1136 - Returns.

§  1136.  Returns.  (a) (1) Every person required to register with the  commissioner as provided in section  eleven  hundred  thirty-four  whose  taxable  receipts,  amusement  charges  and  rents total less than three  hundred thousand dollars, or in the case of any such  person  who  is  a  distributor  whose  sales of automotive fuel total less than one hundred  thousand gallons, in every quarter of the preceding four quarters, shall  only file a return quarterly with the commissioner.    (2) Every  person  required  to  register  with  the  commissioner  as  provided  in  section eleven hundred thirty-four whose taxable receipts,  amusement charges and rents total  three  hundred  thousand  dollars  or  more, or in the case of any such person who is a distributor whose sales  of  automotive  fuel  total one hundred thousand gallons or more, in any  quarter of the preceding four quarters, shall, in addition to  filing  a  quarterly  return  described  in  paragraph one of this subdivision, and  except as otherwise provided in section eleven  hundred  two  or  eleven  hundred  three  of  this  article, file either a long-form or short-form  part-quarterly return monthly with the commissioner.    (3) However, a person required to register with  the  commissioner  as  provided  in section eleven hundred thirty-four only because such person  is purchasing or selling tangible personal property for resale, and  who  is  not  required  to  collect  any  tax  or pay any tax directly to the  commissioner under  this  article,  shall  file  an  information  return  annually  in  such  form  as the commissioner may prescribe. Likewise, a  person, who is required to register and who is selling  automotive  fuel  who is not a distributor of motor fuel, shall file an information return  quarterly or, if the commissioner deems necessary, monthly, in such form  as the commissioner shall prescribe.    (4)  The  return of a vendor of tangible personal property or services  shall show such vendor's receipts from sales and the number  of  gallons  of any motor fuel or diesel motor fuel sold and also the aggregate value  of tangible personal property and services and number of gallons of such  fuels  sold by the vendor, the use of which is subject to tax under this  article,  and  the  amount  of  tax  payable  thereon  pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  section  eleven  hundred  thirty-seven of this part. The  return of a recipient of amusement charges shall show all  such  charges  and the amount of tax thereon, and the return of an operator required to  collect  tax  on  rents shall show all rents received or charged and the  amount of tax thereon.    (5) The returns of any seller of automotive fuel shall show the number  of gallons of  automotive  fuel  sold,  together  with  such  additional  information  as  the  commissioner shall require in order to certify the  amount  of  taxes,  penalties  and  interest  payable  to  local  taxing  jurisdictions  imposed on the sale or use of automotive fuel pursuant to  the provisions of section twelve hundred sixty-one of this chapter.    (6) The returns of any seller of cigarettes shall show the  amount  of  prepaid  tax  assumed  or paid thereon and passed through, together with  such additional information as the commissioner shall require.    (7) Taxable receipts as used in this  section  shall  include  taxable  receipts  from  the  sale  of  automotive  fuel  and  cigarettes and any  receipts from the sale of motor fuel or diesel motor fuel or  cigarettes  in  this  state  whether  or  not such receipts are subject to the taxes  imposed by section eleven hundred  two,  eleven  hundred  three,  eleven  hundred  five  or  eleven  hundred ten of this article and regardless of  whether the provisions  of  section  eleven  hundred  twenty  or  eleven  hundred  twenty-one  of this article are applicable to the taxes imposed  in respect of such receipts or numbers  of  gallons  of  motor  fuel  or  diesel motor fuel sold.(i)  For  purposes of this article the term "long-form, part-quarterly  return" shall mean a return in a form determined by the  tax  commission  providing  for  the calculation of the actual sales and compensating use  taxes for the preceding month in the manner set  forth  in  subdivisions  (a)  and  (b)  of section eleven hundred thirty-seven. A person filing a  long-form, part-quarterly return for each of the months contained  in  a  quarter  shall  also  be  required  to  file a quarterly return for such  quarter.    (ii) For purposes of this article the term "short-form, part-quarterly  return" shall mean a return which shall be available for use  in  filing  as a return for the first two months of any quarter and only by a person  required  to  file a return monthly who has had at least four successive  quarterly tax periods immediately preceding  the  month  for  which  the  return  is  to  be  filed  and  who  elects  such  use, and is in a form  determined by the tax commission and providing for  the  calculation  of  one-third  of the total state and local sales and compensating use taxes  paid by the person to the tax commission in the  comparable  quarter  of  the  immediately  preceding year under this article and as taxes imposed  pursuant to the authority of article twenty-nine  with  respect  to  all  receipts, amusement charges and rents.    (b) The returns and information returns required by this section to be  filed  quarterly shall be filed for quarterly periods ending on the last  day of February, May, August and November of each year, and each  return  and  each information return shall be filed within twenty days after the  end of the quarterly period covered thereby.  The  returns  required  by  this  section  to  be  filed  monthly shall be filed for monthly periods  ending on the last day of each month and  each  return  shall  be  filed  within  twenty  days  after the end of each prior month. The information  returns required to be filed annually shall be filed  for  twelve  month  periods  ending  on  the  last  day  of  May of each year, and each such  information return shall be filed within twenty days after  the  end  of  the twelve month period covered thereby.    (c)  The  tax  commission  may  permit  or  require returns to be made  covering other periods and upon such dates as it may specify. If the tax  commission deems it necessary in order to  insure  the  payment  of  the  taxes  imposed  by  this  article, it may require returns to be made for  shorter  periods  than  those  prescribed  pursuant  to  the   foregoing  subdivisions of this section, and upon such dates as it may specify.    (d)  The form of returns shall be prescribed by the tax commission and  shall contain such information as it may deem necessary for  the  proper  administration  of  this  article.  The  commission  may require amended  returns to be filed within twenty days after notice and to  contain  the  information specified in the notice.    (e) The tax commission may by regulation require lessors as defined in  paragraph  (8)  of subdivision (d) of section eleven hundred one to file  information returns showing all leases, subleases and  licenses  to  use  granted  to  persons  who  make amusement charges, and may prescribe the  form of such returns, the time  when  they  are  to  be  filed  and  the  information to be contained therein.    (f)  Every  show  promoter  shall file a report monthly, within twenty  days after the end of the prior month, for all  shows  with  respect  to  which  he  was a show promoter in such prior month, listing the date and  place of each show and the name, address and  certificate  of  authority  number,  by  show, of every person whom he permitted to display for sale  or to sell tangible personal property or services subject to tax at such  show.  Every person shall furnish the show promoter of any show at which  he displays for sale or sells tangible  personal  property  or  services  subject to tax, with a statement of his name, address and certificate ofauthority  number  for  the  show  promoter's  use  in filing the report  required herein.    (g)  Every  entertainment promoter shall file a report monthly, within  twenty days after the end of the  prior  month,  for  all  entertainment  events  with  respect  to which he was an entertainment promoter in such  prior month, listing the date and place of  each  such  event,  and  the  name,  address  and  certificate of authority number, by event, of every  person who made taxable sales of  tangible  personal  property  at  such  event.  Every  entertainment  vendor  shall  furnish  the  entertainment  promoter of any entertainment event at which he makes taxable  sales  of  tangible  personal  property,  with  a  statement  containing  his name,  address and certificate  of  authority  number,  for  the  entertainment  promoter's use in filing the report required herein.    (h) The commissioner may, by regulation, require any person registered  or  required to be registered with the commissioner under section eleven  hundred thirty-four of this article to file a report regarding sales  in  this  state  of tangible personal property or services by such person to  itinerant vendors where such  sales  are  sales  for  resale.  Any  such  report,  if  required to be filed by the commissioner, shall contain the  name and certificate of authority number of every itinerant  vendor  who  purchases  tangible  personal  property or services for resale from such  person, the sales for resale made to each such vendor  and  the  amounts  paid,  charged  or  due thereon, together with such other information as  the commissioner may require. The commissioner may prescribe the form of  such report and shall indicate the time when it is to be filed  and  the  period  to be covered, provided that such reports may not be required to  be filed more frequently than on a quarterly basis. For purposes of this  subdivision, the term "itinerant vendor" shall include a person with  no  permanent  and fixed place of business in this state from which it makes  sales or renders services subject to tax, such as street peddlers,  show  vendors  or  any  similar  vendors  who  transport  a supply of tangible  personal property from place to place, whether upon  trucks,  wagons  or  otherwise,  exposing  such property for sale, soliciting and negotiating  sales, and immediately delivering the property, but shall not include  a  person  who  makes  sales  or  renders  services  by sample, brochure or  catalogue for future delivery.    (i) (1) The following persons must file,  in  addition  to  any  other  return  required  by  this  chapter, annual information returns with the  commissioner providing  the  information  specified  below  about  their  transactions  with vendors, hotel operators, and recipients of amusement  charges:    (A) Every insurer licensed to issue motor vehicle physical  damage  or  motor  vehicle  property  damage  liability insurance for motor vehicles  registered in this state if, during the period covered by the return, it  has paid consideration or an amount under an insurance contract for  the  servicing or repair of a motor vehicle on behalf of an insured. For each  person  to  whom  the  insurer  has  paid  the  consideration  or amount  described in the preceding sentence, the return must  report  the  total  amount  paid  for that period, along with the other information required  by paragraph two of this subdivision.    (B) Every franchisor, as defined by section six hundred eighty-one  of  the  general  business law, that has at least one franchisee, as defined  by subdivision four of section six hundred  eighty-one  of  the  general  business  law,  that  is  required to be registered under section eleven  hundred thirty-four of this part. For each franchisee, the  return  must  include  the gross sales of the franchisee in this state reported by the  franchisee  to  the  franchisor,  the  total  amount  of  sales  by  the  franchisor  to the franchisee, and any income reported to the franchisorby each franchisee, along with the information required by paragraph two  of this subdivision.    (C)  Every  wholesaler,  as  defined by section three of the alcoholic  beverage control law, if it has made a sale of an alcoholic beverage, as  defined  by  section  four  hundred  twenty  of  this  chapter,  without  collecting  sales  or  use  tax during the period covered by the return,  except (i) a sale to a person that has furnished an exempt  organization  certificate  to  the wholesaler for that sale; or (ii) a sale to another  wholesaler whose license under the alcoholic beverage control  law  does  not  allow  it  to make retail sales of the alcoholic beverage. For each  vendor, operator, or recipient to whom the wholesaler has  made  a  sale  without  collecting  sales  or  compensating  use  tax,  the return must  include the total value of those sales made during the period covered by  the return (excepting the sales described in clauses  (i)  and  (ii)  of  this  subparagraph)  and  the  vendor's, operator's or recipient's state  liquor authority license number, along with the information required  by  paragraph two of this subdivision.    (2)  The  returns  required  by paragraph one of this subdivision must  also include,  for  each  vendor,  operator,  or  recipient  about  whom  information  is  required  to be reported under such paragraph, the name  and address, and the certificate of authority or federal  identification  number,  and  any  other  information  required by the commissioner. The  commissioner  may,  in  the  commissioner's  discretion,   require   the  reporting  of  less  than  all  the information otherwise required to be  reported by this paragraph and paragraph one of this subdivision.    (3) The returns required by paragraph one of this subdivision must  be  filed  annually  on  or  before  March twentieth and must cover the four  sales  tax  quarterly   periods   immediately   preceding   such   date.  Notwithstanding  section  three hundred five of the state technology law  or  any  other  law  to  the  contrary,  the  returns  must   be   filed  electronically in the manner prescribed by the commissioner.    (4)  Any  person required to file a return under paragraph one of this  subdivision must, on or before March twentieth,  give  to  each  vendor,  operator, or recipient about whom information is required to be reported  in   the   return   the  information  pertaining  to  that  person.  The  commissioner may prescribe a form to be used to provide the  information  required to be given by this paragraph.    (5)  Nothing  in  this  subdivision  is  to  be construed to limit the  persons from  whom  the  commissioner  can  secure  information  or  the  information  the commissioner can require from those persons pursuant to  the commissioner's authority under section eleven hundred forty-three of  this part or any other provision of law.