-126.1  and subdivision b of section 12-126.2 of the administrative code of  the  city   of   New  York,  and  (iv)  the  amount  of  member  or  employee  contributions to a retirement system or pension fund picked up  or  paid  by  the  employer  for  members  of  the  Manhattan  and  Bronx  surface  transportation  authority  pension  plan   and   treated   as   employer  contributions  in  determining income tax treatment under section 414(h)  of the Internal Revenue Code.    * NB Expires per ch. 681/92 § 16    (d)   Net   earnings   from   self-employment.   Net   earnings   from  self-employment shall mean the same as net earnings from self-employment  as  defined  in  subsection  (a)  of section fourteen hundred two of the  internal revenue code, except that the deduction for wages and  salaries  paid  or  incurred for the taxable year which is not allowed pursuant to  section two hundred eighty-C of such code shall be allowed,  and  except  that  an  estate  or  trust  shall  be  deemed to have net earnings fromself-employment  determined  in  the  same  manner  as  if  it  were  an  individual  subject  to  the  tax  on  self-employment income imposed by  section fourteen hundred one of the internal revenue code diminished  by  (1) the amount of any deduction allowed by subsection (c) of section six  hundred  forty-two  of  the internal revenue code and (2) the deductions  allowed by sections six hundred fifty-one and six hundred  sixty-one  of  such code to the extent that they represent distributions or payments to  a  resident  of  the  city.  However,  "trade  or  business"  as used in  subsection (a) of section fourteen hundred two of such code  shall  mean  the  same  as  trade or business as defined in subsection (c) of section  fourteen hundred two of such code, except that paragraphs four, five and  six of such subsection shall not apply in determining net earnings  from  self-employment  taxable  under this local law. Provided however, in the  case of a nonresident individual or partner of a  partnership  doing  an  insurance  business described in section six thousand two hundred one of  the insurance law, any item of income, gain, loss or deduction  of  such  business  which  is  the individual's distributive or pro rata share for  federal income tax purposes or which the individual is required to  take  into  account  separately  for  federal income tax purposes shall not be  considered to be "net earnings from self-employment".    (e) Taxable year. Taxable year shall mean the taxpayer's taxable  year  for federal income tax purposes.    (f)   Resident   individual.  A  resident  individual  shall  mean  an  individual:    (1) who is domiciled in the city, unless (A) the taxpayer maintains no  permanent place of abode in the city, maintains  a  permanent  place  of  abode  elsewhere,  and spends in the aggregate not more than thirty days  of the taxable year in the city, or (B) (i) within any  period  of  five  hundred  forty-eight  consecutive  days  the  taxpayer  is  present in a  foreign country or countries for at least four hundred fifty  days,  and  (ii) during such period of five hundred forty-eight consecutive days the  taxpayer, the taxpayer's spouse (unless the spouse is legally separated)  and  the  taxpayer's minor children are not present in the city for more  than ninety days, and (iii)  during  any  period  of  less  than  twelve  months,  which  would be treated as a separate taxable period based on a  change of resident status, and which  period  is  contained  within  the  period  of  five  hundred  forty-eight consecutive days, the taxpayer is  present in the city for a number of days which does not exceed an amount  which bears the same ratio to ninety as the number of days contained  in  that   period   of  less  than  twelve  months  bears  to  five  hundred  forty-eight, or    (2) who is not domiciled in the city but maintains a  permanent  place  of  abode  in the city and spends in the aggregate more than one hundred  eighty-three  days  of  the  taxable  year  in  the  city,  unless  such  individual  is  in  active  service  in  the  armed forces of the United  States.    (g) Nonresident individual. A nonresident  individual  shall  mean  an  individual who is not a resident.    (h) Resident estate or trust. A resident estate or trust shall mean:    (1)  the  estate  of  a decedent who at his death was domiciled in the  city,    (2) a  trust,  or  a  portion  of  a  trust,  consisting  of  property  transferred  by will of a decedent who at his death was domiciled in the  city, or    (3) a trust, or a portion of a trust, consisting of the property of:    (A) a person domiciled in such city at  the  time  such  property  was  transferred  to  the trust, if such trust or portion of a trust was thenirrevocable, or if it was then revocable and has not subsequently become  irrevocable; or    (B)  a person domiciled in such city at the time such trust or portion  of a trust became irrevocable, if it was revocable  when  such  property  was transferred to the trust but has subsequently become irrevocable.    For  the purposes of the foregoing, a trust or a portion of a trust is  revocable if it is subject to a power, exercisable immediately or at any  future time, to revest title in the person  whose  property  constitutes  such  trust  or  portion  of  a  trust and a trust or portion of a trust  becomes  irrevocable  when  the  possibility  that  such  power  may  be  exercised has been terminated.    (i)  Nonresident  estate or trust. A nonresident estate or trust shall  mean an estate or trust which is not a resident.    (j) The term "partnership" shall include, unless a  different  meaning  is  clearly required, a subchapter K limited liability company. The term  "subchapter K limited liability company" shall mean a limited  liability  company classified as a partnership for federal income tax purposes. The  term  "limited  liability  company"  means  a domestic limited liability  company or a foreign limited liability company, as  defined  in  section  one  hundred  two  of  the  limited  liability  company  law,  a limited  liability investment company formed pursuant  to  section  five  hundred  seven  of  the  banking law, or a limited liability trust company formed  pursuant to section one hundred two-a of the banking law.    (k) Comparable meaning of terms. Unless a different meaning is clearly  required, any term used in this local law shall have the same meaning as  when used in a comparable context in  the  laws  of  the  United  States  relating  to  federal  taxes  but  such  meaning shall be subject to the  exceptions  or  modifications  prescribed  in  or  pursuant  to  article  thirty-B  of  the tax law or by the laws of this state. Any reference in  this local law to the internal revenue code, the internal  revenue  code  of nineteen hundred eighty-six or to the laws of the United States shall  mean  the  provisions  of  the internal revenue code of nineteen hundred  eighty-six (unless a reference to the internal revenue code of  nineteen  hundred  fifty-four  is  clearly  intended), and amendments thereto, and  other provisions of the laws of the United States  relating  to  federal  taxes, and amendments thereto.    §  2.  Persons  subject to tax. (a) Imposition of tax. A tax is hereby  imposed at a rate not to exceed one-half of one  percent  on  the  wages  earned, and net earnings from self-employment, within the city, of every  nonresident individual, estate and trust.    (b)  Exclusion.  (1) In computing the amount of wages and net earnings  from self-employment taxable under subsection (a) of this section, there  shall be allowed an  exclusion  against  the  total  of  wages  and  net  earnings from self-employment in accordance with the following table:      Total of Wages and Net Earnings      From Self-Employment                         Exclusion Allowable      Not Over $10,000                             $3,000      Over $10,000 But Not Over      $20,000                                      $2,000      Over $20,000 But Not Over      $30,000                                      $1,000      Over $30,000                                 NONE    (2)  The  exclusion  allowable shall be applied pro rata against wages  and net earnings from self-employment.    (3) For taxable periods of less than one year, the exclusion allowable  shall be prorated pursuant to regulations of the state tax commission.    (c) Limitation. In no event shall a taxpayer be  subject  to  the  tax  under  this  local law in an amount greater than he would be required topay if he were a resident of the city and subject to a city  income  tax  surcharge  on  residents  of  the  city  adopted by the city pursuant to  authority granted by article thirty-A of the tax law.    § 3. Taxable years to which tax imposed by this local law applies. The  tax  imposed  by  this  local law is imposed for taxable years beginning  after December thirty-first, nineteen hundred  eighty-three  and  before  January first, two thousand twelve.    §  4.  Allocation  to  the  city.  (a)  General.  If net earnings from  self-employment are derived from services performed,  or  from  sources,  within and without the city, there shall be allocated to the city a fair  and equitable portion of such earnings.    (b)  Allocation  of  net  earnings  from self-employment. (1) Place of  business. If a taxpayer has no regular place  of  business  outside  the  city  all of his net earnings from self-employment shall be allocated to  the city.    (2) Allocation by taxpayer's books. The portion of net  earnings  from  self-employment  allocable  to the city may be determined from the books  and records of a taxpayer's trade or business, if the  methods  used  in  keeping  such  books  and the accuracy thereof are approved by the state  tax commission as fairly and  equitably  reflecting  net  earnings  from  self-employment within the city.    (3)  Allocation  by  formula. If paragraph two of this subsection does  not  apply  to  the  taxpayer,  the  portion  of   net   earnings   from  self-employment allocable to the city shall be determined by multiplying  (A)  net  earnings  from self-employment within and without the city, by  (B) the average of the following three percentages:    (i) Property percentage. The percentage computed by dividing  (I)  the  average  of  the value, at the beginning and end of the taxable year, of  real and tangible personal property connected with the net earnings from  self-employment and located within the city, by (II) the average of  the  value,  at  the  beginning  and end of the taxable year, of all real and  tangible  personal  property  connected  with  the  net  earnings   from  self-employment  and  located both within and without the city. For this  purpose, real property shall include real  property,  whether  owned  or  rented.    (ii)  Payroll  percentage. The percentage computed by dividing (I) the  total wages, salaries and other personal service  compensation  paid  or  incurred during the taxable year to employees in connection with the net  earnings  from  self-employment derived from a trade or business carried  on within the city, by (II) the total of all wages, salaries  and  other  personal  service  compensation paid or incurred during the taxable year  to employees in connection with the net  earnings  from  self-employment  derived  from a trade or business carried on both within and without the  city.    (iii) Gross income percentage. The percentage computed by dividing (I)  the gross sales or charges for  services  performed  by  or  through  an  agency  located within the city, by (II) the total of all gross sales or  charges for services performed within and without the city. The sales or  charges to be allocated to the city shall include all  sales  negotiated  or  consummated,  and  charges  for  services performed, by an employee,  agent, agency or independent contractor chiefly situated  at,  connected  by  contract  or  otherwise  with,  or  sent  out from, offices or other  agencies of the trade or business from which a taxpayer is deriving  net  earnings from self-employment, situated within the city.    (c)  Other  allocation  methods.  The  portion  of  net  earnings from  self-employment allocable to the city shall be determined in  accordance  with  rules  and  regulations  of  the  state tax commission if it shall  appear to the tax commission that the net earnings from  self-employmentare   not  fairly  and  equitably  reflected  under  the  provisions  of  subsection (b) of this section.    (d)  Special  rules  for  real  estate. Income and deductions from the  rental of real property and gain and loss from  the  sale,  exchange  or  other  disposition  of real property, shall not be subject to allocation  under subsection (b) or (c) of this section, but shall be considered  as  entirely derived from or connected with the place in which such property  is located.    §  5.  Accounting  periods  and  methods.  (a)  Accounting  periods. A  taxpayer's taxable year under this local law shall be the  same  as  his  taxable year for federal income tax purposes.    (b)  Change  of  accounting  periods.  If a taxpayer's taxable year is  changed for federal income tax purposes, his taxable year  for  purposes  of  this  local  law  shall be similarly changed. If a taxable period of  less than twelve months results from  a  change  of  taxable  year,  the  exclusion  allowable  under  section  two  of  this  local  law shall be  prorated under regulations of the state tax commission.    (c) Accounting methods. A taxpayer's method of accounting  under  this  local  law  shall  be  the  same as his method of accounting for federal  income tax purposes. In the absence of  any  method  of  accounting  for  federal  income  tax  purposes, net earnings from self-employment within  the city shall be computed under such method as in the  opinion  of  the  state  tax commission clearly reflects net earnings from self-employment  within the city.    (d) Change of accounting  methods.  (1)  If  a  taxpayer's  method  of  accounting  is  changed  for  federal income tax purposes, his method of  accounting for purposes of this local law shall be similarly changed.    (2) If a taxpayer's method of accounting is changed, other  than  from  an  accrual  to  an installment method, any additional tax which results  from adjustments determined to be necessary  solely  by  reason  of  the  change  shall  not  be  greater  than  if  such adjustments were ratably  allocated and included for the  taxable  year  of  the  change  and  the  preceding  taxable  years beginning after nineteen hundred eighty-three,  not in excess of two, during which  the  taxpayer  used  the  method  of  accounting from which the change is made.    (3) If a taxpayer's method of accounting is changed from an accrual to  an installment method, any additional tax for the year of such change of  method  and for any subsequent year which is attributable to the receipt  of installment payments properly accrued  in  a  prior  year,  shall  be  reduced by the portion of tax for any prior taxable year attributable to  the accrual of such installment payments, in accordance with regulations  of the state tax commission.    §  7.  Withholding of tax on wages. The provisions contained in part V  of article twenty-two of the tax law (relating to withholding of tax  on  wages)  shall  be  applicable with the same force and effect as if those  provisions had been  incorporated  in  full  in  this  section  and  had  expressly  referred  to  the  tax imposed by this local law except where  inconsistent with the provisions of this local law, except that the term  "aggregate amount"  contained  in  paragraphs  one,  two  and  three  of  subsection  (a) of section six hundred seventy-four of the tax law shall  mean the aggregate of the aggregate amounts of New York  state  personal  income  tax,  city  earnings  tax on nonresidents authorized pursuant to  article two-E of the general city law, city earnings tax on nonresidents  authorized pursuant to article thirty-B of the tax  law,  city  personal  income tax on residents authorized pursuant to article thirty of the tax  law  and  city  income tax surcharge on residents authorized pursuant to  article thirty-A of the tax law required to be deducted and withheld.§ 8. Returns and payment  of  tax.  (a)  General.  On  or  before  the  fifteenth  day  of  the  fourth month following the close of the taxable  year, every person subject to the tax shall make and file a  return  and  any  balance  of  the  tax shown due on the face of such return shall be  paid  therewith.    The state tax commission may, by regulation, provide  for the filing of returns and payment of the tax at such other times  as  it  deems  necessary  for  the proper enforcement of this local law. The  state tax commission may also provide  by  regulation  that  any  return  otherwise  required  to  be  made  and filed under this local law by any  nonresident individual need not be made and filed  if  such  nonresident  individual  had,  during  the  taxable  year  to  which the return would  relate, no net  earnings  from  self-employment  within  the  city.  Any  regulation  allowing  such  waiver  of return may provide for additional  limitations on and conditions and prerequisites to the privilege of  not  filing a return.    (b)  Decedents.  The  return for any deceased individual shall be made  and filed by his executor, administrator, or other person  charged  with  his  property.  If a final return of a decedent is for a fractional part  of a year, the due date of such return shall be the fifteenth day of the  fourth month following the close of the twelve-month period which  began  with the first day of such fractional part of the year.    (c)  Individuals  under a disability. The return for an individual who  is unable to make a return by reason of  minority  or  other  disability  shall  be  made and filed by his guardian, committee, fiduciary or other  person charged with the care of his person or  property  (other  than  a  receiver  in  possession of only a part of his property), or by his duly  authorized agent.    (d) Estates and trusts. The return for an estate  or  trust  shall  be  made and filed by the fiduciary.    (e)  Joint fiduciaries. If two or more fiduciaries are acting jointly,  the return may be made by any one of them.    (f) Cross reference. For  provisions  as  to  information  returns  by  partnerships, employers and other persons, see section fourteen.    § 9. Combined returns and employer's returns. The state tax commission  may require:    (1) The filing of any or all of the following:    (A)  A combined return which in addition to the return provided for in  a local law authorized by article thirty-B  of  the  tax  law  may  also  include  returns  required  to  be filed under a local law authorized by  article two-E of the general city law or article thirty or  thirty-A  of  the tax law and under article twenty-two of the tax law.    (B)  A  combined employer's return which in addition to the employer's  return provided for in a local law authorized by article thirty-B of the  tax law may also include employer's returns required to be filed under a  local law authorized by article two-E of the general city law or article  thirty or thirty-A of the tax law and under article  twenty-two  of  the  tax law.    (2) Where a combined return or employer's return is required, and with  respect  to  the  payment of estimated tax, the state tax commission may  also require payment of a single amount which shall be the total of  the  amounts  (total  taxes  less any credits or refunds) required to be paid  with the returns or employer's returns or in payment  of  estimated  tax  pursuant  to the provisions of local laws imposed under the authority of  article thirty-B of the tax law, article two-E of the general  city  law  or  article  thirty  or  thirty-A  of  the  tax  law and pursuant to the  provisions of article twenty-two of the tax law.    § 10. Time and place for filing  returns  and  paying  tax.  A  person  required  to  make and file a return under this local law shall, withoutassessment, notice or demand, pay any tax due thereon to the  state  tax  commission   on  or  before  the  date  fixed  for  filing  such  return  (determined without regard to any  extension  of  time  for  filing  the  return).  The  state  tax  commission  shall prescribe by regulation the  place for filing  any  return,  statement  or  other  document  required  pursuant to this local law and for payment of any tax.    § 11. Signing of returns and other documents. (a) General. Any return,  statement  or  other document required to be made pursuant to this local  law shall be signed  in  accordance  with  regulations  or  instructions  prescribed  by  the  state tax commission. The fact that an individual's  name is signed to a return, statement or other document, shall be  prima  facie  evidence  for  all  purposes  that the return, statement or other  document was actually signed by him.    (b) Partnerships. Any return, statement or other document required  of  a  partnership  shall be signed by one or more partners. The fact that a  partner's name is signed to a return, statement or other document, shall  be prima facie evidence for all purposes that such partner is authorized  to sign on behalf of the partnership.    (c) Certifications. The making or filing of any return,  statement  or  other  document or copy thereof required to be made or filed pursuant to  this local law, including a copy of a federal return, shall constitute a  certification by the person making or filing such return,  statement  or  other document or copy thereof that the statements contained therein are  true and that any copy filed is a true copy.    §  12.  Change  of  residence  status  during year. (a) General. If an  individual changes his status during his taxable year from  resident  to  nonresident,  or from nonresident to resident, he shall file a return as  a nonresident for  the  portion  of  the  year  during  which  he  is  a  nonresident if he is subject to the tax imposed by this local law or, if  not  subject  to  such tax, an information return for the portion of the  year during which he is a nonresident, subject to such exceptions as the  state tax commission  may  prescribe  by  regulation.  Such  information  return  shall  be due at the same time as the return required by a local  law authorized by article thirty-A of the tax law for the portion of the  year during which such individual is a resident.    (b) City taxable wages  and  net  earnings  from  self-employment  for  portion  of year individual is a nonresident. The city taxable wages and  net earnings from self-employment for the portion  of  the  year  during  which  the  taxpayer  is  a  nonresident  shall be determined, except as  provided in subsection (c), under this local law as if his taxable  year  for  federal  income  tax  purposes  were  limited  to the period of his  nonresident status.    (c) Special accruals. (1) If a  individual  changes  his  status  from  resident   to  nonresident,  he  shall,  regardless  of  his  method  of  accounting, accrue for the portion of the taxable  year  prior  to  such  change  of  status any items of income, gain, loss or deduction accruing  prior to the change of status,  if  not  otherwise  properly  includible  (whether  or  not  because  of  an  election to report on an installment  basis) or allowable for city earnings tax purposes for such  portion  of  the  taxable  year  or a prior taxable year. The amounts of such accrued  items shall be determined as if such accrued items  were  includible  or  allowable for federal self-employment tax purposes.    (2)  If an individual changes his status from nonresident to resident,  he shall, regardless of his method of accounting, accrue for the portion  of the taxable year prior to such change of status any items of  income,  gain,  loss  or deduction accruing prior to the change of status, if not  otherwise properly includible (whether or not because of an election  to  report on an installment basis) or allowable for federal self-employmenttax  purposes  for  such  portion of the taxable year or a prior taxable  year. The amounts of such accrued items shall be determined as  if  such  accrued  items  were includible or allowable for federal self-employment  tax purposes.    (3)  No item of income, gain, loss or deduction which is accrued under  this subsection shall be taken into account in determining city adjusted  wages earned, or net earnings from self-employment, within the city, for  any subsequent taxable period.    (4)  Where  an  individual  changes  his  status  from   resident   to  nonresident, the accruals under this subsection shall not be required if  the  individual  files  with  the  state  tax commission a bond or other  security acceptable to the commission, conditioned upon the inclusion of  amounts accruable under this subsection in the determination of the city  income tax surcharge under a local law authorized by article thirty-A of  the tax law  for  one  or  more  subsequent  taxable  years  as  if  the  individual  had  not changed his resident status. In such event, the tax  under this local law shall not apply to such amounts.    (d) Prorations. Where an individual  changes  his  status  during  his  taxable  year  from  resident  to  nonresident  or  from  nonresident to  resident, the exclusion allowable under subsection (b)  of  section  two  shall  be  prorated,  under  regulations of the state tax commission, to  reflect the portions  of  the  entire  taxable  year  during  which  the  individual was a resident and a nonresident.    §  13.  Extensions  of  time.  The  state  tax  commission may grant a  reasonable extension of time for payment of a tax or estimated  tax  (or  any  installment), or for filing any return, statement or other document  required pursuant to this local law, on such terms and conditions as  it  may  require.  Except for a taxpayer who is outside the United States or  who intends to claim nonresident status pursuant to subparagraph (B)  of  paragraph  one  of  subsection (f) of section one, no such extension for  filing any return, statement or other document shall exceed six months.    §  14.  Requirements  concerning   returns,   notices,   records   and  statements.    (a)  General.  The  state  tax  commission  may prescribe  regulations as to the keeping  of  records,  the  content  and  form  of  returns  and  statements, and the filing of copies of federal income tax  returns and determinations. The state tax  commission  may  require  any  person,  by  regulation  or notice served upon such person, to make such  returns, render such statements, or keep such records, as the state  tax  commission  may  deem  sufficient  to show whether or not such person is  liable under this local law for tax or for collection of tax.    (b) Partnerships. Every partnership doing business  in  the  city  and  having no partners who are residents shall make a return for the taxable  year  setting  forth  all  items of income, gain, loss and deduction and  such other pertinent information as the  state  tax  commission  may  by  regulations and instructions prescribe. Such return shall be filed on or  before the fifteenth day of the fourth month following the close of each  taxable  year.  For  purposes of this subsection, "taxable year" means a  year or a period which would be a taxable year of the partnership if  it  were subject to tax under this local law.    (c)  Information  at  source.  The  state tax commission may prescribe  regulations and instructions requiring returns of information to be made  and filed on or before February twenty-eighth of each  year  as  to  the  payment  or  crediting  in  any  calendar year of amounts of six hundred  dollars or more to any taxpayer under this local law. Such  returns  may  be  required  of  any person, including lessees or mortgagors of real or  personal  property,  fiduciaries,  employers,  and  all   officers   and  employees  of  this  state,  or  any  municipal corporation or political  subdivision  of  this  state,  having  the  control,  receipt,  custody,disposal  or  payment  of  interest,  rents,  salaries, wages, premiums,  annuities, compensation, remunerations, emoluments  or  other  fixed  or  determinable  gains,  profits or income, except interest coupons payable  to  bearer.  A  duplicate  of the statement as to tax withheld on wages,  required to be furnished by an employer to an employee, shall constitute  the return of information required to be made under  this  section  with  respect to such wages.    (d)  Notice of qualification as receiver, etc. Every receiver, trustee  in  bankruptcy,  assignee  for  benefit  of  creditors,  or  other  like  fiduciary  shall  give  notice of his qualification as such to the state  tax commission, as may be required by regulation.    § 15. Report of change in federal or New York state taxable income. If  the amount of a taxpayer's federal or New York state taxable  income  or  self-employment  income  reported  on  his federal or New York state tax  return for any taxable year is changed or corrected by the United States  internal revenue service or the New York state commissioner of  taxation  and  finance  or  other  competent  authority,  or  as  the  result of a  renegotiation of a contract or subcontract with the United States or New  York state or if a taxpayer, pursuant to subsection (d) of  section  six  thousand  two  hundred thirteen of the internal revenue code, executes a  notice of waiver of the restrictions provided in subsection (a) of  said  section  or  if  a  taxpayer,  pursuant to subsection (f) of section six  hundred eighty-one of the tax law executes a notice  of  waiver  of  the  restrictions  provided  in subsection (c) of said section, or if any tax  on self-employment income in addition to that shown  on  his  return  is  assessed, the taxpayer shall report such change or correction in federal  or  New  York  state  taxable income or such execution of such notice of  waiver or such assessment and the changes or corrections of his  federal  or  New  York state taxable income or self-employment income on which it  is based, within ninety days  after  the  final  determination  of  such  change,  correction,  or renegotiation, or such execution of such notice  of waiver or the making of such assessment as otherwise required by  the  commissioner,  and  shall  concede the accuracy of such determination or  state wherein it is erroneous. Any taxpayer filing an amended federal or  New York state income or self-employment income tax  return  shall  also  file  within  ninety  days thereafter an amended return under this local  law, and shall give such information as the  commissioner  may  require.  The  commissioner  may  by  regulation  prescribe such exceptions to the  requirements of this  section  as  he  or  she  deems  appropriate.  For  purposes  of  this  section,  (i)  the  term  "taxpayer" shall include a  partnership having any income derived from city sources,  and  (ii)  the  term  "federal  income  tax  return" shall include the returns of income  required under section six thousand thirty-one of the  internal  revenue  code.  Reports  made  under this section by a partnership shall indicate  the portion of the  change  in  each  item  of  income,  gain,  loss  or  deduction allocable to each partner and shall set forth such identifying  information  with  respect  to  such partner as may be prescribed by the  commissioner.    § 16. Effect of invalidity in part; inconsistencies with  other  laws.  (a)  If  any clause, sentence, paragraph, subsection, section, provision  or other portion of this local law or the  application  thereof  to  any  person  or circumstances shall be held to be invalid, such holding shall  not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of this local law or  the  application  of  such  portion  held  invalid,  to  any  other person or  circumstances, but shall be confined in its  operation  to  the  clause,  sentence,  paragraph,  subsection,  section,  provision or other portion  thereof  directly  involved  in  such  holding  or  to  the  person  and  circumstances therein involved.(b)  If  any  provision  of  this  local  law is inconsistent with, in  conflict with, or contrary to any other provision of law, such provision  of this local law shall prevail over such other provision and such other  provision shall be deemed to have been amended, superseded  or  repealed  to the extent of such inconsistency, conflict or contrariety.