698 - Deposit and disposition of revenue.

§  698.   Deposit and disposition of revenue.  All taxes, interest and  penalties collected or received by the commissioner under  this  article  shall be deposited and disposed of pursuant to the provisions of section  one   hundred  seventy-one-a  of  this  chapter.    Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  unemployment  insurance  contributions  and   payments   and  aggregate  withholding  taxes  collected or received by the commissioner  from  employers  in  a  single  remittance  accompanying  the  quarterly  combined  withholding, wage reporting and unemployment insurance returns  required by paragraph four of subsection  (a)  of  section  six  hundred  seventy-four  of  this article shall, if necessary, be deposited into an  account to be maintained jointly by the department and the department of  labor at such responsible bank, banking house or trust company as may be  designated by the comptroller.  The comptroller shall  require  adequate  security  from  such  depository.  Such  departments shall determine the  proper allocation of the monies in such account as between  unemployment  insurance  contributions  and  payments and aggregate withholding taxes.  Unemployment  insurance  contributions  and  payments  shall   then   be  deposited  and  disposed  of pursuant to the provisions of title four of  article eighteen of the labor law, and aggregate withholding taxes shall  be deposited and disposed of pursuant to the provisions of sections  one  hundred  seventy-one-a,  thirteen  hundred thirteen and thirteen hundred  thirty-three of this chapter, as applicable.