6 - Designation of district directors.

§ 6. Designation  of district directors. 1. (a) When a county has been  declared a soil and water conservation district  a  board  of  directors  consisting  of five members shall be appointed by the county board. This  board of directors shall consist of two members of the county board  and  three  persons  not  members  of the county board of supervisors, two of  whom shall be practical farmers. One of these farmers shall be appointed  from a list submitted by the county grange, one of these  farmers  shall  be appointed from a list submitted by the county farm bureau. Should the  appointed  farm  bureau  representative not be a resident of the county,  the farm bureau representative must own or rent land in  the  county  in  which they serve. The fifth member shall be appointed from the county at  large  and  shall  represent  the  urban,  suburban  and  rural non-farm  landownership interest.    (b) In counties where one or both of the above named farm groups  lack  formal  county  organization,  the  county  board shall appoint from the  county at large in place of from a list of nominees  from  such  lacking  farm organization or organizations.    (c)  At  the  option  of  the  county  legislative  body, the board of  directors of the soil and water conservation district may be expanded to  seven members. Of the  two  additional  board  members,  they  shall  be  residents of the county and at least one shall be a practical farmer.    2. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, in Westchester  county,  the  county executive shall appoint a board of directors of the  soil and water conservation district, which  board  of  directors  shall  consist of seven members selected at large from residents of the county,  the  term  of  office  of each of whom shall be three years from date of  appointment, except that such  board  may  include  not  more  than  two  officials  of constituent local municipalities, each of whom shall serve  for one year or until he sooner ceases to hold such local office.    3. Notwithstanding any other provision  of  this  chapter,  in  Nassau  county,  the  county executive shall appoint a board of directors of the  soil and water conservation district, which  board  of  directors  shall  consist of seven members to be appointed as follows:    (a) Three members shall be appointed at large from among the residents  of  Nassau  county for a term of three years. The original appointments,  however, shall be made for terms of one year, two years and three years;    (b) One member  shall  be  appointed  from  among  the  Nassau  county  officials for a term of one year;    (c)  One  member shall be appointed from among the officers of each of  the three towns in the county of Nassau for a term of one year. All such  appointments  shall  be  subject  to  confirmation  by  the   board   of  supervisors.    4.  Notwithstanding  any  other provision of this chapter, in Rockland  county the county executive, subject to the confirmation of  the  county  legislature,  shall  appoint  a board of directors of the soil and water  conservation district, which board of directors shall  consist  of  five  members,  one  of whom shall reside in each of the towns comprising such  county.    The board of directors of the soil and water conservation district  in  the  city  of New York shall consist of nine members seven of whom shall  be appointed by the mayor and two of whom shall be appointed by the city  council, all of whom shall be residents of the city. Of the  members  so  appointed  by  the mayor, one shall be appointed upon the recommendation  of each of the borough presidents and such members shall be  a  resident  of  the borough of the president making such recommendation. Each of the  remaining two members may be a resident of any borough. Members shall be  appointed to serve for a term of  three  years,  commencing  on  January  first and ending on December thirty-first provided, however, that of themembers first appointed to such board, two shall serve for a term of one  year  and  three  shall  serve for a term of two years. Vacancies in the  membership of the board shall be  filled  in  the  manner  provided  for  original  appointment. All appointments shall be subject to confirmation  of the city council.