30 - Authorization of acquisition and cession of jurisdiction thereupon, with reservations of concurrent jurisdiction and right to serve process.
§ 30. Authorization of acquisition and cession of jurisdiction thereupon, with reservations of concurrent jurisdiction and right to serve process. The United States has been authorized to acquire the following tracts or parcels of land, and jurisdiction thereof has been ceded to the United States upon such acquisition, on condition that the state of New York should retain a concurrent jurisdiction with the United States over such tracts of land in the execution of civil process in all cases, and of such criminal process as might be issued under the authority of the state of New York against any person charged with crime committed within or without such tracts of land, and that the jurisdiction of the United States shall continue so long only as the lands shall be used for the purposes of cession. 1. At Watervliet, Albany county. A tract of land in the town of Watervliet, Albany county, described as follows: Beginning at a stone set in the ground, marked US. No. 2, standing at the south side of the Shaker road, and running thence from the said stone along the said road N. 72