426 - Annual reports.

§ 426. Annual reports. The commissioner shall prepare for inclusion in  the  annual  report  required by subdivision (d) of section seventeen of  this chapter to be filed with the governor and the legislature prior  to  December fifteenth of each year, a report on the operations of the state  central  register  of child abuse and maltreatment and the various local  child protective services.  The report shall include a full  statistical  analysis  of  the  reports  made to the central register together with a  report on the implementation of this title, his evaluation  of  services  offered  under  this  chapter  and  his  recommendations  for additional  legislation to fulfill the purposes of this  title.  Such  report  shall  indicate  the  number  of child abuse and maltreatment reports and cases  received  by  the  statewide  central  register  of  child   abuse   and  maltreatment  by each district in the preceding year, the number of such  cases determined to have been indicated and the  number  of  such  cases  determined  to  be unfounded by each district in the preceding year, the  number of such cases which have not been indicated or  unfounded  within  the  time  period  required by subdivision seven of section four hundred  twenty-four of this chapter by each district in the preceding  year  and  the  number  of workers assigned to the child protective service in each  district in the preceding year. The report shall also  contain  data  on  the   protection   of  children  in  residential  care  from  abuse  and  maltreatment, including reports received, results of  investigations  by  types  of  facilities and programs, types of corrective action taken, as  well as  efforts undertaken by the department, the  division  for  youth  and  the  state  education  department  to  provide training pursuant to  standards established by section four hundred sixty-two of this chapter,  section five hundred one of the executive law  and  sections  forty-four  hundred   three,   forty-three  hundred  fourteen,  forty-three  hundred  fifty-eight and forty-two hundred twelve of the education law.