97-CCCC*3 - Tobacco revenue guarantee fund.

* §  97-cccc.  Tobacco  revenue  guarantee  fund.  1.  There is hereby  established in the sole custody of the state comptroller a  fund  to  be  known as the tobacco revenue guarantee fund.    2.   Notwithstanding  any  inconsistent  provision  of  law,  rule  or  regulation to the contrary, the director of the division of  the  budget  shall  provide  to  chairpersons of the senate finance and assembly ways  and  means  committees,  as  part  of  the   annual   executive   budget  submissions,  a  health  care  reform  act  financial  plan  which shall  include, but not be limited  to,  quarterly  estimates  of  health  care  reform  act  receipts and disbursements. Such plan shall be updated on a  quarterly basis, within thirty days of the quarter  to  which  it  shall  pertain,  based  on the actual experience of receipts, disbursements and  transfers, in a form suitable for comparison  to  the  annual  financial  plan.  Such  plan  and  quarterly  updates  shall  be  delivered  to the  temporary president of the senate, the speaker of the assembly  and  the  comptroller  annually  with the submission of the summary financial plan  as required by section twenty-two of this  chapter,  and  within  thirty  days after the end of each quarter, respectively.    3.  During  each such quarter, the commissioner of health shall assess  the receipts deposited to the credit  of  the  health  care  reform  act  pursuant  to  a  chapter  of the laws of two thousand three. At the same  time, the director of the division of the  budget  shall  determine  the  amount  of  the  payment  that  would have been due to the state for the  state's share of the tobacco master settlement  agreement  as  of  April  thirtieth  of  each such state fiscal year. The director of the division  of the budget in consultation with the commissioner of health shall then  determine: (a) whether the actual receipts to be received prior  to  the  end of each quarter are less than the greater of the planned receipts or  estimated  disbursements;  (b)  if  such  determination  results  in  an  underpayment or deficiency, the director of the division of  the  budget  shall  immediately  issue  a  declaration  to  the  comptroller  and the  commissioner of health identifying the amount of  such  underpayment  or  deficiency;  (c)  notwithstanding  any provision of law, upon receipt of  such declaration of underpayment or deficiency,  the  comptroller  shall  transfer  from  amounts available in the general fund including, but not  limited to amounts collected pursuant to article twenty-two of  the  tax  law,  to the tobacco revenue guarantee fund the amount identified as the  underpayment  or  deficiency  pursuant  to   paragraph   (b)   of   this  subdivision.  Provided, however, that the total amount so transferred to  the tobacco revenue guarantee fund during any  such  state  fiscal  year  shall  not  exceed the amount of the payment that would have been due to  the state for  the  state's  share  of  the  tobacco  master  settlement  agreement as of April thirtieth of each such state fiscal year.    4. At the request of the commissioner of health, the comptroller shall  transfer  any and all funds in the tobacco revenue guarantee fund to the  tobacco control and insurance initiatives pool established  pursuant  to  section  twenty-eight hundred seven-v of the public health law. No later  than the thirty-first day of March, two thousand five, and again on  the  thirty-first  day of March, two thousand six, the commissioner of health  shall issue a report to the chairpersons of the assembly ways and  means  committee   and   the   senate   finance  committee  setting  forth  the  calculations performed and the transfers made pursuant to this section.    5. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section  or  any  other  contrary  provision  of  law,  for  the period April first, two thousand  seven through March thirty-first, two thousand eleven, the provisions of  subdivision three of this section shall be suspended and have  no  force  and effect.    * NB There are 4 § 97-cccc's