97-LLL - Vocational rehabilitation fund.

§   97-lll.   Vocational  rehabilitation  fund.  1.  There  is  hereby  established in the joint  custody  of  the  state  comptroller  and  the  commissioner  of  the  department  of  taxation and finance a fund to be  known as the vocational rehabilitation fund.    2. There is hereby established in  the  joint  custody  of  the  state  comptroller  and  the  commissioner  of  the  department of taxation and  finance two accounts of the vocational rehabilitation fund to  be  known  as:    (a)  the  workers'  compensation  death benefit accounts. Expenditures  from this account shall support services and  expenses  of  the  special  workers'  compensation  program.  Notwithstanding any other law, rule or  regulation to the contrary, the comptroller  is  hereby  authorized  and  directed  to  deposit to the credit of this account all moneys collected  pursuant  to  subdivision  nine  of  section  fifteen  of  the  workers'  compensation law; and    (b)  the  workers'  compensation evaluation fees account. Expenditures  from this account shall  support  rehabilitation  services  for  injured  workers.    Notwithstanding  any  other  law,  rule or regulation to the  contrary, the comptroller is hereby authorized and directed  to  deposit  to  the  credit  of  this  account fees charged to insurance carriers in  accordance with a fee schedule adopted by the board of regents.    3. Moneys of the accounts  established  in  subdivision  two  of  this  section,  following appropriation by the legislature, shall be available  to the state education department  for  services  and  expenses  of  the  special workers' compensation program.