31 - Cession during ownership by the United States and use for purposes thereof, with sundry reservations.
§ 31. Cession during ownership by the United States and use for purposes thereof, with sundry reservations. Title and jurisdiction to the following tracts or parcels of land has been ceded to the United States upon condition that the jurisdiction so ceded should not prevent the execution on such tracts or parcels of any process, civil or criminal, issued under the authority of this state; nor the operation within the same of the laws of this state, or the ordinances of the common council of the city of New York, for the general regulation of the civil police of such city, passed before the date of the deed of cession, and not incompatible with the purpose for which such cession was made; and that the United States shall retain such use and jurisdiction so long only as such tracts shall be used for the defense and safety of the city of New York: 1. In the city of New York. A tract of land and land under water, in the city of New York, described in a deed dated May 6, 1808, as follows: "Beginning in the Hudson river at a point in the continuation of the south line of Hubert street, bearing N. 79