1145 - Penalties and interest.

§ 1145. Penalties and interest. (a) (1) (i) Any person failing to file  a  return or to pay or pay over any tax to the tax commission within the  time required by or pursuant to this article (determined with regard  to  any  extension  of  time  for  filing  or  paying) shall be subject to a  penalty of ten percent of the amount of tax due if such failure  is  for  not  more  than  one  month,  with  an  additional  one percent for each  additional  month  or  fraction  thereof  during  which   such   failure  continues,  not  exceeding  thirty  percent  in the aggregate. Provided,  however, in the case of a failure to file such return within sixty  days  of  the date prescribed for filing of such return by or pursuant to this  article (determined with regard to any extension of  time  for  filing),  the  penalty  imposed  by  this  subparagraph shall not be less than the  lesser of one hundred dollars or  one  hundred  percent  of  the  amount  required  to  be  shown  as  tax  on such return. For the purpose of the  preceding sentence, the amount of tax required to be shown on the return  shall be reduced by the amount of any part of the tax which is  paid  on  or  before  the date prescribed for payment of the tax and by the amount  of any credit against the tax which may be claimed upon the  return.  In  the  case of a failure to file a return by a person required to register  with  the  tax  commission  as  provided  in  section   eleven   hundred  thirty-four,  in no event shall the penalty for failure to file a return  be less than fifty dollars.    (ii) If any amount of tax is not paid  on  or  before  the  last  date  prescribed  in  this article for payment, interest on such amount at the  rate of fourteen and one-half percent per annum or at  the  underpayment  rate  set  by  the  commissioner  pursuant  to  section  eleven  hundred  forty-two of this part, whichever is greater,  shall  be  paid  for  the  period  from  such  last  date  to  the  date  paid,  whether or not any  extension  of  time  for  payment  was  granted.  Interest  under   this  subparagraph  shall  not  be paid if the amount thereof is less than one  dollar.    (iii) If the commissioner of taxation and finance determines that such  failure or delay was due to reasonable cause  and  not  due  to  willful  neglect,  he  shall  remit  all of such penalty and that portion of such  interest that exceeds  the  interest  that  would  be  payable  if  such  interest  were computed at the underpayment rate set by the commissioner  of taxation and finance pursuant to section  eleven  hundred  forty-two.  The  commissioner  shall  promulgate  rules  and  regulations as to what  constitutes reasonable cause.    (iv) Provided, however, in the case  of  a  long-form,  part-quarterly  return, no penalty or interest shall be payable with respect to a return  and  payment  of  estimated  tax  required  to  be  filed and paid under  subdivisions (a) and (b) of section eleven  hundred  thirty-seven-A  for  March,  nineteen  hundred  seventy-six,  nineteen hundred seventy-seven,  nineteen hundred seventy-eight, nineteen hundred seventy-nine,  nineteen  hundred   eighty,  nineteen  hundred  eighty-one  and  nineteen  hundred  eighty-two, if such returns are timely filed, accompanied by  a  payment  of  not  less than ninety percent of the tax as finally determined to be  due and  payable  for  March,  nineteen  hundred  seventy-six,  nineteen  hundred  seventy-seven, nineteen hundred seventy-eight, nineteen hundred  seventy-nine, nineteen hundred eighty, nineteen hundred  eighty-one  and  nineteen  hundred  eighty-two.  Provided, further, that interest, at the  rate  authorized  under  subdivision  nine  of  section  eleven  hundred  forty-two,  shall  be payable upon the amount of any underpayment of the  tax due with the  returns  due  on  March  twentieth,  nineteen  hundred  seventy-six,    nineteen   hundred   seventy-seven,   nineteen   hundred  seventy-eight, nineteen hundred seventy-nine, nineteen  hundred  eighty,  nineteen  hundred  eighty-one  and  nineteen hundred eighty-two, for theperiod of such underpayment, but not beyond the due  date  of  the  next  part-quarterly return.    (v)  Provided,  further,  in  the case of a March estimated return, no  penalty or interest shall be  payable  with  respect  to  a  return  and  payment of estimated tax required to be filed and paid under subdivision  (c) of section eleven hundred thirty-seven-A for March, nineteen hundred  eighty-three  and  each  subsequent  March  through and including March,  nineteen hundred ninety, if such returns are timely  filed,  accompanied  by  a  payment of either: (A) not less than ninety percent of the tax as  finally determined to be due and payable for the month of March in which  the March estimated tax return is required to be filed; or  (B)  in  the  event such person has had at least four successive quarterly tax periods  immediately  preceding the March twentieth for which the return is to be  filed, at least one-third  of  the  sales  and  compensating  use  taxes  payable  by  such  person to the commissioner of taxation and finance in  the comparable quarter of the immediately preceding year. However, where  interest is payable because of a failure to  meet  the  requirements  of  either  clause (A) or (B) of this subparagraph such interest shall be at  the underpayment rate  authorized  under  subdivision  nine  of  section  eleven  hundred forty-two upon any underpayment of the amount of tax due  for the period of such underpayment, but not beyond the due date of  the  next  part-quarterly  return.  For  purposes  of  this subparagraph, the  underpayment of the amount of tax  due  shall  be:  (A)  the  difference  between  the  amount  paid  and  ninety  percent  of  the amount finally  determined  to  be  due  and  payable  for   March,   nineteen   hundred  eighty-three and for March of each subsequent year through and including  March,  nineteen  hundred ninety, or (B) if such person has had at least  four successive quarterly tax periods immediately  preceding  the  March  for  which  the return was filed, the difference between the amount paid  and one-third of the sales and compensating use taxes  payable  by  such  person to the commissioner for the comparable quarter of the immediately  preceding  year  under  this article, whichever is less. Notwithstanding  the preceding sentence, for purposes of this subparagraph: (1)  the  tax  as finally determined to be due and payable for such month of March, and  (2)  the  sales  and  compensating  use taxes payable for the comparable  quarter of the immediately  preceding  year;  shall  not  include  taxes  imposed  by section eleven hundred seven or eleven hundred eight of this  article or pursuant to the authority  of  article  twenty-nine  of  this  chapter.  Provided,  however, all other provisions of this article shall  apply in the determination of such taxes.    (vi) Any person required by this article to file a return,  who  omits  from  the  total  amount  of  state and local sales and compensating use  taxes required to be shown on a return an amount which is in  excess  of  twenty-five  percent of the amount of such taxes required to be shown on  the return shall be subject to a penalty equal to  ten  percent  of  the  amount  of such omission. The amount of the omission under the preceding  sentence shall be reduced by that  portion  of  the  omission  which  is  attributable to the tax treatment of any item by such person if there is  or  was  substantial  authority  for  such  treatment,  or any item with  respect to which the relevant facts affecting the item's  tax  treatment  are adequately disclosed in the return or in a statement attached to the  return.  If  the tax commission determines that such omission was due to  reasonable cause and not due to willful neglect, it shall remit  all  of  such  penalty.  The  penalty provided for in this subparagraph shall not  apply to any return of estimated tax required to be filed under  section  eleven hundred thirty-seven-A.    (vii) Any owner of a filling station who shall willfully and knowingly  have  in  his custody, possession or under his control any motor fuel ordiesel motor fuel on which (A) the prepaid tax imposed by section eleven  hundred two  of  this  article  has  not  been  assumed  or  paid  by  a  distributor  registered  as such under article twelve-A of this chapter,  or  (B)  the  prepaid  tax imposed by section eleven hundred two of this  article was required to have been passed through to him and has not been  included in the cost of such fuel to him shall be liable for  a  penalty  in the amount of twice the tax so not assumed or paid, or included. Such  penalty  shall  be  determined, assessed, collected and paid in the same  manner as taxes imposed by this article and all the provisions  of  this  article  relating  thereto  shall be deemed also to refer to the penalty  imposed by this paragraph  and,  for  this  purpose,  the  term  "person  required  to  collect  tax"  shall  be  deemed  to include an owner of a  filling station. Such penalty may be determined at any time within three  years after such motor fuel or diesel motor fuel shall  have  come  into  his  custody,  possession or control. For purposes of this subparagraph,  such owner shall willfully and knowingly have in his custody, possession  or under his control motor fuel or diesel motor fuel on which  (A)  such  tax  has not been assumed or paid by a distributor registered as such or  (B) such tax was required to have been passed through to him and has not  been included in the cost of such fuel  to  him  where  such  owner  has  knowledge  of  the requirement that such taxes be paid and where, to his  knowledge, such taxes have not been so included. For  purposes  of  this  subparagraph,  it  shall  be  presumptive evidence that such owner shall  willfully and knowingly have in his custody,  possession  or  under  his  control  motor  fuel  or diesel motor fuel (A) on which such tax has not  been assumed or paid by a distributor registered as such or (B) on which  such tax was required to have been passed through to  him  and  has  not  been  included  in the cost of such fuel to him where such owner has not  received the certification required by subdivision (h) of section eleven  hundred thirty-two of this article at the time of delivery of such motor  fuel  or  diesel  motor  fuel  or,  in  those  circumstances  where  the  commissioner has authorized the delivery of such certification at a time  after  delivery  of  the  motor  fuel  or diesel motor fuel, at the time  prescribed by the commissioner.    (viii) Any person required to collect  tax  who  sells  cigarettes  at  retail  and  who  shall  willfully  and  knowingly have in such person's  custody or possession or under such person's control any  cigarettes  on  which  (A)  the  prepaid  tax imposed by section eleven hundred three of  this article has not been assumed or paid by an agent licensed  as  such  under  article twenty of this chapter, or (B) the prepaid tax imposed by  such section eleven hundred three  was  required  to  have  been  passed  through  to  such  person  and has not been included in the cost of such  cigarettes to such person, shall be liable for a penalty in  the  amount  of twice the tax not so assumed or paid, or included. Such penalty shall  be  determined, assessed, collected and paid in the same manner as taxes  imposed by this article and all the provisions of this article  relating  thereto  shall  be  deemed  also to refer to the penalty imposed by this  subparagraph. Such penalty may be determined at any  time  within  three  years  after  such cigarettes shall have come into such person's custody  or possession or under such  person's  control.  For  purposes  of  this  subparagraph,  such  person  shall  willfully and knowingly have in such  person's custody or possession or under such person's control cigarettes  on which (A) such tax has not been assumed or paid by an agent  licensed  as  such  under  article  twenty  of  this  chapter, or (B) such tax was  required to have been passed through to such person  and  has  not  been  included  in  the  cost  of  such  cigarettes to such person, where such  person has knowledge of the requirement  that  such  taxes  be  paid  or  assumed or so included and where, to such person's knowledge, such taxeshave  not  been  so paid or assumed or so included. For purposes of this  subparagraph, it shall be presumptive evidence that  such  person  shall  willfully  and  knowingly have in such person's custody or possession or  under  such  person's  control  cigarettes on which (A) such tax has not  been assumed or paid by an agent authorized as such under  such  article  twenty  or (B) such tax was required to have been passed through to such  person and has not been included in the cost of such cigarettes to  such  person  where such person has not received the certification required by  subdivision (k) of section eleven hundred thirty-two of this article  at  the time of delivery of such cigarettes or, in those circumstances where  the  commissioner has authorized the delivery of such certification at a  time after delivery of the cigarettes, at the  time  prescribed  by  the  commissioner.    (ix)  In  addition to any other penalty or interest under this article  or other law, any credit card issuer or fuel distributor, as defined  in  subdivision  (h) of section eleven hundred thirty-nine of this part, who  receives a refund or credit pursuant to such subdivision knowing, at the  time the refund application is filed or the credit is  taken,  that  the  motor  fuel  or  diesel  motor fuel purchased was not for the government  entity's own use or consumption, shall be liable for a  penalty  in  the  amount  of  the  tax  refunded or credited, plus applicable interest due  under this article.    (2) If the failure to pay or pay over  any  tax  to  the  commissioner  within the time required by this article is due to fraud, in lieu of the  penalties  and  interest  provided  for in subparagraphs (i) and (ii) of  paragraph one of this subdivision, there shall be added to the tax (i) a  penalty of two times the amount of the tax due, plus  (ii)  interest  on  such  unpaid  tax at the rate of fourteen and one-half percent per annum  or the underpayment rate of interest set by the commissioner pursuant to  section eleven hundred forty-two of this part, whichever is greater, for  the period beginning on the last day prescribed by this article for  the  payment  of such tax (determined without regard to any extension of time  for paying) and ending on the day on which such tax is paid.    (3) (i) Any person required to obtain a certificate of authority under  section eleven hundred  thirty-four  who,  without  possessing  a  valid  certificate  of  authority,  (A)  sells  tangible  personal  property or  services subject to tax, receives amusement charges or operates a hotel,  (B) purchases or sells tangible personal property for resale, (C)  sells  automotive fuel, or (D) sells cigarettes shall, in addition to any other  penalty  imposed  by  this chapter, be subject to a penalty in an amount  not exceeding five hundred dollars for the first day on which such sales  or purchases are made, plus an amount not exceeding two hundred  dollars  for  each  subsequent day on which such sales or purchases are made, not  to exceed ten thousand dollars in the aggregate.    (ii) Any person who fails to surrender a certificate of authority when  a notice of revocation or suspension has become final shall, in addition  to any other penalty imposed by this chapter, be subject to a penalty in  an amount not exceeding five hundred dollars for the first day  of  such  failure,  together with a penalty in an amount not exceeding two hundred  dollars for each subsequent day of  such  failure,  not  to  exceed  ten  thousand dollars in the aggregate.    (iii)  Any person described in paragraph one or two of subdivision (a)  of section eleven hundred thirty-four who takes possession  of  or  pays  for  business  assets under circumstances requiring notification by such  person to the tax commission pursuant  to  subdivision  (c)  of  section  eleven   hundred   forty-one  without  having  filed  a  certificate  of  registration pursuant to section eleven hundred  thirty-four  shall,  inaddition  to  any other penalty imposed by this chapter, be subject to a  penalty in an amount not exceeding two hundred dollars.    (iv)  If  the  tax  commission  determines  that  any  failure  or act  described in this paragraph was due to reasonable cause and not  due  to  willful neglect, it may remit all or part of such penalty.    (4)  Any  person  required by this article to display a certificate of  authority, who fails to display such certificate in the manner  required  by  this article or any rule or regulation adopted by the tax commission  in connection with such requirement shall,  in  addition  to  any  other  penalty  imposed  by  this  chapter,  be  subject  to a penalty of fifty  dollars. If the tax commission determines that such failure was  due  to  reasonable  cause  and  not  due to willful neglect, it may remit all or  part of such penalty.    (5) Any person who issues  a  false  or  fraudulent  resale  or  other  exemption  certificate  or  document  with intent to evade tax shall, in  addition to any other penalty imposed by this chapter, be subject  to  a  penalty  of  one hundred percent of the tax that would have been due had  there not been a misuse of such certificate or document and a penalty of  fifty dollars for each such certificate or document.    (6) The tax commission shall promulgate rules and  regulations  as  to  what constitutes reasonable cause for purposes of this subdivision.    (7)  The penalties and interest provided for in this subdivision shall  be paid and disposed of in the same manner as other revenues  from  this  article.  Such  penalties  and  interest  may  be  determined, assessed,  collected and enforced in the same manner as the  tax  imposed  by  this  article. Interest under this subdivision shall be compounded daily.    (b)  Cross-reference: For criminal penalties, see article thirty-seven  of this chapter.    (c) Any person failing to file a return or to pay any tax required  to  be  prepaid  to  the  commissioner  with respect to motor fuel or diesel  motor fuel pursuant to the provisions of section eleven hundred  two  of  this article within the time required by this article shall, in addition  to  any  other  penalty provided in this article or otherwise imposed by  law, be subject to a penalty equal to the amount of tax required  to  be  so  prepaid  pursuant  to  the provisions of such section eleven hundred  two.  If the commissioner determines that such failure to file a  return  or  to  pay  any  such  tax  was  due to reasonable cause and not due to  willful neglect, he shall remit all or any part of such penalty.    (d) The certificate of the tax commission to the effect that a tax has  not been paid, that a return, bond or registration certificate  has  not  been  filed,  or  that information has not been supplied pursuant to the  provisions of this article shall be presumptive evidence thereof.    (e) Any officer, director, shareholder or employee of a corporation or  of a dissolved corporation, any employee of a partnership, any  employee  or  manager  of  a  limited  liability  company,  or  any employee of an  individual proprietorship, who as such officer,  director,  shareholder,  employee  or  manager  is  under  a  duty  to  act for such corporation,  partnership, limited liability company or  proprietorship  in  complying  with any requirement of this article, and any member of a partnership or  limited  liability  company,  which  fails to pay the tax required to be  prepaid by section eleven hundred two or eleven hundred  three  of  this  article,  shall,  in  addition  to  other  penalties provided by law, be  liable for a penalty equal to the total amount of the tax not paid, plus  penalties and interest computed pursuant  to  subdivision  (a)  of  this  section  as  if such person were a distributor under article twelve-a of  this  chapter  or  an  agent  under  article  twenty  of  this  chapter,  respectively.  If  the commissioner determines that such failure was due  to reasonable cause and not due to  willful  neglect,  the  commissionershall  remit all or part of such penalty imposed under this subdivision.  Such penalty shall be determined, assessed, collected and  paid  in  the  same  manner as the tax required to be prepaid by section eleven hundred  two  or  eleven  hundred  three, as the case may be, of this article and  shall be disposed of as provided with respect  to  moneys  derived  from  either  such  tax,  respectively.  Provided,  however,  that the penalty  provided for by this subdivision shall not be imposed on any  person  on  account  of  the  failure  of such a distributor or agent to pay the tax  required to be prepaid by section eleven hundred two or  eleven  hundred  three,  respectively,  of this article if such person is liable for such  tax pursuant to subdivision (b) of such section eleven  hundred  two  or  subdivision (b) of such section eleven hundred three, respectively.    (f)  Any entertainment promoter who authorizes an entertainment vendor  to make taxable sales of tangible personal property at an  entertainment  event  with  respect to which he is a promoter, where such vendor is not  registered under subdivision (a) of section eleven  hundred  thirty-four  shall,  in  addition  to  any  other penalty provided in this article or  otherwise imposed by law, be subject to a penalty of not more  than  ten  thousand dollars with respect to each such entertainment event.    (g)  (1)  Any  person  failing  to  keep any of the additional records  required to be kept pursuant to section eleven  hundred  forty-two-A  of  this  article,  shall, in addition to any other penalty provided in this  article or otherwise imposed by law, be  subject  to  a  penalty  in  an  amount  not  to  exceed five hundred dollars where such records have not  been kept for a month or part thereof. Such penalty for failure to  keep  such  records  shall not be imposed and collected more than once for any  such failure to keep records for such month or part thereof.    (2) Any person described in subdivision (a) of section eleven  hundred  forty-two-A  of  this  chapter  who fails to consent to the entering and  walking about for  the  purposes  described  in  such  section,  or  who  interferes  with  the  commissioner  or  any  authorized employee of the  department, or the agent of either of them, with respect to entering and  walking about for the purposes  described  in  such  section,  or  whose  employee  fails  to consent or interferes with such entering and walking  about for the purposes described in such section, shall, in addition  to  any  other penalty provided in this article or otherwise imposed by law,  be subject to a penalty in an amount not to exceed five hundred  dollars  for  the  first  day of such failure to consent or the first day of such  interference. Each subsequent day any such  failure  to  consent  to  or  interference  with  such entering and walking about shall occur shall be  subject to an additional penalty not to exceed one thousand dollars.  In  no  event,  shall  such  penalties  exceed  ten  thousand dollars in the  aggregate.    (3) If the commissioner determines that  such  failure  to  keep  such  records  described  in  paragraph  one  of this subdivision or that such  failure to consent to or such interference with the entering and walking  about described  in  paragraph  two  of  this  subdivision  was  due  to  reasonable  cause and not due to willful neglect, the commissioner shall  remit all or any part of such penalty. Such penalties shall be paid  and  disposed of in the same manner as other revenues from this article. Such  penalties shall be determined, assessed, collected, paid and enforced in  the  same  manner  as  the  tax  imposed  by  this  article  and all the  provisions of this article relating to tax shall be deemed also to apply  to the penalties imposed by this subdivision.    (h) (1) Any person required to file a report pursuant  to  subdivision  (h)  of  section eleven hundred thirty-six of this article, who fails to  include the name or certificate of authority  number  of  any  itinerant  vendor or the sales for resale made to such vendor and the amounts paid,charged  or  due thereon, required to be included in such report, or who  fails to include such information which is true and correct,  shall,  in  addition  to  any  other  penalty  provided in this article or otherwise  imposed  by  law,  be  subject  to  a penalty computed by multiplying an  amount not to exceed fifty dollars by the number  of  itinerant  vendors  required to be included in such report that are not so included (whether  or  not  such  a  report  is filed) or for which incomplete or incorrect  information has been reported.    (2)  Any  person  failing  to  file  a  report  required  pursuant  to  subdivision  (h)  of  section  eleven hundred thirty-six of this article  within the time required by regulations  promulgated  pursuant  to  such  subdivision,  shall,  in  addition to any other penalty provided in this  article or otherwise imposed by law, be  subject  to  a  penalty  in  an  amount not to exceed five hundred dollars for each such failure.    (3)  In  no  event  shall the penalty imposed by paragraph one of this  subdivision, or the aggregate of the penalties imposed by paragraphs one  and two of this subdivision, exceed five thousand dollars for any twelve  month period commencing June first and ending May  thirty-first  of  the  following year.    (4)  If  the  commissioner  determines  that  any  failure  to include  information, or to include true and correct  information,  in  a  report  required  to  be filed, or failure to timely file a report, as described  in this subdivision, was due to reasonable cause and not due to  willful  neglect,  the  commissioner  shall  remit  all  or  part  of  any of the  penalties imposed  under  this  subdivision.  Such  penalties  shall  be  determined,  assessed,  collected, paid, disposed of and enforced in the  same manner as taxes imposed by this article and all the  provisions  of  this  article  relating  thereto  shall  be deemed also to refer to such  penalties.    * (i) Any person required to  make  or  maintain  records  under  this  article  (but  not  including  the records required under section eleven  hundred forty-two-A of this part) who fails to make or maintain or  make  available  to the commissioner these records is subject to a penalty not  to exceed one thousand dollars for the first quarter or part thereof for  which the failure occurs and not to exceed  five  thousand  dollars  for  each  additional  quarterly period or part thereof for which the failure  occurs. This penalty is in addition to any other penalty provided for in  this article but may not be imposed and collected  more  than  once  for  failures  for  the  same  quarterly  period  or  part  thereof.  If  the  commissioner determines that a failure  to  make  or  maintain  or  make  available  records  in  any quarter was entirely due to reasonable cause  and not to willful neglect, the  commissioner  must  remit  the  penalty  imposed  for  that quarter. These penalties will be paid and disposed of  in the same manner as other revenues from this article. These  penalties  will  be  determined, assessed, collected, paid and enforced in the same  manner as the tax imposed by this article, and  all  the  provisions  of  this  article  relating  to  tax  will  be  deemed  also to apply to the  penalties imposed by this  subdivision.  For  purposes  of  the  penalty  imposed  by this subdivision, a person will be considered to have failed  to make or maintain the  required  records  when  the  records  made  or  maintained  by  that  person  for  a  quarterly period make it virtually  impossible to verify sales receipts or the taxability of those  receipts  and to conduct a complete audit.    * NB There are 3 sb (i)'s    * (i)(1)  Every  person  required  to  file  an  information return by  subdivision (i) of section eleven hundred thirty-six of  this  part  who  (A) fails to provide any of the information required by paragraph one or  two of subdivision (i) of section eleven hundred thirty-six of this partfor  a  vendor, operator, or recipient, or who fails to include any such  information that is true and correct (whether or not such  a  report  is  filed) for a vendor, operator, or recipient, or (B) fails to provide the  information  required  by  paragraph  four of subdivision (i) of section  eleven hundred thirty-six  of  this  part  to  a  vendor,  operator,  or  recipient  specified  in  paragraph  four  of subdivision (i) of section  eleven hundred thirty-six of this part, will, in addition to  any  other  penalty provided in this article or otherwise imposed by law, be subject  to  a  penalty of five hundred dollars for ten or fewer failures, and up  to fifty dollars for each additional failure.    (2) Every person failing to file an  information  return  required  by  subdivision (i) of section eleven hundred thirty-six of this part within  the   time  required  by  subdivision  (i)  of  section  eleven  hundred  thirty-six of this part will, in addition to any other penalty  provided  for in this article or otherwise imposed by law, be subject to a penalty  in  an  amount not to exceed two thousand dollars for each such failure,  provided that the minimum penalty under this paragraph is  five  hundred  dollars.    (3)  In  no  event  will  the penalty imposed by paragraph one, or the  aggregate of the penalties imposed under paragraphs one and two of  this  subdivision, exceed ten thousand dollars for any annual filing period as  described  by  paragraph  three  of  subdivision  (i)  of section eleven  hundred thirty-six of this part.    (4) If the commissioner determines that any of the failures  that  are  subject to penalty under this subdivision was entirely due to reasonable  cause  and  not  due to willful neglect, the commissioner must remit the  penalty  imposed  under  this  subdivision.  These  penalties  will   be  determined,  assessed,  collected, paid, disposed of and enforced in the  same manner as taxes imposed by this article and all the  provisions  of  this  article  relating  thereto  will  be deemed also to refer to these  penalties.    * NB There are 3 sb (i)'s    * (i) Aiding  or  assisting  in  the  giving  of  fraudulent  returns,  reports,  statements or other documents. Any person who, with the intent  that tax be evaded, for a fee or other compensation or as an incident to  the performance  of  other  services  for  which  that  person  receives  compensation,  aids or assists in, or procures, counsels, or advises the  preparation or presentation under this article, or  in  connection  with  any   matter   arising  under  this  article,  of  any  return,  report,  declaration, statement or other document that is fraudulent or false  as  to any material matter, or supplies any false or fraudulent information,  whether or not such falsity or fraud is with the knowledge or consent of  the  person  authorized  or  required  to  present  that return, report,  declaration, statement  or  other  document,  will  pay  a  penalty  not  exceeding  five  thousand  dollars. The definitions in subsection (l) of  section ten hundred eighty-five of this chapter apply for  the  purposes  of this penalty.    * NB There are 3 sb (i)'s    * (j)  Any  person  required  to  make  or maintain records under this  article who fails to present and make  available  these  records  in  an  auditable  form  is  subject  to  a  penalty  not to exceed one thousand  dollars for each quarterly period or  part  thereof  for  which  records  maintained  by  that person are not presented and made available by that  person in auditable form, even if these records are adequate  to  verify  credits,  receipts, and the taxability thereof and to perform a complete  audit. This penalty is in addition to any other penalty provided for  in  this  article,  but will not be imposed and collected more than once for  these failures for the same quarterly period or  part  thereof.  If  thecommissioner  determines  that any failure described in this subdivision  for a quarterly period was entirely due to reasonable cause and  not  to  willful  neglect,  the  commissioner  must remit the penalty imposed for  that quarter. The penalties imposed by this subdivision will be paid and  disposed  of  in  the  same  manner as other revenues from this article.  These penalties  will  be  determined,  assessed,  collected,  paid  and  enforced  in the same manner as the tax imposed by this article, and all  the provisions of this article relating to tax will be  deemed  also  to  apply  to the penalties imposed by this subdivision. For purposes of the  penalty imposed by this subdivision, a person will be considered to have  failed to present and make records available in auditable form when  the  records  presented  by  that  person  for  that  quarter lack sufficient  organization, such as  by  date,  invoice  number,  sales  receipts,  or  sequential numbering, or are otherwise inadequate (without reorganizing,  reordering  or otherwise rearranging the records into an auditable form)  to permit direct reconciliation  of  the  receipts,  invoices  or  other  source  documents with the entries for the quarterly period in the books  and records and on the returns of that person.    * NB There are 2 sb (j)'s    * (j) False or fraudulent document penalty. Any taxpayer that  submits  a  false  or  fraudulent document to the department will be subject to a  penalty of one hundred dollars per document submitted, or  five  hundred  dollars  per  tax  return submitted. This penalty will be in addition to  any other penalty provided by law.    * NB There are 2 sb (j)'s    (k) Any person who, having elected to maintain in an electronic format  any portion or all of the records he or she  is  required  to  make  and  maintain  by  this  article,  fails  to  present  and make these records  available and accessible to the commissioner in  electronic  format,  is  subject  to  a  penalty  not  to  exceed  five thousand dollars for each  quarterly period or part thereof for which these electronic records  are  not   presented   and   made  available  and  accessible  upon  request,  notwithstanding that the records may also be maintained and available in  hard copy format. This penalty is  in  addition  to  any  other  penalty  provided  for in this article, but may not be imposed and collected more  than once for a failure for the same quarterly period or  part  thereof.  Provided, however, nothing in this subdivision will prevent the separate  imposition,  if applicable, of any penalty imposed by subdivision (i) or  (j) of this section for the same quarterly period or  part  thereof.  If  the  commissioner  determines  that  the  failure  to  present  and make  electronically  maintained  records  available  and  accessible  for   a  quarterly period was entirely due to reasonable cause and not to willful  neglect,  the  commissioner  must  remit  the  penalty  imposed for that  quarter. These penalties will be paid and disposed of in the same manner  as other revenues from this article. These penalties will be determined,  assessed, collected, paid and enforced in the same  manner  as  the  tax  imposed by this article, and all the provisions of this article relating  to  tax  will  be  deemed  also  to apply to the penalty imposed by this  subdivision. For purposes of the penalty imposed by this subdivision,  a  failure to present and make available and accessible a record maintained  in  electronic  format  includes  not  only  the denial of access to the  requested records that were  maintained  electronically,  but  also  the  failure   to   make  available  to  the  commissioner  the  information,  knowledge,  or  means  necessary  to  access  and  otherwise   use   the  electronically  maintained  records in the inspection and examination of  these records.