139-I - Obligations with respect to procurement contracts with New York state and foreign business enterprises.

§  139-i.  Obligations  with respect to procurement contracts with New  York state and foreign business enterprises. 1. As used in this section,  the  following  terms  shall  have  the  following  meanings,  unless  a  different meaning appears from the context:    (a)  "Foreign  business  enterprise" shall mean a business enterprise,  including a  sole  proprietorship,  partnership  or  corporation,  which  offers  for  sale,  lease or other form of exchange, goods sought by the  state agency or department and which are substantially produced  outside  New York state, or services sought by the state agency or department and  which are substantially performed outside New York state.    (b)  "New  York  state  business  enterprise"  shall  mean  a business  enterprise,   including   a   sole   proprietorship,   partnership,   or  corporation,  which  offers for sale or lease or other form of exchange,  goods which are sought by the state agency or department and  which  are  substantially  manufactured, produced or assembled in New York state, or  services which are sought by the state agency or  department  and  which  are substantially performed within New York state.    (c)  "New  York  resident" shall mean a natural person who maintains a  fixed, permanent and principal home located within New York state and to  which such person,  whenever  temporarily  located,  always  intends  to  return.    (d)  "Procurement  contract"  shall  have the same meaning as that set  forth in subdivision  two  of  section  one  hundred  forty-one  of  the  economic development law.    2.  In  every state agency and department, the chief executive officer  shall:    (a) notify the commissioner of economic development of the award of  a  procurement  contract  for  the  purchase  of  goods  or services from a  foreign business enterprise in an amount equal to or  greater  than  one  million  dollars  simultaneously  with  notifying  the successful bidder  therefor. No state agency or department shall thereafter  enter  into  a  procurement  contract  for said goods or services until at least fifteen  days has  elapsed,  except  for  procurement  contracts  awarded  on  an  emergency  or  critical  basis,  or  where  the commissioner of economic  development waives the provisions of this sentence. The notification  to  the commissioner of economic development shall include the name, address  and telephone and facsimile number of the foreign business enterprise, a  brief  description  of  the goods or services to be obtained pursuant to  the  proposed  procurement  contract,  the  amount   of   the   proposed  procurement contract, the term of the proposed procurement contract, and  the  name of the individual at the foreign business enterprise or acting  on behalf of the same who is principally responsible  for  the  proposed  procurement   contract.   Such   notification   shall  be  used  by  the  commissioner of economic development solely to provide  notification  to  New  York  state business enterprises of opportunities to participate as  subcontractors and suppliers on such procurement contracts,  to  promote  and encourage the location and development of new business in the state,  to  assist  New  York  state  business  enterprises  in obtaining offset  credits from foreign countries, and to otherwise investigate, study  and  undertake  means of promoting and encouraging the prosperous development  and protection of the legitimate interest and welfare of New York  state  business enterprises, industry and commerce.    (b)  include  in  all  bid  documents  provided to potential bidders a  statement that information concerning the availability of New York state  subcontractors and suppliers  is  available  from  the  New  York  state  department of economic development, which shall include the directory of  certified  minority  and women-owned businesses, and it is the policy of  New York state to encourage the use of New York state subcontractors andsuppliers, and to promote the participation of minority and  women-owned  businesses, where possible, in the procurement of goods and services.    (c)  provide  annually, on or before the first business day of June of  each  year,  to  the  department  of  economic  development  information  pertaining  to  procurement contracts entered into in an amount equal to  or  greater  than  one  hundred  thousand  dollars  by  such  agency  or  department  during the previous year. Such information shall include the  subject  matter  and  value  of  such  contracts,  designation  of  each  contractor as a New York state business enterprise or a foreign business  enterprise,  the process used to select such contractors, as well as the  status of such contracts; and    (d) adopt policies to promote the  participation  by  New  York  state  business  enterprises  and  New  York  state  residents  in  procurement  contracts,  with  the  cooperation  of  the   department   of   economic  development  and  the  community  services division of the department of  labor including, but  not  limited  to,  providing  through  cooperative  efforts with contractors for the notification of New York state business  enterprises  of  opportunities  to  participate  as  subcontractors  and  suppliers on procurement contracts in an amount estimated to be equal to  or greater than one million dollars and for the notification of New York  state residents of employment opportunities arising in  New  York  state  out  of  procurement  contracts in an amount estimated to be equal to or  greater than one million dollars; and promulgating procedures which will  assure compliance by contractors with such notification.   Once  awarded  the contract, such contractors shall document their efforts to encourage  the  participation  of  New York state business enterprises as suppliers  and subcontractors on procurement contracts equal to or greater than one  million dollars. Documented efforts by  a  successful  contractor  shall  consist  of  and  be  limited  to  showing  that such contractor has (a)  solicited bids, in a timely and adequate manner,  from  New  York  state  business   enterprises  including  certified  minority  and  women-owned  business, or (b) contacted the New York  state  department  of  economic  development  to  obtain listings of New York state business enterprises,  or (c) placed notices for subcontractors and  suppliers  in  newspapers,  journals  and other trade publications distributed in New York state, or  (d) participated in  bidder  outreach  conferences.  If  the  contractor  determines that New York state business enterprises are not available to  participate   on  the  contract  as  subcontractors  or  suppliers,  the  contractor shall provide a statement indicating the method by which such  determination was made.  If  the  contractor  does  not  intend  to  use  subcontractors on the contract, the contractor shall provide a statement  verifying such intent.  Such contractors shall also provide notification  to  New York state residents of employment opportunities through listing  any such positions with the community services  division,  or  providing  for  such  notification  in  such  manner as is consistent with existing  collective  bargaining  contracts  or  agreements.  On  or  before   the  effective  date  of  this section, each state agency or department shall  submit such policies to the division of the budget and copies thereof to  the  department  of  audit  and  control,  the  department  of  economic  development,  the  senate  finance  committee  and the assembly ways and  means committee.    (e) include in each set of documents soliciting  bids  on  procurement  contracts to let by the state agency or department a statement notifying  potential  bidders located in foreign countries that the state agency or  department may assign or otherwise transfer offset  credits  created  by  such  procurement  contract  to third parties located in New York state;  provide for the assignment or other form of transfer of  offset  credits  created  by such procurement contracts, directly or indirectly, to thirdparties located in New  York  state,  in  accordance  with  the  written  directions  of the commissioner of economic development; and provide for  the  state  agency  or  department  to  otherwise  cooperate  with   the  department  of  economic development in efforts to get foreign countries  to recognize offset credits assigned or  transferred  to  third  parties  located in New York state created by such procurement contracts.    (f)  promulgate  procedures  which  will  assure  compliance  with the  federal equal  employment  opportunity  act  of  1972  (P.L.92-261),  as  amended, by contractors of the state agency or department.