97-EEE - Clean water/clean air implemenation fund.

* §  97-eee.  Clean  water/clean  air implementation fund. 1. There is  hereby established in the joint custody of the state comptroller and the  commissioner of taxation and finance a fund to be known  as  the  "clean  water/clean air implementation fund."    2.  Such  fund shall consist of moneys credited or transferred thereto  from any other fund or source for deposit in the fund.    3. Moneys of the clean water/clean air implementation  fund  shall  be  available,  following  appropriation  by the legislature, to pay for the  costs of state departments,  agencies,  public  authorities  and  public  benefit   corporations   to   implement,  manage  and  administer  state  assistance payments for the state share of projects authorized  pursuant  to  chapter  four  hundred  thirteen  of  the  laws  of nineteen hundred  ninety-six.    4. Moneys in the fund shall be kept separately from and shall  not  be  commingled   with   any  other  moneys  in  the  custody  of  the  state  comptroller.    5. All payments of moneys from the fund shall be made on the audit and  the warrant of the comptroller.    * NB There are 2 § 97-eee's