460-C - Inspection and supervision.

§  460-c.  Inspection and supervision. 1. Excepting state institutions  for the education and support of the  blind,  the  deaf  and  the  dumb,  facilities  subject  to  the  approval, visitation and inspection of the  state  department  of  mental  hygiene  or  the  state   commission   of  correction,  facilities  operated  by  or  under  the supervision of the  division for youth and facilities subject  to  the  supervision  of  the  department  of  health  pursuant  to  article twenty-eight of the public  health law, the department shall inspect and maintain  supervision  over  all  public  and  private  facilities or agencies whether state, county,  municipal, incorporated or not incorporated  which  are  in  receipt  of  public  funds,  which are of a charitable, eleemosynary, correctional or  reformatory  character,  including  facilities  or  agencies  exercising  custody  of  dependent,  neglected,  abused,  maltreated,  abandoned  or  delinquent children, agencies engaged in the placing-out or boarding-out  of children as defined in section  three  hundred  seventy-one  of  this  chapter,  homes  or shelters for unmarried mothers, residential programs  for victims of domestic violence  as  defined  in  subdivision  five  of  section  four  hundred  fifty-nine-a  of  this  chapter  and  adult care  facilities.    2. Upon inspection of any  facility  subject  to  the  inspection  and  supervision  of  the  department  pursuant  to  subdivision  one of this  section, inquiry may be made to ascertain:    (a) whether the  objectives  of  the  facility  or  agency  are  being  accomplished;    (b)  whether  all  applicable provisions of law and regulations of the  department are being fully complied with;    (c) the general management and financial condition  of  the  facility,  including any sources of public funds received;    (d)  its methods of and equipment for scholastic and career education,  and whether the same are best adapted to the needs of the residents  and  beneficiaries;    (e) its methods of administration;    (f)   its  methods  of  and  equipment  for  providing  care,  medical  attention, treatment and discipline of its residents and  beneficiaries,  and  whether the same are best adapted to the needs of the residents and  beneficiaries;    (g) the  qualifications  and  general  conduct  of  its  officers  and  employees;    (h) the condition of its grounds, buildings and other property; and    (i)  any  other  matter connected with or pertaining to its usefulness  and  good  management  or  to  the  interests  of   its   residents   or  beneficiaries.    2-a.  Special  procedures relating to abuse and neglect of children in  residential care.  (a) If the report of an investigation of child  abuse  or  maltreatment is indicated, the director or operator of a residential  facility or program, including a program described in paragraph  (j)  of  subdivision four of section four hundred twelve-a of this chapter, shall  submit  to  the  office  of  children  and  family  services, within ten  business days of receipt of notice of the indicated  report,  a  written  plan  of  prevention  and  remediation  to  be taken with respect to the  subject of the indicated report  to  assure  the  continued  health  and  safety  of  children  and  provide  for the prevention of future acts of  abuse or maltreatment. The office of children and family services  shall  approve  or  disapprove such plan and specify necessary revisions within  ten days of its receipt and shall monitor its implementation pursuant to  the provisions of this chapter.    (b) In the event an investigation of a report of alleged  child  abuse  or  maltreatment  determines  that  some  credible  evidence of abuse ormaltreatment exists and such abuse or maltreatment may be attributed  in  whole  or in part to noncompliance by the facility or program, including  a program described in paragraph (j) of subdivision four of section four  hundred  twelve-a  of  this  chapter, with provisions of this chapter or  regulations of the office of children and family services applicable  to  the  operation  of such residential facility or program, the director or  operator of  such  facility  or  program  shall,  in  consultation  with  officials  of  the  department responsible for the approval of operating  certificates and for monitoring the provision of protective services  to  children,  develop  a  plan of prevention and remediation which shall be  submitted to and approved by the office of children and family  services  in  accordance with time limits established by regulations of the office  of children and family services. Implementation of such  plan  shall  be  jointly  monitored  by  officials  of  the office of children and family  services responsible for the approval of operating certificates and  for  monitoring   the  provision  of  protective  services  to  children.  In  reviewing the continuing  qualification  of  a  residential  child  care  facility or program for an operating certificate, the office of children  and   family  services  shall  evaluate  such  facility's  or  program's  compliance with  plans  of  prevention  and  remediation  developed  and  implemented pursuant to this section.    (c)  Development  and implementation of plans pursuant to this section  shall, to the extent possible, be  coordinated  with  remediation  plans  required by local social services districts.    3. With respect to any corporation heretofore or hereafter formed by a  special  act or under a general law, or any unincorporated organization,  institution, facility or agency, which actually engages in  any  of  the  aforementioned  works  but  which is not in receipt of public funds, the  department is authorized to inspect and supervise with  respect  to  the  health,  safety,  treatment  and  training  of  its residents, or of the  children under its custody.    4. The commissioner or any official so authorized by him  may  conduct  any  inquiry  pursuant  to  the authority of section thirty-four of this  chapter, in  relation  to  any  matter  arising  out  of  an  inspection  performed  pursuant  to  this  title.  Any  officer  or  duly authorized  employee shall have full access to the  grounds,  buildings,  books  and  papers  relating to any such facility or agency and may require from the  officers and persons in charge  thereof  any  information  he  may  deem  necessary  in  the discharge of his duties. The department may establish  rules according to which, and provide blanks and forms upon which,  such  information shall be furnished, in a clear, uniform and prompt manner.    5.  Any  officer,  superintendent  or employee of any such facility or  agency who shall intentionally refuse to admit any officer or  inspector  of  the department for the purpose of inspection, or shall intentionally  refuse or fail to furnish the information required by the department  or  any officer or inspector, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.    6.  The rights and powers conferred by this section may be enforced by  an order of the supreme court after notice and hearing, or by indictment  by the grand jury of the county, or both.    7.  The  inspection  and  supervision  powers  and   duties   of   the  commissioner  as  established  by  this  section may, in the case of any  family type home for  adults  with  a  capacity  of  four  or  less,  be  delegated  in  whole or in part, to the local commissioner of the social  services district in which such facility  is  located,  and  such  local  commissioner shall make reports regarding such facility in such form and  manner and at such time as the department regulations may require.