97-OO*2 - Clean air fund.

* § 97-oo. Clean air fund. 1. There is hereby established in the joint  custody  of  the  state comptroller and the commissioner of taxation and  finance a fund to be known as the "clean air fund" which  shall  consist  of an "operating permit program account" and a "mobile source account".    2.   The  operating  permit  program  account  shall  consist  of  the  following:    a. monies collected pursuant to section 72-0303 of  the  environmental  conservation law;    b. all fines and penalties collected pursuant to subdivision twelve of  section 72-0201 of the environmental conservation law for the nonpayment  of fees; and    c. all interest accrued on any such monies deposited into the account.    3.  Monies in the operating permit program account shall be available,  following appropriation by the legislature, to pay the reasonable direct  and indirect costs of developing and implementing the  operating  permit  program  established  pursuant  to  section 19-0311 of the environmental  conservation law.  Such  reasonable  direct  and  indirect  costs  shall  include:    a.  reviewing  and acting upon any application for an operating permit  or  permit  revision  issued  pursuant  to  section   19-0311   of   the  environmental conservation law;    b.  implementing  and  enforcing  the  terms  and  conditions  of  any  operating permit or permit revision issued pursuant to  section  19-0311  of the environmental conservation law;    c. emissions and ambient monitoring, including auditing and inspecting  source-operated  monitoring  programs,  related  to operating permits or  permit revisions issued pursuant to section 19-0311 of the environmental  conservation law;    d. preparing  generally  applicable  regulations  and  non-enforceable  guidance;    e. modelling, analyses and demonstrations;    f. preparing inventories and tracking emissions;    g.  developing  and  implementing the small business stationary source  technical and environmental compliance  assistance  program  established  pursuant to section 19-0313 of the environmental conservation law;    h.   providing   support  to  the  small  business  stationary  source  compliance advisory panel established pursuant to section 19-0315 of the  environmental conservation law;    i. developing and implementing the small  business  stationary  source  ombudsman   program   established   pursuant   to  section  one  hundred  thirty-seven of the economic development law; and    j. providing loans to the mobile source  account,  provided  that  any  such loan shall be repaid from such account.    4.  The  mobile  source  account  shall  consist  of  monies collected  pursuant to section three hundred one-b of the vehicle and traffic  law,  paragraph  two  of  subdivision (a) of section three hundred five of the  vehicle and traffic law, any monies collected pursuant to paragraph K of  subdivision seven of section four hundred one of the vehicle and traffic  law and  subdivision  four  of  section  71-2103  of  the  environmental  conservation  law, and all interest accrued on any such monies deposited  into the account.    5. Monies in the mobile source account shall be  available,  following  appropriation  by  the  legislature,  to  pay  the reasonable direct and  indirect costs of developing and implementing the mobile source  program  including  inspection  and  maintenance,  SIP  planning  and preparation  relating  to  mobile  sources,  fuels,  preparing  generally  applicable  regulations  and  guidance,  and  other such additional reasonable costs  attributable to the mobile source program.* NB There are 2 § 97-oo's