99-I*2 - Problem and compulsive gambling education, prevention and treatment fund.

* §  99-i.  Problem  and compulsive gambling education, prevention and  treatment fund. 1. There is hereby established in the joint  custody  of  the  state  comptroller  and  the commissioner of taxation and finance a  special fund to  be  known  as  the  "problem  and  compulsive  gambling  education, prevention and treatment fund".    2.  Such fund shall consist of all other moneys appropriated, credited  or transferred thereto from any other fund or source pursuant to law.    3. Moneys of the fund, following  appropriation  by  the  legislature,  shall  be expended only for the development, expansion, and operation of  compulsive or  problem  gambling  education,  prevention  and  treatment  programs  conducted  in  accordance  with  section  41.57  of the mental  hygiene law. Moneys for such purposes shall be used to the  extent  that  they are available within the fund.    4.  The  moneys of the fund shall be paid out on the audit and warrant  of the state comptroller  on  vouchers  certified  or  approved  by  the  commissioner  of  alcoholism and substance abuse services. At the end of  each year, any moneys remaining in the fund shall  be  retained  in  the  fund  and  shall not revert to the general fund. The interest and income  earned on money in the fund, after  deducting  any  applicable  charges,  shall be credited to the fund.    * NB There are 2 § 99-i's