606 - Credits against tax.

§  606.  Credits  against  tax. (a) Investment tax credit (ITC). (1) A  taxpayer shall be allowed  a  credit,  to  be  computed  as  hereinafter  provided,  against  the  tax  imposed by this article. The amount of the  credit shall be the per cent provided for hereinbelow of the  investment  credit  base. The investment credit base is the cost or other basis, for  federal income tax purposes, of tangible  personal  property  and  other  tangible  property,  including  buildings  and  structural components of  buildings, described in paragraph  two  of  this  subsection,  less  the  amount  of  the  nonqualified nonrecourse financing with respect to such  property to the extent such  financing  would  be  excludible  from  the  credit  base  pursuant  to section 46(c)(8) of the internal revenue code  (treating such property as section thirty-eight property irrespective of  whether or not it in fact constitutes  section  thirty-eight  property).  If,  at  the close of a taxable year following the taxable year in which  such property was placed in service, there is  a  net  decrease  in  the  amount  of  nonqualified  nonrecourse  financing  with  respect  to such  property, such net decrease shall be treated as if it were the  cost  or  other  basis  of  property described in paragraph two of this subsection  acquired, constructed, reconstructed or erected during the year  of  the  decrease  in  the  amount  of  nonqualified  nonrecourse  financing. The  percentage to be used to compute the credit  allowed  pursuant  to  this  subsection  shall  be  that  percentage appearing in column two which is  opposite the appropriate period in column  one  in  which  the  tangible  personal  property  was acquired, constructed, reconstructed or erected,  as the case may be:   Column 1                             Column 2  After December 31, 1968 and  prior to January 1, 1974             one per cent  After December 31, 1973 and  prior to January 1, 1978             two per cent  After December 31, 1977 and  prior to January 1, 1979             three per cent  After December 31, 1978 and  prior to June 1, 1981                four per cent  After May 31, 1981 and  prior to July 1, 1982                five per cent  After June 30, 1982 and  before January 1, 1987               six per cent  After December 31, 1986              four per cent, except that  in  the                                       case of  research  and  development                                       property  the applicable percentage                                       shall be seven   Provided, however, that in the case  of  an  acquisition,  construction,  reconstruction  or  erection  which  was commenced in any one period and  continued or completed in any subsequent period the credit shall be  the  sum  of  the portions of the investment credit base attributable to each  such period, which portion with respect to each  such  period  shall  be  ascertained by multiplying such investment credit base by a fraction the  numerator  of  which  shall  be the expenditures paid or incurred during  such period for such purposes and the denominator of which shall be  the  total  of  all  expenditures  paid  or  incurred  for  such acquisition,  construction, reconstruction or erection, multiplied  by  the  allowable  percentage for each such period.    (2)(A) A credit shall be allowed under this subsection with respect to  tangible  personal  property  and  other  tangible  property,  including  buildings and structural components of buildings, which are: depreciablepursuant to section one hundred  sixty-seven  of  the  internal  revenue  code, have a useful life of four years or more, are acquired by purchase  as  defined  in  section  one  hundred  seventy-nine (d) of the internal  revenue code, have a situs in this state and are (i) principally used by  the  taxpayer  in  the production of goods by manufacturing, processing,  assembling,  refining,   mining,   extracting,   farming,   agriculture,  horticulture,  floriculture,  viticulture  or  commercial  fishing, (ii)  industrial  waste  treatment  facilities  or   air   pollution   control  facilities, used in the taxpayer's trade or business, (iii) research and  development  property,  (iv)  principally used in the ordinary course of  the taxpayer's trade or business as a broker  or  dealer  in  connection  with the purchase or sale (which shall include but not be limited to the  issuance, entering into, assumption, offset, assignment, termination, or  transfer)  of  stocks,  bonds  or other securities as defined in section  four hundred seventy-five (c)(2) of the Internal  Revenue  Code,  or  of  commodities  as  defined in section 475(e) of the Internal Revenue Code,  (v) principally used in the ordinary course of the taxpayer's  trade  or  business  of  providing  investment  advisory  services  for a regulated  investment company as defined in section eight hundred fifty-one of  the  Internal  Revenue Code, or lending, loan arrangement or loan origination  services to customers in connection with the  purchase  or  sale  (which  shall  include  but  not  be  limited  to  the  issuance, entering into,  assumption, offset, assignment, termination, or transfer) of  securities  as  defined  in section four hundred seventy-five (c)(2) of the Internal  Revenue Code, or (vi) principally used as a  qualified  film  production  facility  including  qualified film production facilities having a situs  in an empire zone designated as such pursuant to article  eighteen-B  of  the general municipal law, where the taxpayer is providing three or more  services  to  any  qualified film production company using the facility,  including such services as a studio lighting  grid,  lighting  and  grip  equipment,  multi-line  phone  service, broadband information technology  access, industrial scale electrical capacity,  food  services,  security  services, and heating, ventilation and air conditioning. For purposes of  clauses  (iv)  and  (v)  of  this  subparagraph, property purchased by a  taxpayer affiliated with  a  regulated  broker,  dealer,  or  registered  investment  adviser  is  allowed  a  credit under this subsection if the  property  is  used  by  its  affiliated  regulated  broker,  dealer   or  registered  investment  adviser  in accordance with this subsection. For  purposes  of  determining  if  the  property  is  principally  used   in  qualifying  uses, the uses by the taxpayer described in clauses (iv) and  (v) of this subparagraph may be aggregated. In addition, the uses by the  taxpayer,  its  affiliated  regulated  broker,  dealer  and   registered  investment  adviser  under  either  or  both  of  those  clauses  may be  aggregated. Provided, however, a  taxpayer  shall  not  be  allowed  the  credit  provided by clauses (iv) and (v) of this subparagraph unless (I)  eighty percent or more of the employees  performing  the  administrative  and  support  functions resulting from or related to the qualifying uses  of such equipment are located in this state, or (II) the average  number  of  employees  that  perform  the  administrative  and support functions  resulting from or related to the qualifying uses of such  equipment  and  are  located  in this state during the taxable year for which the credit  is claimed is equal to  or  greater  than  ninety-five  percent  of  the  average number of employees that perform these functions and are located  in  this  state  during  the thirty-six months immediately preceding the  year for which the credit is claimed, or (III) the number  of  employees  located  in  this  state during the taxable year for which the credit is  claimed is equal to or greater than ninety  percent  of  the  number  of  employees  located  in  this  state  on  December thirty-first, nineteenhundred ninety-eight or,  if  the  taxpayer  was  not  a  calendar  year  taxpayer  in  nineteen  hundred  ninety-eight, the last day of its first  taxable  year  ending  after  December  thirty-first,  nineteen  hundred  ninety-eight. If the taxpayer becomes subject to tax in this state after  the  taxable  year  beginning in nineteen hundred ninety-eight, then the  taxpayer is not required to satisfy the employment test provided in  the  preceding  sentence of this subparagraph for its first taxable year. For  the purposes of clause (III) of this subparagraph  the  employment  test  will  be  based  on the number of employees located in this state on the  last day of the first taxable year the taxpayer is  subject  to  tax  in  this  state. If the uses of the property must be aggregated to determine  whether the property is principally used in qualifying uses, then either  each affiliate using the property must satisfy this employment  test  or  this  employment  test  must be satisfied through the aggregation of the  employees of the taxpayer, its affiliated regulated broker, dealer,  and  registered  investment  adviser using the property. For purposes of this  subsection, the term "goods" shall not include electricity.    (B) For purposes of this paragraph, the  following  definitions  shall  apply:    (i) Manufacturing shall mean the process of working raw materials into  wares  suitable  for  use  or which gives new shapes, new quality or new  combinations to matter which already has gone  through  some  artificial  process  by  the  use  of machinery, tools, appliances and other similar  equipment. Property used  in  the  production  of  goods  shall  include  machinery,  equipment  or  other  tangible property which is principally  used in the repair and service of other machinery,  equipment  or  other  tangible  property used principally in the production of goods and shall  include all facilities  used  in  the  production  operation,  including  storage  of  material  to be used in production and of the products that  are produced.    (ii) Research and development property shall mean  property  which  is  used  for  purposes  of  research and development in the experimental or  laboratory sense. Such purposes shall  not  be  deemed  to  include  the  ordinary  testing  or  inspection  of  materials or products for quality  control,  efficiency  surveys,  management  studies,  consumer  surveys,  advertising,  promotions,  or  research  in  connection  with  literary,  historical or similar projects.    (iii)  Industrial  waste  treatment  facilities  shall  mean  property  constituting   facilities   for   the   treatment,   neutralization   or  stabilization of  industrial  waste  and  other  wastes  (as  the  terms  "industrial  waste" and "other wastes" are defined in section 17-0105 of  the environmental conservation law) from a point  immediately  preceding  the  point  of  such  treatment,  neutralization or stabilization to the  point of disposal, including  the  necessary  pumping  and  transmitting  facilities,  but  excluding  such  facilities  installed for the primary  purpose of salvaging materials which are  usable  in  the  manufacturing  process or are marketable.    (iv) Air pollution control facilities shall mean property constituting  facilities which remove, reduce, or render less noxious air contaminants  emitted from an air contamination source (as the terms "air contaminant"  and  "air  contamination  source"  are defined in section 19-0107 of the  environmental conservation law) from a point immediately  preceding  the  point  of such removal, reduction or rendering to the point of discharge  of air, meeting emission standards as established by the  department  of  environmental  conservation, but excluding such facilities installed for  the primary purpose of salvaging  materials  which  are  usable  in  the  manufacturing  process  or are marketable and excluding those facilities  which rely for their efficacy on dilution, dispersion or assimilation ofair contaminants in the ambient air  after  emission.  Such  term  shall  further  include flue gas desulfurization equipment and attendant sludge  disposal facilities, fluidized bed boilers, precombustion coal  cleaning  facilities  or  other  facilities  that conform with this subsection and  which comply with the provisions of the State  Acid  Deposition  Control  Act  set  forth  in  title nine of article nineteen of the environmental  conservation law.    (v)  For  purposes  of  this  paragraph,  the  terms  "qualified  film  production  facility" and "qualified film production company" shall have  the same meaning as in section twenty-four of this chapter.    (C) However, such credit shall be allowed with respect  to  industrial  waste  treatment facilities and air pollution control facilities only on  condition  that  such  facilities  have  been  certified  by  the  state  commissioner   of   environmental   conservation   or   his   designated  representative, pursuant  to  subdivision  one  of  section  17-0707  or  subdivision  one  of  section  19-0309 of the environmental conservation  law, as  complying  with  applicable  provisions  of  the  environmental  conservation  law,  the  public  health law, the state sanitary code and  codes, rules, regulations, permits or orders issued pursuant thereto.    (3) A taxpayer shall not be allowed a  credit  under  this  subsection  with respect to any property described in clause (i) of subparagraph (B)  of  paragraph two hereof if such property qualifies for the modification  allowed under either paragraph three or paragraph four of subsection (g)  of section six hundred twelve whether or not such amount shall have been  subtracted. Provided, however, with respect to property which  qualifies  for a modification under either clause (A), (B) or (C) of paragraph four  of  subsection  (g)  because  such  property  was  ordered  on or before  December thirty-first, nineteen hundred sixty-eight, but with respect to  which no expenditure has  been  paid  or  incurred  at  such  date,  the  taxpayer  may  elect to subtract the amount allowable under clauses (A),  (B) or (C) or may take the credit provided by this subsection,  but  not  both.    (4)  A  taxpayer  shall  not be allowed a credit under this subsection  with respect to tangible personal property and other tangible  property,  including  buildings  and  structural  components of buildings, which it  leases to any other person or corporation except where a taxpayer leases  property to  an  affiliated  regulated  broker,  dealer,  or  registered  investment  adviser  that  uses  such property in accordance with clause  (iv) or (v) of subparagraph (A) of paragraph two of this subsection. For  purposes of the preceding sentence, any contract or agreement  to  lease  or  rent  or  for  a  license to use such property shall be considered a  lease. Provided, however, in determining whether  a  taxpayer  shall  be  allowed  a  credit  under this subsection with respect to such property,  any election  made  with  respect  to  such  property  pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  paragraph eight of subsection (f) of section one hundred  sixty-eight of the internal revenue  code,  as  such  paragraph  was  in  effect  for  agreements  entered  into  prior to January first, nineteen  hundred  eighty-four,  shall  be  disregarded.  For  purposes  of   this  paragraph,  the  use  of  a  qualified  film  production  facility  by a  qualified film production company shall not be  considered  a  lease  of  such facility to such company.    (5)  If  the  amount of credit allowable under this subsection for any  taxable year shall exceed the taxpayer's tax for such year,  the  excess  allowed  for  a taxable year commencing prior to January first, nineteen  hundred eighty-seven may be carried over to the following year or  years  and  may be deducted from the taxpayer's tax for such year or years, but  in no  event  shall  such  credit  be  carried  over  to  taxable  years  commencing on or after January first, nineteen hundred ninety-seven, andany  amount  of credit allowed for a taxable year commencing on or after  January first, nineteen hundred eighty-seven and not deductible in  such  year  may  be  carried over to the ten taxable years next following such  taxable  year  and may be deducted from the taxpayer's tax for such year  or years. In lieu of carrying over  any  such  excess,  a  taxpayer  who  qualifies as an owner of a new business for purposes of paragraph ten of  this subsection may, at his option, receive such excess as a refund. Any  refund paid pursuant to this paragraph shall be deemed to be a refund of  an  overpayment  of tax as provided in section six hundred eighty-six of  this article, provided, however, that no interest shall be paid thereon.    (6) At the option of the taxpayer for taxable years  commencing  prior  to  January first, nineteen hundred eighty-seven, air or water pollution  control  facilities  which  qualify  for  elective  modifications  under  subsection   (h)   of  section  six  hundred  twelve,  or  research  and  development facilities which qualify for  elective  modifications  under  paragraphs  two and four of subsection (g) of section six hundred twelve  may be treated as property principally  used  by  the  taxpayer  in  the  production  of goods by manufacturing, processing, assembling, refining,  mining, extracting, farming,  agriculture,  horticulture,  floriculture,  viticulture  or  commercial  fishing,  provided  the  property otherwise  qualifies under paragraph two of this  subsection,  in  which  event,  a  modification  shall  not  be allowed under such subsection (h) and under  such paragraphs two and four of subsection (g).    (7) (A) With respect to property  which  is  depreciable  pursuant  to  section  one hundred sixty-seven of the internal revenue code but is not  subject to the provisions of section one  hundred  sixty-eight  of  such  code  and which is disposed of or ceases to be in qualified use prior to  the end of the taxable year in which the credit  is  to  be  taken,  the  amount of the credit shall be that portion of the credit provided for in  this subsection which represents the ratio which the months of qualified  use  bear  to the months of useful life. If property on which credit has  been taken is disposed of or ceases to be in qualified use prior to  the  end  of its useful life, the difference between the credit taken and the  credit allowed for actual  use  must  be  added  back  in  the  year  of  disposition.  Provided,  however,  if  such  property  is disposed of or  ceases to be in qualified use after it has been  in  qualified  use  for  more  than  twelve  consecutive  years, it shall not be necessary to add  back the credit as provided in this subparagraph. The amount  of  credit  allowed  for  actual use shall be determined by multiplying the original  credit by the ratio which the months of qualified use bear to the months  of useful life. For  purposes  of  this  subparagraph,  useful  life  of  property  shall  be  the  same  as  the  taxpayer  uses for depreciation  purposes when computing his federal income tax liability.    (B) Except with respect to that property to which subparagraph (D)  of  this  paragraph applies, with respect to three-year property, as defined  in subsection (e) of section one hundred  sixty-eight  of  the  internal  revenue  code,  which  is  disposed  of or ceases to be in qualified use  prior to the end of the taxable year in which the credit is to be taken,  the amount of the credit shall be that portion of  the  credit  provided  for  in  this  subsection which represents the ratio which the months of  qualified use bear to thirty-six. If property on which credit  has  been  taken  is  disposed of or ceases to be in qualified use prior to the end  of thirty-six months, the difference between the credit  taken  and  the  credit  allowed  for  actual  use  must  be  added  back  in the year of  disposition. The amount of  credit  allowed  for  actual  use  shall  be  determined  by  multiplying  the  original credit by the ratio which the  months of qualified use bear to thirty-six.(C) Except with respect to that property to which subparagraph (D)  of  this  paragraph  applies,  with  respect  to  property  subject  to  the  provisions of section one hundred sixty-eight of  the  internal  revenue  code,  other  than  three-year  property as defined in subsection (e) of  such  section  one hundred sixty-eight which is disposed of or ceases to  be in qualified use prior to the end of the taxable year  in  which  the  credit is to be taken, the amount of the credit shall be that portion of  the  credit  provided  for in this subsection which represents the ratio  which the months of qualified use bear to sixty. If  property  on  which  credit  has  been  taken is disposed of or ceases to be in qualified use  prior to the end of sixty months,  the  difference  between  the  credit  taken  and  the  credit allowed for actual use must be added back in the  year of disposition. The amount of credit allowed for actual  use  shall  be  determined by multiplying the original credit by the ratio which the  months of qualified use bear to sixty.    (D) With  respect  to  any  property  to  which  section  one  hundred  sixty-eight of the internal revenue code applies, which is a building or  a  structural component of a building and which is disposed of or ceases  to be in qualified use prior to the end of the taxable year in which the  credit is to be taken, the amount of the credit shall be that portion of  the credit provided for in this subsection which  represents  the  ratio  which  the  months  of  qualified use bear to the total number of months  over which the  taxpayer  chooses  to  deduct  the  property  under  the  internal  revenue  code.  If  property on which credit has been taken is  disposed of or ceases to be in qualified use prior to  the  end  of  the  period  over which the taxpayer chooses to deduct the property under the  internal revenue code, the difference between the credit taken  and  the  credit  allowed  for  actual  use  must  be  added  back  in the year of  disposition. Provided, however, if  such  property  is  disposed  of  or  ceases  to  be  in  qualified use after it has been in qualified use for  more than twelve consecutive years, it shall not  be  necessary  to  add  back  the  credit as provided in this subparagraph. The amount of credit  allowed for actual use shall be determined by multiplying  the  original  credit  by the ratio which the months of qualified use bear to the total  number of months over which the taxpayer chooses to deduct the  property  under the internal revenue code.    (E) For purposes of this paragraph, property (i) which is described in  subparagraph  (B),  (C)  or  (D)  of  this  paragraph, and (ii) which is  subject  to  paragraph  twenty-six  of  subsection  (c)  and   paragraph  twenty-five  of  subsection  (b)  of  section six hundred twelve of this  chapter, shall be treated as property which is depreciable  pursuant  to  section  one hundred sixty-seven of the internal revenue code but is not  subject to section one hundred sixty-eight of such code.    (F) For purposes of this paragraph, where a  credit  is  allowed  with  respect  to  an  air  pollution  control  facility  on  the  basis  of a  certificate  of  compliance  issued  pursuant   to   the   environmental  conservation  law and the certificate is revoked pursuant to subdivision  three of section 19-0309 of the  environmental  conservation  law,  such  revocation  shall  constitute  a disposal or cessation of qualified use,  unless such facility is described in clause (i) or (iii) of subparagraph  (A) of paragraph two of this  subsection.  Also  for  purposes  of  this  subparagraph,  the  use  of  an  air  pollution  control  facility or an  industrial waste treatment facility for the primary purpose of salvaging  materials  which  are  usable  in  the  manufacturing  process  or   are  marketable  shall  constitute  a cessation of qualified use, unless such  facility is described in clause (i) or  (iii)  of  subparagraph  (A)  of  paragraph two of this subsection.(G)  For  taxable years commencing on or after January first, nineteen  hundred eighty-seven, the amount required to be added back  pursuant  to  this  paragraph  shall be augmented by an amount equal to the product of  such amount and the underpayment rate of  interest  (without  regard  to  compounding),  set  by  the  commissioner  pursuant to subsection (j) of  section six hundred ninety-seven, in effect  on  the  last  day  of  the  taxable year.    (H)  If,  as of the close of the taxable year, there is a net increase  with respect to the taxpayer in the amount of  nonqualified  nonrecourse  financing  (within  the  meaning  of  section  46(c) (8) of the internal  revenue code) with respect to any property with  respect  to  which  the  credit   under   this  subsection  was  limited  based  on  attributable  nonqualified nonrecourse financing, then an amount equal to the decrease  in such credit which would have resulted from reducing, by the amount of  such net increase, the cost or  other  basis  taken  into  account  with  respect  to  such  property must be added back in such taxable year. The  amount of nonqualified nonrecourse financing shall  not  be  treated  as  increased  by  reason  of  a  transfer of (or agreement to transfer) any  evidence of an indebtedness if such transfer occurs (or  such  agreement  is entered into) more than one year after the date such indebtedness was  incurred.    (10)  For purposes of paragraph five of this subsection, an individual  who is either a sole proprietor or  a  member  of  a  partnership  shall  qualify as an owner of a new business unless:    (A)  the business of which the individual is an owner is substantially  similar in operation and in ownership to a business entity  taxable,  or  previously  taxable, under section one hundred eighty-three, one hundred  eighty-four, one  hundred  eighty-five  or  one  hundred  eighty-six  of  article  nine;  article  nine-A,  thirty-two  or  thirty-three  of  this  chapter; article twenty-three of this chapter or which would  have  been  subject  to  tax under such article twenty-three (as such article was in  effect on January first, nineteen hundred  eighty)  or  the  income  (or  losses) of which is (or was) includable under article twenty-two of this  chapter  whereby  the intent and purpose of this paragraph and paragraph  five of this subsection with respect  to  refunding  of  credit  to  new  business would be evaded; or    (B) the individual has operated such new business entity in this state  for  more  than  five  taxable  years  (excluding  short  years  of  the  business).    (11) Retail enterprise tax credit. A retail enterprise,  not  eligible  to claim the credit under paragraph one of this subsection, but eligible  to claim the credit allowable under section thirty-eight of the internal  revenue  code  pursuant  solely to the provisions of subparagraph (E) of  paragraph one of subsection (a) of section  forty-eight  of  such  code,  shall  be  allowed  a  credit as hereinafter computed. The amount of the  credit shall be the  percentage  appearing  in  paragraph  one  of  this  subsection for the periods described therein for the amount of qualified  rehabilitation  expenditures,  as  defined  in subsection (g) of section  forty-eight of such code, paid or incurred with respect to  a  qualified  rehabilitated  building,  as  defined in such subsection (g), located in  this state and such expenditures shall be further limited  to  only  the  portion  thereof  paid  or  incurred  with  respect  to  that  part of a  qualified rehabilitated building employed by such taxpayer in the retail  sales activity of such retail  enterprise.  For  the  purposes  of  this  subsection,  the term "retail enterprise" means a taxpayer which is: (A)  a registered vendor under article  twenty-eight  of  this  chapter,  (B)  primarily  engaged  in  the  retail  sale,  as the term "retail sale" is  defined in subparagraph (i) of paragraph  four  of  subdivision  (b)  ofsection  eleven  hundred  one  of  this  chapter,  of  tangible personal  property, and (C) otherwise eligible for the credit allowed pursuant  to  section thirty-eight of the internal revenue code.    (12)  Rehabilitation  credit  for  historic barns. A taxpayer shall be  allowed a credit, to be computed as hereinafter  provided,  against  the  tax  imposed  by  this  article.  The  amount  of  the  credit  shall be  twenty-five  percent  of   the   taxpayer's   qualified   rehabilitation  expenditures,  as  defined in paragraph two of subsection (c) of section  forty-seven of the internal revenue code, which qualify as the basis for  the credit provided for under paragraph one of subsection (b) of section  thirty-eight of such  code  by  reason  of  subsection  one  of  section  forty-six  of  such  code,  paid  or  incurred  with respect to any barn  located in this state which is a qualified  rehabilitated  building,  as  such  term is defined in paragraph one of subsection (c) of such section  forty-seven. For purposes of this paragraph, the  term  "barn"  means  a  building  originally  designed  and  used  for storing farm equipment or  agricultural products, or for housing livestock. Provided, however, such  qualified  rehabilitation  expenditures  shall  not  include  any   such  expenditures   which  are  included,  directly  or  indirectly,  in  the  computation of a credit claimed by the taxpayer  pursuant  to  paragraph  one  of  this subsection. Provided further that no rehabilitation credit  shall be allowed for any rehabilitation of  a  barn  which,  immediately  prior   to  the  commencement  of  such  rehabilitation,  was  used  for  residential  purposes,  or  which  converts  a  barn  not  suitable  for  residential  purposes  into  one  which  is  so  suitable,  nor  shall a  rehabilitation credit be allowed for any rehabilitation that  materially  alters the historic appearance of the barn.    (13)(A)(i)  If  a  taxpayer  is  required  by  paragraph seven of this  subsection to add back a portion of the credit  taken  because  property  was destroyed or ceased to be in qualified use as a direct result of the  September  eleventh,  two  thousand one terrorist attacks, such taxpayer  may elect to defer the amount to be recaptured for all such property  to  the  taxable  year  next  succeeding  the  taxable  year  in  which  the  destruction or cessation of qualified use occurred. The taxable year  in  which  the  destruction  or cessation of qualified use occurred shall be  hereinafter referred to as the "recapture event taxable  year".  If  the  taxpayer's  total  employment number in the state on the last day of the  taxable year next succeeding the  recapture  event  taxable  year  is  a  significant percentage of the taxpayer's average total employment number  in the state for the taxpayer's recapture event taxable year and the two  taxable  years  immediately  preceding the recapture event taxable year,  then the taxpayer shall not be required to  recapture  any  credit  with  respect  to  such property. If the taxpayer's total employment number in  the state on the last day  of  the  taxable  year  next  succeeding  the  recapture  event  taxable  year  is  not a significant percentage of the  taxpayer's  average  total  employment  number  in  the  state  for  the  taxpayer's  recapture  event  taxable  year  and  the  two taxable years  immediately preceding the recapture event  taxable  year,  the  taxpayer  shall  be  required  to  recapture the portion of the credit taken under  this subsection, as required by paragraph seven of this subsection,  for  all  of its property destroyed or which ceased to be in qualified use as  a direct result of the September eleventh, two  thousand  one  terrorist  attacks.  The  amount  required  to  be recaptured shall be augmented as  required pursuant  to  subparagraph  (G)  of  paragraph  seven  of  this  subsection  by  using  an  interest  rate equal to two times the rate of  interest specified in such subparagraph seven applicable for the taxable  year in which the recapture occurs.(ii)  The  taxpayer's  total  employment  number  shall  include   all  employees  of  the  taxpayer  employed  full-time by the taxpayer in the  state. The average total  employment  number  for  the  recapture  event  taxable  year  and  the  two  taxable  years  immediately  preceding the  recapture  event  taxable  year  shall  be  computed  by determining the  taxpayer's total employment number on the thirty-first day of March, the  thirtieth  day  of  June,  the  thirtieth  day  of  September  and   the  thirty-first day of December during the applicable taxable years, adding  together  the number of such individuals determined to be so employed on  each of such dates and dividing the sum so obtained  by  the  number  of  such  dates  occurring within such applicable taxable years. However, in  the case of the taxable year  which  included  September  eleventh,  two  thousand  one, the average total employment number for such taxable year  shall be determined by using the total employment  number  on  September  first, two thousand one in lieu of September thirtieth, two thousand one  and,  if  such taxable year included December thirty-first, two thousand  one, by excluding the total employment number on December  thirty-first,  two thousand one.    (B)  In  lieu  of  subparagraph  (A) of this paragraph, a taxpayer may  elect  to  recapture  the  portion  of  the  credit  taken  under   this  subsection,  as  required by paragraph seven of this subsection, for all  of its property destroyed or which ceased to be in qualified  use  as  a  direct  result  of  the  September  eleventh, two thousand one terrorist  attacks, in the taxable year in which the destruction  or  cessation  of  qualified use occurred. If the taxpayer makes such election and acquires  property  (hereinafter referred to as "replacement property") to replace  any property destroyed as a direct result of the September eleventh, two  thousand one terrorist attacks (regardless of  when  such  property  was  placed  in  service  and  whether  a credit was claimed on that property  pursuant to this subsection), and such replacement property  is  similar  or  related in service or use to such destroyed property, the investment  credit base of the replacement  property  shall  be  determined  without  regard  to  any basis reduction required pursuant to section 1033 of the  internal revenue code.    (C) The election made by the taxpayer under subparagraph (A) or (B) of  this paragraph shall be made in the manner and form  prescribed  by  the  commissioner.    (D) A taxpayer, over fifty percent of whose employees died as a direct  result  of  the  September eleventh, two thousand one terrorist attacks,  may  make  the  election  provided  for  in  subparagraph  (A)  of  this  paragraph,  and  shall  not  be  required  to  recapture any credit with  respect to property which  was  destroyed  or  which  ceased  to  be  in  qualified  use  as  a  direct  result of such attacks, whether or not it  meets the employment test specified in clause (i) of subparagraph (A) of  this paragraph.    (a-1) Employment incentive credit (EIC). (1)(A) Where  a  taxpayer  is  allowed a credit under subsection (a) of this section, other than at the  optional  rate  applicable  to  research  and  development property, the  taxpayer shall be allowed a credit  for  each  of  the  two  years  next  succeeding  the  taxable year for which the credit under such subsection  (a) is allowed with respect to such property, whether or not  deductible  in  such  taxable  year  or  in  subsequent  taxable  years  pursuant to  paragraph five of subsection (a) of  this  section.  Provided,  however,  that  the  credit  allowable  under this subsection for any taxable year  shall be allowed only if the average number  of  employees  during  such  taxable  year  is at least one hundred one percent of the average number  of employees during the employment base year. The employment  base  year  shall  be  the  taxable  year immediately preceding the taxable year forwhich the credit under such subsection (a) is allowed except that in the  case of a new business, the employment base year shall  be  the  taxable  year in which the credit under such subsection (a) is allowed.    (B) The amount of the credit allowed under this subsection shall be as  set forth in the following table:   Average number of employees during      Credit allowed under this  the taxable year expressed as a         subsection expressed as a  percentage of average number of         percentage of the applicable  employees in employment base year:      investment credit base:    Less than 102%                                    1.5%    at least 102% and less than 103%                  2%    at least 103%                                     2.5%     (2)  The  average  number  of  employees  in  a  taxable year shall be  computed by ascertaining  the  number  of  employees  within  the  state  employed by the taxpayer on the thirty-first day of March, the thirtieth  day  of June, the thirtieth day of September and the thirty-first day of  December in the taxable year, by adding together the number of employees  ascertained on each of such dates and dividing the sum  so  obtained  by  the  number  of  such  abovementioned dates occurring within the taxable  year. For the purposes of this subsection, the  term  "employees  within  the state" shall not include, except with respect to the employment base  year,  any  employee  with  respect  to whom a credit provided for under  subsection (k) of this section is claimed for the taxable year, based on  employment within a zone equivalent area designated as such pursuant  to  article eighteen-B of the general municipal law.    (3)  If  the  amount of credit allowable under this subsection for any  taxable year shall exceed the taxpayer's tax for such year,  the  excess  allowed  for a taxable year may be carried over to the ten taxable years  next following such taxable year and may be deducted from the taxpayer's  tax for such year or years. In lieu of carrying over any such excess,  a  taxpayer  who  qualifies  as  an owner of a new business for purposes of  paragraph ten of subsection (a) of this  section  may,  at  his  or  her  option,  receive  such  excess  as a refund. Any refund paid pursuant to  this paragraph shall be deemed to be a refund of an overpayment  of  tax  as provided in section six hundred eighty-six of this article, provided,  however, that no interest shall be paid thereon.    (b) Household credit.  (1) A household credit shall be allowed against  the  tax  determined  under  subsections  (a) through (d) of section six  hundred one of this  article.  The  credit,  computed  as  described  in  paragraph  two  of  this subsection, shall not exceed the tax determined  under subsections (a) through (d) of section six  hundred  one  for  the  taxable  year,  reduced  by  the  credits  permitted  under sections six  hundred twenty and six hundred twenty-one of this article.    (2) (A) For any individual who is  not  married  nor  the  head  of  a  household  nor  a  surviving  spouse,  the  amount of the credit allowed  pursuant to this subsection for taxable  years  beginning  on  or  after  January  first,  nineteen  hundred  eighty-six  shall  be  determined in  accordance with the following table:     If household gross income is               The credit shall be  Not over $5,000                                     $75.00  Over $5,000 but not over $6,000                      60.00  Over $6,000 but not over $7,000                      50.00  Over $7,000 but not over $20,000                     45.00  Over $20,000 but not over $25,000                    40.00  Over $25,000 but not over $28,000                    20.00(B) For any husband and  wife,  head  of  a  household,  or  surviving  spouse, the amount of the credit allowed pursuant to this subsection for  taxable  years  beginning  on  or  after January first, nineteen hundred  eighty-six shall be determined in accordance with the following table:     If household gross income is               The credit shall be  Not over $5,000                     $90.00  plus  an  amount  equal   to                                      $15.00  multiplied by a number which                                      is  one  less  than  the  number  of                                      exemptions  for  which  the taxpayer                                      (or in the case  of  a  husband  and                                      wife,  taxpayers)  is  entitled to a                                      deduction for the taxable  year  for                                      federal  income  tax  purposes under                                      subsections (b) and (c)  of  section                                      one   hundred   fifty-one   of   the                                      internal revenue code  Over $5,000 but not over $6,000     $75.00 plus such an amount  Over $6,000 but not over $7,000     $65.00 plus such an amount  Over $7,000 but not over $20,000    $60.00 plus such an amount  Over $20,000 but not over $22,000   $60.00  plus  an  amount  equal   to                                      $10.00 multiplied by a number  which                                      is  one  less  than  the  number  of                                      exemptions for  which  the  taxpayer                                      (or  in  the  case  of a husband and                                      wife, taxpayers) is  entitled  to  a                                      deduction  for  the taxable year for                                      federal income  tax  purposes  under                                      subsections  (b)  and (c) of section                                      one   hundred   fifty-one   of   the                                      internal revenue code  Over $22,000 but not over $25,000   $50.00 plus such an amount  Over $25,000 but not over $28,000   $40.00 plus an amount equal to $5.00                                      multiplied  by a number which is one                                      less than the number  of  exemptions                                      for  which  the  taxpayer (or in the                                      case  of   a   husband   and   wife,                                      taxpayers)    is   entitled   to   a                                      deduction for the taxable  year  for                                      federal  income  tax  purposes under                                      subsections (b) and (c)  of  section                                      one   hundred   fifty-one   of   the                                      internal revenue code  Over $28,000 but not over $32,000   $20.00 plus such an amount     (3) For the purposes of this subsection:    (A) "Household gross income" shall mean the aggregate federal adjusted  gross income of a  household,  as  the  term  household  is  defined  in  subparagraph (B) of this paragraph, for the taxable year.    (B)  "Household"  means  a  husband  and  wife, a head of household, a  surviving spouse, or an individual who is not married nor the head of  a  household  nor  a surviving spouse nor a taxpayer with respect to whom a  deduction under subsection (c) of section one hundred fifty-one  of  the  internal  revenue  code is allowable to another taxpayer for the taxable  year.    (C) "Household gross income of  a  husband  and  wife"  shall  be  the  aggregate  of  their federal adjusted gross incomes for the taxable year  irrespective of whether joint or separate New York  income  tax  returnsare  filed. Provided, however, that a husband or wife who is required to  file a separate New York income tax return shall be  permitted  one-half  the  credit otherwise allowed his or her household, except as limited by  paragraph one of this subsection.    (c) Credit for certain household and dependent care services necessary  for gainful employment.    (1)  A  taxpayer shall be allowed a credit as provided herein equal to  the  applicable  percentage  of  the  credit  allowable  under   section  twenty-one  of  the  internal  revenue  code  for  the same taxable year  (without regard to whether the taxpayer in fact claimed the credit under  such  section  twenty-one  for  such  taxable  year).   The   applicable  percentage  shall be the sum of (i) twenty percent and (ii) a multiplier  multiplied by a  fraction.  For  taxable  years  beginning  in  nineteen  hundred  ninety-six  and nineteen hundred ninety-seven, the numerator of  such fraction shall be the lesser of (i) four thousand dollars  or  (ii)  fourteen  thousand  dollars  less the New York adjusted gross income for  the taxable year, provided, however, the numerator  shall  not  be  less  than   zero.   For  the  taxable  year  beginning  in  nineteen  hundred  ninety-eight, the numerator of such fraction shall be the lesser of  (i)  thirteen  thousand  dollars or (ii) thirty thousand dollars less the New  York adjusted gross income for the taxable year, provided, however,  the  numerator  shall  not  be less than zero. For taxable years beginning in  nineteen hundred ninety-nine, the numerator of such  fraction  shall  be  the  lesser  of  (i)  fifteen  thousand  dollars  or (ii) fifty thousand  dollars less the New York adjusted gross income for  the  taxable  year,  provided,  however,  the  numerator  shall  not  be  less than zero. For  taxable  years  beginning  after  nineteen  hundred   ninety-nine,   the  numerator  of  such fraction shall be the lesser of (i) fifteen thousand  dollars or (ii) sixty-five thousand dollars less the New  York  adjusted  gross  income  for  the  taxable  year, provided, however, the numerator  shall not be less than zero. The denominator of such fraction  shall  be  four  thousand  dollars  for taxable years beginning in nineteen hundred  ninety-six and nineteen hundred ninety-seven, thirteen thousand  dollars  for  the  taxable  year  beginning in nineteen hundred ninety-eight, and  fifteen thousand dollars for  taxable  years  beginning  after  nineteen  hundred  ninety-eight.  The  multiplier shall be ten percent for taxable  years beginning  in  nineteen  hundred  ninety-six,  forty  percent  for  taxable  years  beginning  in  nineteen hundred ninety-seven, and eighty  percent for taxable years beginning after nineteen hundred ninety-seven.  Provided, however, for taxable years beginning  after  nineteen  hundred  ninety-nine,  for  a person whose New York adjusted gross income is less  than forty thousand dollars, such applicable percentage shall  be  equal  to  (i)  one  hundred  percent,  plus  (ii)  ten percent multiplied by a  fraction whose numerator shall be the lesser  of  (i)  fifteen  thousand  dollars  or (ii) forty thousand dollars less the New York adjusted gross  income for the taxable year, provided such numerator shall not  be  less  than  zero,  and  whose  denominator  shall be fifteen thousand dollars.  Provided, further, that if the  reversion  event,  as  defined  in  this  paragraph,  occurs,  the  applicable percentage shall, for taxable years  ending on or after the date on which the reversion  event  occurred,  be  determined  using  the  rules  specified in this paragraph applicable to  taxable years beginning in nineteen hundred ninety-nine.  The  reversion  event  shall  be  deemed  to  have occurred on the date on which federal  action, including but  not  limited  to,  administrative,  statutory  or  regulatory  changes,  materially  reduces or eliminates New York state's  allocation of the federal temporary assistance for needy families  block  grant,  or  materially reduces the ability of the state to spend federal  temporary assistance for needy families block grant funds for the creditfor certain household and dependent care services necessary for  gainful  employment  or  to  apply  state general fund spending on the credit for  certain household and dependent  care  services  necessary  for  gainful  employment  toward  the  temporary  assistance  for needy families block  grant maintenance of effort requirement, and  the  commissioner  of  the  office  of temporary and disability assistance shall certify the date of  such event to the commissioner, the director  of  the  division  of  the  budget,  the  speaker of the assembly and the temporary president of the  senate.    (2) Residents. In the case of a resident taxpayer,  the  credit  under  this  subsection  shall  be  allowed  against  the taxes imposed by this  article for the taxable year reduced by the credits  permitted  by  this  article.   If the credit exceeds the tax as so reduced, the taxpayer may  receive,  and  the  comptroller,  subject  to  a  certificate   of   the  commissioner,  shall pay as an overpayment, without interest, the amount  of such excess.    (3) Nonresidents. In the case of a nonresident  taxpayer,  the  credit  under  this subsection shall be allowed against the tax determined under  subsections (a) through (d) of section six hundred one.  The  amount  of  the  credit  shall  not exceed the tax determined under such subsections  for the taxable year reduced by the credit  permitted  under  subsection  (b) of this section.    (4) Part-year residents. In the case of a part-year resident taxpayer,  the  credit  under  this  subsection  shall  be  allowed against the tax  determined under subsections (a) through (d) of section six hundred  one  reduced  by  the  credit permitted under subsection (b) of this section,  and any excess credit after such application shall  be  allowed  against  the taxes imposed by sections six hundred two and six hundred three. Any  remaining  excess, after such application, shall be refunded as provided  in paragraph two hereof, provided, however, that any  overpayment  under  such  paragraph  shall  be limited to the amount of the remaining excess  multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of  which  is  federal  adjusted  gross  income  for  the  period of residence, computed as if the taxable  year for federal income tax purposes  were  limited  to  the  period  of  residence, and the denominator of which is federal adjusted gross income  for the taxable year.    (5) In the case of a husband and wife who file a joint federal return,  but  who  are required to determine their New York taxes separately, the  credit allowed pursuant to this subsection may only be  applied  against  the  tax  imposed  on the spouse with the lower taxable income, computed  without regard to such credit. In the case of a husband and wife who are  not required to file a federal return, the credit under this  subsection  shall be allowed only if such taxpayers file a joint New York income tax  return.    (c-1)  Empire  state  child credit.   (1) A resident taxpayer shall be  allowed a credit as provided herein equal to the greater of one  hundred  dollars  times  the number of qualifying children of the taxpayer or the  applicable percentage of the child tax credit allowed the taxpayer under  section twenty-four of the internal revenue code for  the  same  taxable  year  for  each  qualifying  child.  Provided, however, in the case of a  taxpayer whose federal adjusted  gross  income  exceeds  the  applicable  threshold  amount  set forth by section 24(b)(2) of the Internal Revenue  Code, the credit shall only be equal to the applicable percentage of the  child tax credit allowed the taxpayer under section 24 of  the  Internal  Revenue  Code  for  each  qualifying  child.  For  the  purposes of this  subsection, a qualifying child shall be a child who meets the definition  of qualified child under section 24(c) of the internal revenue code  andis  at  least  four  years  of  age.  The applicable percentage shall be  thirty-three percent.    (2)  If the amount of the credit allowed under this subsection for any  taxable year shall exceed the taxpayer's tax for such year,  the  excess  shall  be treated as an overpayment of tax to be credited or refunded in  accordance with the provisions of section six hundred eighty-six of this  article, provided, however, that no interest shall be paid thereon.    (3) In the case of a husband and wife who file a joint federal return,  but who are required to determine their New York taxes  separately,  the  credit  allowed  pursuant  to this subsection may be applied against the  tax imposed of either or divided between them as they may elect.    (d) Earned income credit. (1) General. A taxpayer shall be  allowed  a  credit  as provided herein equal to (i) the applicable percentage of the  earned income credit allowed under section thirty-two  of  the  internal  revenue  code  for  the  same  taxable  year, (ii) reduced by the credit  permitted under subsection (b) of this section.    The applicable percentage shall be (i) seven and one-half percent  for  taxable  years  beginning  in  nineteen  hundred  ninety-four,  (ii) ten  percent for taxable years beginning  in  nineteen  hundred  ninety-five,  (iii)  twenty percent for taxable years beginning after nineteen hundred  ninety-five and  before  two  thousand,  (iv)  twenty-two  and  one-half  percent  for  taxable  years  beginning in two thousand, (v) twenty-five  percent  for  taxable  years  beginning  in  two  thousand   one,   (vi)  twenty-seven  and  one-half  percent  for taxable years beginning in two  thousand two, and (vii) thirty percent for taxable  years  beginning  in  two  thousand  three  and  thereafter.  Provided,  however,  that if the  reversion event, as defined in this paragraph,  occurs,  the  applicable  percentage  shall be twenty percent for taxable years ending on or after  the date on which the reversion  event  occurred.  The  reversion  event  shall  be  deemed  to have occurred on the date on which federal action,  including but not limited to, administrative,  statutory  or  regulatory  changes, materially reduces or eliminates New York state's allocation of  the  federal  temporary  assistance  for  needy families block grant, or  materially reduces the ability of the state to spend  federal  temporary  assistance  for  needy  families block grant funds for the earned income  credit or to apply state general fund  spending  on  the  earned  income  credit  toward  the  temporary assistance for needy families block grant  maintenance of effort requirement, and the commissioner of the office of  temporary and disability assistance shall certify the date of such event  to the commissioner  of  taxation  and  finance,  the  director  of  the  division  of  the  budget, the speaker of the assembly and the temporary  president of the senate.    (2) Residents. In the case of a resident taxpayer,  the  credit  under  this  subsection  shall  be  allowed  against  the taxes imposed by this  article for the taxable year reduced by the credits  permitted  by  this  article.   If the credit exceeds the tax as so reduced, the taxpayer may  receive,  and  the  comptroller,  subject  to  a  certificate   of   the  commissioner,  shall pay as an overpayment, without interest, the amount  of such excess.    (3) Nonresidents. In the case of a nonresident  taxpayer,  the  credit  under  this subsection shall be allowed against the tax determined under  subsections (a) through (d) of section six hundred one.  The  amount  of  the  credit  shall  not exceed the tax determined under such subsections  for the taxable year reduced by the credits permitted under  subsections  (b), (c) and (m) of this section.    (4) Part-year residents. In the case of a part-year resident taxpayer,  the  credit  under  this  subsection  shall  be  allowed against the tax  determined under subsections (a) through (d) of section six hundred  onereduced  by  the credits permitted under subsections (b), (c) and (m) of  this section, and any excess credit  after  such  application  shall  be  allowed  against  the  taxes imposed by sections six hundred two and six  hundred  three.  Any  remaining excess, after such application, shall be  refunded as provided in paragraph two hereof,  provided,  however,  that  any  overpayment  under such paragraph shall be limited to the amount of  the remaining excess multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is  federal adjusted gross income for the period of residence,  computed  as  if  the taxable year for federal income tax purposes were limited to the  period of residence, and the denominator of which  is  federal  adjusted  gross income for the taxable year.    (5)  Husband  and  wife.  In the case of a husband and wife who file a  joint federal return but who are required to determine  their  New  York  taxes  separately, the credit allowed pursuant to this subsection may be  applied against the tax of either or divided between them  as  they  may  elect.    (6)  Notification.  The  commissioner shall periodically, but not less  than every three years, make efforts to  alert  taxpayers  that  may  be  currently eligible to receive the credit provided under this subsection,  and  the  credit  provided  under  any  local  law  enacted  pursuant to  subsection (f) of section thirteen hundred ten of this  chapter,  as  to  their  potential  eligibility.  In making the determination of whether a  taxpayer may be eligible for such credit,  the  commissioner  shall  use  such  data  as  may  be  appropriate  and  available, including, but not  limited  to,  data  available  from  the  United  States  Department  of  Treasury, Internal Revenue Service and New York state income tax returns  for preceding tax years.    (7)  Reports.  The  commissioner  shall  prepare a preliminary written  report after July thirty-first and a final written report after December  thirty-first of each calendar  year,  which  shall  contain  statistical  information  regarding the credits granted on or before such dates under  this subsection, and under any local law enacted pursuant to  subsection  (f)  of  section  thirteen  hundred  ten  of  this  chapter, during such  calendar year. Copies of  these  reports  shall  be  submitted  by  such  commissioner to the governor, the temporary president of the senate, the  speaker  of  the  assembly, the chairman of the senate finance committee  and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee  within  sixty  days  of  July  thirty-first with respect to the preliminary report, and  within forty-five days of December  thirty-first  with  respect  to  the  final  report,  and copies of such reports with respect to credits under  any local law enacted pursuant to subsection  (f)  of  section  thirteen  hundred  ten of this chapter shall be submitted in addition to the mayor  and the speaker of the council of the city where such a local law is  in  effect.  Such  reports  shall  contain,  but need not be limited to, the  number of credits and the average amount of such credits allowed; and of  those, the number of credits and the  average  amount  of  such  credits  allowed to taxpayers in each county; and of those, the number of credits  and the average amount of such credits allowed to taxpayers whose earned  income  falls within ranges, determined by the commissioner, of not more  than four thousand dollars; and of those, the number of credits and  the  average  amount  of such credits allowed to taxpayers who file under the  different statuses set forth in subsections (a), (b) and (c) of  section  six  hundred  one  of this part; and of those, the number of credits and  the average amount of such credits allowed to taxpayers whose number  of  qualifying  children  falls  within  the  categories  set  forth in such  section thirty-two of the internal revenue code.(d-1) Enhanced earned income tax credit. (1) A taxpayer  described  in  paragraph  two of this subsection shall be allowed a credit equal to the  greater of:    (A)  twenty percent of the amount of the earned income tax credit that  would have been allowed to the taxpayer under section 32 of the internal  revenue code, absent the application  of  section  32(b)(2)(B)  of  such  code,  if  the  child  or  children  described  in  subparagraph  (C) of  paragraph two of  this  subsection  satisfied  the  requirements  for  a  qualifying  child  set  forth in section 32(c)(3) of such code, provided  however, that the credit shall be calculated as if the taxpayer had only  one child; or    (B) the product of two and one-half  and  the  amount  of  the  earned  income  tax  credit  that  would have been allowed to the taxpayer under  section 32 of the internal revenue code, if the taxpayer  satisfied  the  eligibility  requirements  set  forth in section 32(c)(1)(A)(ii) of such  code.    (2) To be allowed a credit under  this  subsection,  a  taxpayer  must  satisfy all of the following qualifications.    (A) The taxpayer must be a resident taxpayer.    (B) The taxpayer must have attained the age of eighteen.    (C)  The taxpayer must be the parent of a minor child or children with  whom the taxpayer does not reside.    (D) The taxpayer must have an order requiring him or her to make child  support payments, which are payable through a  support  collection  unit  established  pursuant  to  section  one  hundred  eleven-h of the social  services law, which order must have been in effect for at least one-half  of the taxable year.    (E) The taxpayer must have paid an amount  in  child  support  in  the  taxable  year  at least equal to the amount of current child support due  during the taxable year for every order requiring him  or  her  to  make  child support payments.    (3)  If  the  amount of the credit allowed under this subsection shall  exceed the taxpayer's tax for such year, the excess shall be treated  as  an  overpayment of tax to be credited or refunded in accordance with the  provisions of section six hundred eighty-six of this article,  provided,  however, that no interest shall be paid thereon.    (4)  No claim for credit under this subsection shall be allowed unless  the department has verified, from information provided by the office  of  temporary  and  disability assistance, that a taxpayer has satisfied the  qualifications set forth in subparagraphs (C), (D) and (E) of  paragraph  two   of  this  subsection.  The  office  of  temporary  and  disability  assistance shall provide to the department by January fifteenth of  each  year  information  applicable  for  the  immediately  preceding tax year  necessary for the department to make such verification. Such information  shall be provided in the manner and form agreed upon by  the  department  and  such  office.  If  a  taxpayer's  claim  for  a  credit  under this  subsection is disallowed because the  taxpayer  has  not  satisfied  the  qualifications  set forth in subparagraphs (C), (D) and (E) of paragraph  two of this subsection, the taxpayer  may  request  a  review  of  those  qualifications  by  the  support collection unit established pursuant to  section one hundred eleven-h of the social services  law  through  which  the  child  support  payments  were payable. The support collection unit  shall transmit the result of that review to the office of temporary  and  disability  assistance  on  a form developed by such office. Such office  shall then transmit such result to the department  in  a  manner  agreed  upon by the department and such office.    (5)  A  taxpayer  shall  not  be  allowed  multiple credits under this  subsection for a taxable year even if such taxpayer has  more  than  onechild  or  has  more  than  one order requiring him or her to make child  support payments.    (6)  If  a credit is allowed under this subsection and the taxpayer is  also allowed a credit under subsection (d) of this section, the taxpayer  shall only be allowed to claim one credit.    (7) In the report prepared pursuant to paragraph seven  of  subsection  (d)   of  this  section,  the  commissioner  shall  include  statistical  information concerning the credit allowed pursuant to  this  subsection.  Such  information  shall  be  limited  to  the number of credits and the  average amount of such credits allowed; and  of  those,  the  number  of  credits  and the average amounts of such credits allowed to taxpayers in  each county.    (8) In a report prepared by the  commissioner  and  submitted  to  the  office  of  temporary  and  disability  assistance, the department shall  include information concerning  the  credit  allowed  pursuant  to  this  subsection  indicating whether or not taxpayers identified by the office  of temporary and disability assistance pursuant  to  paragraph