203 - Reimbursement of travel expenses of persons attending interviews for appointment in state service.

§   203.   Reimbursement  of  travel  expenses  of  persons  attending  interviews for appointment in state service. 1. The appointing authority  of a department or agency of  the  state,  subject  to  the  regulations  hereinafter   mentioned  and  to  the  extent  that  appropriations  are  available therefor, may reimburse persons for travel  expenses  incurred  in travel necessary to attend interviews conducted by such department or  agency  for  appointment  to  positions  in the service of the state for  which there exists in New York state a shortage of qualified candidates.  Positions in the competitive class for  which  there  are  shortages  of  qualified  candidates  shall  be  determined  by the state department of  civil  service;  for  positions  outside  the  competitive  class   such  determination  shall  be made by the head of the department or agency in  which the positions are authorized. The comptroller shall adopt and  may  from  time  to  time  amend  regulations  for  carrying  into effect the  provisions of this section. Such  regulations  may  limit  reimbursement  hereunder  to  travel  expenses  incurred  in  travel  in  excess  of  a  prescribed minimum distance, or may otherwise limit the amount  of  such  expenses for which any person may be reimbursed.    2.  The  reimbursement  of  travel  expenses  to a person attending an  interview conducted by a department or agency of the state shall be made  from monies appropriated and available to such department or agency  for  travel  expenses.  Travel expenses shall be payable after audit and upon  the warrant of the comptroller in accordance with the provisions of this  chapter.