57 - Issuance of state bonds.

§  57.  Issuance  of  state  bonds. 1. Whenever the legislature, after  authorization of a bond issue by the people at a  general  election,  as  provided  by  section eleven of article seven of the constitution, shall  have authorized, by one or more laws, the creation of a  state  debt  or  debts,  bonds  of  the  state,  to  the  amount  of the debt or debts so  authorized, shall be issued and  sold  by  the  state  comptroller.  Any  appropriation  from  the proceeds of the sale of bonds, pursuant to this  section, shall be deemed to be an authorization for the  creation  of  a  state  debt  or  debts  to  the  extent of such appropriation. The state  comptroller may issue and sell a single series of bonds pursuant to  one  or more such authorizations and for one or more duly authorized works or  purposes.  As part of the proceedings for each such issuance and sale of  bonds, the state comptroller shall designate the works or  purposes  for  which  they  are  issued. It shall not be necessary for him to designate  the works or purposes for which the bonds are issued on the face of  the  bonds.  The  proceeds  from  the sale of bonds for more than one work or  purpose shall be separately accounted for  according  to  the  works  or  purposes  designated  for  such sale by the comptroller and the proceeds  received for each work or purpose shall be expended only for  such  work  or  purpose.  The  bonds shall bear interest at such rate or rates as in  the judgment of the state comptroller may be sufficient or necessary  to  effect  a sale of the bonds, and such interest shall be payable at least  semi-annually, in the case of bonds with a fixed interest rate,  and  at  least  annually,  in the case of bonds with an interest rate that varies  periodically, in  the  city  of  New  York  unless  annual  payments  of  principal  and  interest result in substantially level or declining debt  service payments over  the  life  of  an  issue  of  bonds  pursuant  to  paragraph  (b)  of  subdivision  two  of  this section or unless accrued  interest is contributed to a sinking fund in accordance with subdivision  three of section twelve of article seven of the state  constitution,  in  which  case  interest  shall be paid at such times and at such places as  shall be determined by the state comptroller prior to  issuance  of  the  bonds.    2.  Such  bonds,  or  the portion thereof at any time issued, shall be  made payable (a) in equal annual principal installments or (b) in annual  installments of principal and interest  which  result  in  substantially  level  or  declining  debt service payments, over the life of the bonds,  the first of which annual installments shall be payable  not  more  than  one  year  from the date of issue and the last of which shall be payable  at such time as the comptroller may determine but not  more  than  forty  years  after  the  date  of  issue.  Where bonds are payable pursuant to  paragraph (b) of this  subdivision,  except  for  the  year  of  initial  issuance  if  less  than a full year of debt service is to become due in  that year, either (i) the greatest  aggregate  amount  of  debt  service  payable  in  any  fiscal year shall not differ from the lowest aggregate  amount of debt service payable in any other fiscal  year  by  more  than  five percent or (ii) the aggregate amount of debt service in each fiscal  year  shall  be  less  than  the aggregate amount of debt service in the  immediately preceding fiscal year. For  purposes  of  this  subdivision,  debt service shall include all principal, redemption price, sinking fund  installments or contributions, and interest scheduled to become due. For  purposes  of  determining  whether debt service is level or declining on  bonds issued with a variable rate of interest pursuant to paragraph b of  subdivision four of this section, the comptroller shall assume a  market  rate  of  interest  as  of  the  date of issuance. Where the comptroller  determines that interest on any bonds shall be compounded and payable at  maturity, such bonds shall be payable only in accordance with  paragraph  (b)  of  this  subdivision  unless  accrued interest is contributed to asinking fund in accordance with subdivision three of section  twelve  of  article  seven  of the state constitution. In no case shall any bonds or  portion thereof be issued for a period longer than the probable life  of  the work or purpose, or part thereof, to which the proceeds of the bonds  are to be applied, or in the alternative, the weighted average period of  the  probable life of the works or purposes to which the proceeds of the  bonds are to be applied taking into consideration the respective amounts  of bonds issued for each work or purpose, as  may  be  determined  under  section sixty-one of this chapter and in accordance with the certificate  of  the  commissioner  of  general  services, and/or the commissioner of  transportation, state architect or other authority, as the case may  be,  having   charge  by  law  of  the  acquisition,  construction,  work  or  improvement for which the debt was authorized. Such certificate shall be  filed in the office of the state comptroller and shall state the  group,  or,  where the probable lives of two or more separable parts of the work  or purposes are different, the groups, specified in  such  section,  for  which  the amount or amounts, shall be provided by the issuance and sale  of bonds. Weighted average period of probable life shall  be  determined  by computing the sum of the products derived from multiplying the dollar  value of the portion of the debt contracted for each work or purpose (or  class of works or purposes) by the probable life of such work or purpose  (or  class  of  works or purposes) and dividing the resulting sum by the  dollar value of the entire debt  after  taking  into  consideration  any  original  issue  discount.  Any  costs  of  issuance  financed with bond  proceeds shall be prorated among the various  works  or  purposes.  Such  bonds,  or  the  portion  thereof  at  any  time  sold, shall be of such  denominations,  subject  to  the  foregoing  provisions,  as  the  state  comptroller  may  determine. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of  this subdivision, the comptroller may issue all or  a  portion  of  such  bonds  as  serial  debt, term debt or a combination thereof, maturing as  required by this subdivision, provided that the comptroller  shall  have  provided  for  the  retirement each year, or otherwise have provided for  the payment of, through sinking fund installment payments or  otherwise,  a  portion  of  such term bonds in an amount meeting the requirements of  paragraph (a) or (b) of this subdivision or  shall  have  established  a  sinking  fund  and  provided  for  contributions  thereto as provided in  subdivision eight of this section and section twelve of article seven of  the state constitution.    3. The bonds shall be sold in such lot or lots, from time to time,  as  may  be  required  for  the  work or purpose for which the creation of a  state debt or debts shall have been authorized and appropriations  shall  have  been  made  by  law,  but  not  in  excess of the aggregate amount  authorized for such purpose. For the purpose of  determining  the  total  amount of debt sold for a particular work or purpose, only the amount of  money  actually received by the state shall be considered when bonds are  sold at a discount.    4. a. Such bonds shall be sold at par, at par plus a premium, or at  a  discount  to  the bidder offering the lowest interest cost to the state,  taking into consideration any premium or discount and, in  the  case  of  refunding  bonds,  the bona fide initial public offering price, not less  than four nor more than fifteen days, Sundays excepted, after  a  notice  of  such  sale  has  been  published at least once in a definitive trade  publication of the municipal bond industry published  on  each  business  day   in  the  state  of  New  York  which  is  generally  available  to  participants in the municipal bond industry, which  notice  shall  state  the  terms  of the sale. The comptroller may not change the terms of the  sale unless notice of such change is sent via a  definitive  trade  wire  service  of  the  municipal  bond  industry  which,  in  general,  makesavailable information regarding activity and sales  of  municipal  bonds  and  is  generally  available  to  participants  in  the  municipal bond  industry, at least one hour prior to the time of the sale as  set  forth  in  the  original notice of sale. In so changing the terms or conditions  of a sale the comptroller may send notice by such wire service that  the  sale  will be delayed by up to thirty days, provided that wire notice of  the new sale date will be given at least one business day prior  to  the  new  time  when  bids  will be accepted. In such event, no new notice of  sale shall be required to be published. Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of  section  three hundred five of the state technology law or any other  law, if the notice of sale contains a provision that bids will  only  be  accepted  electronically  in the manner provided in such notice of sale,  the comptroller shall not be required to accept non-electronic  bids  in  any  form.  Advertisements  shall contain a provision to the effect that  the state comptroller, in his or her discretion, may reject any  or  all  bids  made in pursuance of such advertisements, and in the event of such  rejection, the state comptroller is authorized to  negotiate  a  private  sale  or  readvertise for bids in the form and manner above described as  many times as, in his or her judgment, may  be  necessary  to  effect  a  satisfactory  sale.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing  provisions of this  paragraph, whenever in the judgment of the comptroller the interests  of  the  state  will  be  served  thereby, he or she may sell state bonds at  private sale at par, at par plus  a  premium,  or  at  a  discount.  The  comptroller   shall  promulgate  regulations  governing  the  terms  and  conditions of any such private sales, which regulations shall include  a  provision  that  he  or  she  give notice to the governor, the temporary  president of the senate, and the speaker of the assembly, of his or  her  intention  to  conduct  a  private  sale of obligations pursuant to this  section not less than five days prior to such sale or the  execution  of  any binding agreement to effect such sale.    b.  Notwithstanding  paragraph  a of this subdivision, whenever in the  judgment of the comptroller the interests of the state  will  be  served  thereby,  such bonds may be sold at public or private sale in accordance  with the procedures set forth in paragraph a of this  subdivision,  with  interest  rates  that vary in accordance with a formula or procedure set  forth or referred to in the bonds and may provide  the  holders  thereof  with  such  rights  to require the state or other persons to purchase or  redeem such bonds or renewals thereof from the proceeds  of  the  resale  thereof  or  otherwise  from time to time prior to the final maturity of  such bonds as the comptroller may determine and the state may resell, at  any time prior to final maturity, any such bonds acquired as a result of  the exercise of such rights. The holders of bonds sold pursuant to  this  paragraph  may  be  provided  with  the  right  to  require the state to  repurchase or redeem the bonds prior to the final  maturity  thereof  if  the  state  has  entered into one or more letter of credit agreements or  other  liquidity  facility  agreements  entered  into  for  the  express  purposes  of such sale and which shall require a financially responsible  party or parties to the agreement or agreements, which may be the state,  to purchase or redeem all or any portion of such bonds tendered  by  the  holders thereof for repurchase or redemption prior to the final maturity  of  such  bonds.  Such  requirement  to  purchase  or redeem bonds shall  continue until such time as the right of the holders of  such  bonds  to  require  repurchase  or  redemption  of  such  bonds  prior to the final  maturity  thereof  shall  cease.  A  financially  responsible  party  or  parties,  for purposes of this paragraph, shall mean a person or persons  determined by the comptroller to have sufficient net worth and liquidity  to purchase and pay for on a timely basis all of the bonds which may  be  tendered for repurchase or redemption by the holders thereof.5.  The  proceeds of bonds sold pursuant to this section shall be paid  into the treasury, and each portion thereof provided for a given work or  purpose shall be  accounted  for  separately  in  one  or  more  capital  projects   funds   in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles and made available only for such work or purpose, and only to  the extent of appropriations.    6.  Except  with  respect  to  bonds  issued in the manner provided in  paragraph (c) of subdivision seven of this section,  all  bonds  of  the  state  of  New  York  which  the comptroller of the state of New York is  authorized to issue and sell, shall be executed in the name of the state  of  New  York  by  the  manual  or  facsimile  signature  of  the  state  comptroller  and  his  seal  (or a facsimile thereof) shall be thereunto  affixed, imprinted, engraved or otherwise reproduced. In case the  state  comptroller  who  shall  have  signed  and sealed any of the bonds shall  cease to hold the office of state comptroller before the bonds so signed  and sealed shall have been actually countersigned and delivered  by  the  fiscal  agent,  such  bonds  may,  nevertheless,  be  countersigned  and  delivered as herein  provided,  and  may  be  issued  as  if  the  state  comptroller who signed and sealed such bonds had not ceased to hold such  office.  Any  bond of a series may be signed and sealed on behalf of the  state of New York by such person as at the actual time of the  execution  of  such  bond  shall hold the office of comptroller of the state of New  York, although at the date of the bonds of such series such  person  may  not have held such office.    The coupons to be attached to the coupon bonds of each series shall be  signed  by the facsimile signature of the state comptroller of the state  of New York or by any person who shall have held  the  office  of  state  comptroller  of  the state of New York on or after the date of the bonds  of such series, notwithstanding that such person may not have been  such  state  comptroller at the date of any such bond or may have ceased to be  such state comptroller at the date when any such bond shall be  actually  countersigned and delivered.    The  bonds  of  each  series  shall  be  countersigned with the manual  signature of an authorized employee of the fiscal agent of the state  of  New York. No bond and no coupon thereunto appertaining shall be valid or  obligatory  for  any  purpose  until  such manual countersignature of an  authorized employee of the fiscal agent of the state of New  York  shall  have been duly affixed to such bond.    7.  (a)  The  state  comptroller is authorized to issue bonds in fully  registered form,  executed  as  provided  in  subdivision  six  of  this  section,  in  such  denominations  as  shall  be determined by the state  comptroller and exchangeable for fully registered bonds in denominations  as shall be determined by the state comptroller.    (b) The state comptroller is authorized to issue  bonds  as  a  single  registered  bond,  executed  as  provided  in  subdivision  six  of this  section, in an amount equal to the principal amount  of  the  series  of  bonds being issued, or more than one registered bond in amounts equal to  the  principal  amount of the series of bonds maturing in a single year,  and to deposit the bond or bonds with a securities depository  organized  under  the  banking  law  of  the  state of New York and qualifying as a  clearing agency registered under the United States  Securities  Exchange  Act  of 1934, as amended. Book entries representing beneficial ownership  of  the  bonds  shall  be  in  denominations  determined  by  the  state  comptroller.    (c)   The   state   comptroller   is  authorized  to  issue  bonds  as  uncertificated securities within the meaning of  article  eight  of  the  uniform  commercial  code  with  beneficial  ownership  in denominationsdetermined by the state comptroller and exchangeable in book entries  in  denominations as shall be determined by the state comptroller.    8.  Any  sinking  funds  created  pursuant  to  this  section shall be  maintained and managed by the state comptroller or an agent  or  trustee  designated  by  the  state comptroller and shall be funded in accordance  with the requirements of section twelve of article seven  of  the  state  constitution. Money in such sinking funds shall be held as cash or shall  be  invested  in  direct  obligations  of  the  federal  government,  or  obligations the interest on which is exempt from federal income taxation  and which are  fully  secured  by  direct  obligations  of  the  federal  government,  having  such  maturities  and  interest  payment  dates  as  required to make all payments to be made from the sinking fund  as  they  come  due.  Amounts  in  such sinking funds shall be used solely for the  purpose of retiring the bonds secured thereby  except  that  amounts  in  excess  of  the  required  balance  on any contribution date and amounts  remaining in such funds after all of the bonds secured thereby have been  retired shall be deposited in the general fund. No  appropriation  shall  be  required  for  disbursement of money, or income earned thereon, from  any sinking fund for the purpose of paying principal of and interest  on  the bonds for which such fund was created, except that interest shall be  paid  from  any  such  fund  only  if, and to the extent that, it is not  payable annually and contributions on account of such interest were made  to the fund.