54-L - State assistance to eligible cities and eligible municipalities in which a video lottery gaming facility is located.

§   54-l.   State   assistance   to   eligible   cities  and  eligible  municipalities in which a video lottery gaming facility is  located.  1.  Definitions.    When  used  in  this section, unless otherwise expressly  stated:    a. "Eligible city" shall mean a city with a  population  equal  to  or  greater  than one hundred twenty-five thousand and less than one million  in which a video lottery gaming facility is located and operating as  of  January  first,  two  thousand  nine pursuant to section sixteen hundred  seventeen-a of the tax law.    b. "Eligible  municipality"  shall  mean  (i)  for  the  fiscal  years  commencing April first, two thousand seven and April first, two thousand  eight  a  county,  city, town or village in which a video lottery gaming  facility is located pursuant to section sixteen hundred  seventeen-a  of  the  tax law that is not located in a city with a population equal to or  greater than one hundred twenty-five thousand and (ii)  for  the  fiscal  year commencing April first, two thousand nine and for each state fiscal  year  thereafter,  shall mean a county, city, town or village in which a  video lottery gaming facility is located and  operating  as  of  January  first, two thousand nine pursuant to section sixteen hundred seventeen-a  of  the tax law that is not located in a city with a population equal to  or greater than one hundred twenty-five thousand and which is located in  a county that has a poverty rate equal to or greater than fifty  percent  of the New York state poverty rate.    c. "Estimated net machine income" shall mean the estimated full annual  value  of  total revenue wagered after payout for prizes for games known  as "video lottery gaming" as authorized under article thirty-four of the  tax law during the state fiscal year in which  state  aid  payments  are  made pursuant to subdivision two of this section.    d. "Population" shall mean population based on the most recent federal  decennial census.    e.  "Poverty  rate"  shall  mean  the percentage of individuals living  below the  poverty  level,  as  reported  in  the  most  recent  federal  decennial census.    2.  Within  amounts  appropriated  therefor,  an  eligible city and an  eligible municipality shall receive a state aid payment as follows:    a. An eligible city shall receive: (i)  for  the  state  fiscal  years  commencing April first, two thousand seven and April first, two thousand  eight,  a  state  aid payment equal to three and one-half percent of the  "estimated net machine income"  generated  by  a  video  lottery  gaming  facility located in such eligible city. Such state aid payment shall not  exceed  twenty million dollars per eligible city; and (ii) for the state  fiscal year commencing April first, two thousand nine and for each state  fiscal year thereafter,  an  amount  equal  to  the  state  aid  payment  received  in  the state fiscal year commencing April first, two thousand  eight.    b. Eligible municipalities shall receive: (i)  for  the  state  fiscal  years  commencing  April  first, two thousand seven and April first, two  thousand eight, a share of three and one-half percent of the  "estimated  net machine income" generated by a video lottery gaming facility located  within  such  eligible  municipality as follows: (1) twenty-five percent  shall be apportioned and  paid  to  the  county;  and  (2)  seventy-five  percent  shall  be  apportioned and paid on a pro rata basis to eligible  municipalities, other than the county, based upon the population of such  eligible  municipalities.  Such  state  aid  payment  shall  not  exceed  twenty-five  percent of an eligible municipality's total expenditures as  reported in the statistical report of the comptroller in  the  preceding  state  fiscal  year  pursuant  to  section  thirty-seven  of the general  municipal law; (ii) for the state fiscal year  commencing  April  first,two  thousand nine: (1) for an eligible municipality which is located in  a county that has a poverty rate equal to or greater  than  seventy-five  percent of the New York state poverty rate, an amount equal to the state  aid  payment  received  in the state fiscal year commencing April first,  two thousand eight; and  (2)  for  an  eligible  municipality  which  is  located  in  a  county  that  has  a poverty rate less than seventy-five  percent of the New York state poverty rate, an  amount  equal  to  fifty  percent  of  the  state  aid  payment  received in the state fiscal year  commencing April first, two thousand eight;  and  (iii)  for  the  state  fiscal  year commencing April first, two thousand ten and for each state  fiscal year thereafter, an amount equal to ninety percent of  the  state  aid  payment  received  in the state fiscal year commencing April first,  two thousand nine.    3. a. State  aid  payments  made  to  an  eligible  city  pursuant  to  paragraph a of subdivision two of this section shall be used to increase  support for public schools in such city.    b.  State  aid  payments  made to an eligible municipality pursuant to  paragraph b of subdivision two of this section shall  be  used  by  such  eligible municipality to: (i) defray local costs associated with a video  lottery gaming facility, or (ii) minimize or reduce real property taxes.    4.  Payments of state aid pursuant to this section shall be made on or  before June thirtieth of each state fiscal  year  to  the  chief  fiscal  officer  of  each  eligible city and each eligible municipality on audit  and warrant of the state comptroller out of moneys appropriated  by  the  legislature  for such purpose to the credit of the local assistance fund  in the general fund of the state treasury.