424-D - Determinations rendered on reports of abuse or neglect of children in residential facilities or programs and actions to be taken.

§  424-d.  Determinations  rendered  on reports of abuse or neglect of  children in residential facilities or programs and actions to be  taken.  With  respect  to  determinations  made pursuant to subdivision seven of  section four hundred twenty-four-c of this title:    1. A report shall be  indicated  if  the  investigation  reveals  some  credible  evidence  that  a child in residential care has been abused or  neglected, as those terms are defined by subdivisions  one  and  two  of  section four hundred twelve-a of this title, and a specific custodian is  identified  as  being responsible, whether in whole or in part, for such  abuse or neglect of the child, by:    (a) committing, promoting or knowingly permitting  the  commission  of  any  of  the  acts  identified  in  paragraph  (d) of subdivision one of  section four hundred twelve-a of this title or  committing  any  of  the  acts  identified in paragraph (a) of subdivision one or paragraph (d) of  subdivision two of such section; or    (b) causing the physical, mental or emotional injury or impairment  of  a child or the substantial risk of such injury or impairment by:    (i) direct action;    (ii)  conduct  and  with knowledge or deliberate indifference allowing  any such injury, impairment or risk;    (iii) failing to exercise a minimum degree of care;    (iv) failing to comply with  a  rule  or  regulation  involving  care,  services  or  supervision  of  a  child  promulgated by the state agency  operating, certifying or supervising the residential facility or program  where it was reasonably foreseeable that such failure  would  result  in  the abuse or neglect of the child; or    (v)  failing to meet a personal duty imposed by an agreed upon plan of  prevention and remediation arising from abuse or neglect of a  child  in  residential  care  pursuant to this chapter, the mental hygiene law, the  executive law, or the education law.    2. If the office of children and family services determines that there  is reasonable cause to suspect that the child's  parent,  or  any  other  person  legally  responsible for the child other than a custodian of the  child, abused or maltreated the child, the office of children and family  services shall make a separate report to the statewide central  register  for  investigation  by  the  applicable  local child protective service,  unless such a report has already been made.    3. If the office  of  children  family  services  determines  that  it  appears  likely  that  a  crime may have been committed against a child,  regardless of whether a report is indicated or unfounded, the office  of  children  and family services shall transmit a report of the allegations  and findings to the appropriate law  enforcement  authority  or  confirm  that such a report has already been transmitted.    4.  If  the  office of children and family services determines that it  appears likely that a crime may have been  committed  against  a  child,  regardless  of  whether  a  report  is  indicated  or  unfounded; that a  violation of the statutory, regulatory  or  other  requirements  of  the  licensing  agency  or  operating  state  agency relative to the care and  treatment of individuals receiving services has occurred, regardless  of  whether  a  report  is  indicated  or  unfounded;  or  that  a report is  indicated:    (a) the office of  children  and  family  services  shall  report  its  findings  to  the  director  of  the  facility  and  to  the appropriate  licensing or operating state agency  or,  within  such  office,  to  the  appropriate office staff;    (b)  the office of children and family services shall recommend to the  facility and the licensing state agency that appropriate preventive  and  remedial  actions, if any, which may include enforcement or disciplinaryactions authorized under section four hundred-sixty-d of  this  chapter,  sections  five  hundred  three  and  five  hundred  thirty-two-e  of the  executive law, article seven, thirteen, sixteen,  nineteen,  thirty-one,  or  thirty-two  of  the mental hygiene law, and/or applicable collective  bargaining agreements, be undertaken with respect to a residential  care  facility and/or the subject of the report of child abuse or neglect;    (c)  the  facility  and  the licensing state agency shall initiate any  necessary and appropriate corrective action within a  reasonably  prompt  period of time; and    (d)  within  a  reasonably  prompt  period of time, the facility shall  submit to the appropriate licensing state agency and to  the  office  of  children  and  family  services,  and  the  licensing state agency shall  submit, with a copy to the facility, to such office a written report  of  the  actions taken to address such office's findings and such subsequent  progress reports as the office may  require  including  any  actions  to  implement  a  plan  of  prevention  and  remediation as required by this  chapter, the executive law, the mental hygiene law or the education law;  provided, however, that notwithstanding  any  other  provision  of  this  section, whenever it appears likely to the office of children and family  services,  the  appropriate  licensing or operating state agency, or the  facility that a crime has been committed against a  child,  such  entity  shall  immediately  notify  the  appropriate  law  enforcement agency or  confirm that such notification has already been made.