424-C - Duties of the commissioner of the office of children and family services concerning reports of abuse or neglect of children in residential facilities

§  424-c.  Duties  of  the  commissioner of the office of children and  family services concerning reports of abuse or neglect  of  children  in  residential  facilities or programs. With respect to reports of abuse or  neglect in residential facilities or programs enumerated  in  paragraphs  (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f) and (j) of subdivision four of section four  hundred  twelve-a  of  this  title,  in addition to complying with other  requirements established by this chapter, the commissioner  of  children  and family services shall:    1.  Receive from the statewide central register on a twenty-four hour,  seven day a week basis all reports of suspected child abuse  or  neglect  in  accordance  with  this  title and regulations of the commissioner of  children and family services;    2. Maintain and keep up-to-date a child abuse and  neglect  record  of  all cases reported together with any additional information obtained and  a   record   of   the   final   disposition  of  the  report,  including  recommendations by the commissioner of the office of children and family  services and action taken with respect to the residential care  facility  or program or the subject of a report of child abuse or neglect pursuant  to subdivision two-a of section four hundred sixty-c of this chapter;    3.  Not  later  than  seven  days after receipt of such report, send a  preliminary written report  of  the  initial  investigation,  including,  whenever  practicable,  an  evaluation  of  whether  or  not such report  constitutes an allegation of child abuse or neglect and actions taken or  contemplated, to the statewide central register. If  such  investigation  results  in  a  determination  that  the  report  does not constitute an  allegation of abuse or  neglect,  the  office  of  children  and  family  services  shall  refer such report to the appropriate state licensing or  operating agency, provided, however, that the name and other  personally  identifiable  information  of  the person making the report shall not be  provided by the office of  children  and  family  services  unless  such  person authorizes such disclosure;    4.  Give  telephone  notice  and forward immediately a copy of reports  made which involve the death of a  child  to  the  appropriate  district  attorney.    In  addition, telephone notice shall be given and a copy of  all reports made shall be forwarded immediately by the  commissioner  of  children  and  family services to the appropriate district attorney if a  prior request in writing for such notice and copies has been made to the  commissioner of children and family services by the  district  attorney.  Such request shall specify the kinds of allegations concerning which the  district attorney requires such notice and copies;    5.  Upon receipt of such report, commence within twenty-four hours, an  appropriate investigation which shall include but not be limited  to  an  evaluation  of  the  residential  care  facility or program in which the  child resides who is named in the report and a determination of the risk  to such child  if  he  or  she  continues  to  remain  in  the  existing  residential  care  facility or program as well as a determination of the  nature, extent and cause of any condition enumerated in such report and,  after seeing to the safety of the  child  and,  to  the  maximum  extent  feasible,  the other children in the facility, forthwith: (a) notify the  subject of the report and other persons named in the report  in  writing  of  the  existence of the report and their respective rights pursuant to  this title in regard to  amendment;  and  (b)  notify  the  facility  or  program and, as appropriate, the office of children and family services,  the  department of education, and the local social services commissioner  or school district placing the child of the  existence  of  such  report  including  the  name of any child alleged to be abused or neglected, the  name of the subject of the report of child abuse  or  neglect,  and  anyother information which may be necessary to ensure the health and safety  of the children in the residential facility;    6.  Comply  with  the  terms  and  conditions  for  the maintenance of  confidential records and due process rights of the subject of the report  of child abuse or neglect pursuant to sections four  hundred  twenty-two  and four hundred twenty-four-a of this title;    7. Determine, within sixty days of receiving a report of an allegation  that  a  child  is  an  abused  or  neglected  child in residential care  whether:    (a) the report made to the statewide central register of  child  abuse  and  maltreatment  is  "indicated"  or  "unfounded"  in  accordance with  subdivision one of section four hundred twenty-four-d of this title;    (b) there is reasonable cause to suspect that the child's  parent,  or  other person legally responsible for the child other than a custodian of  the child, abused or maltreated the child;    (c) it appears likely that a crime may have been committed against the  child; and    (d)  it appears that a violation of the statutory, regulatory or other  requirements of the licensing agency or operating state agency  relative  to  the  care  and  treatment  of  individuals  receiving  services  has  occurred; and    8. Assist the criminal court during all stages of the court proceeding  in accordance with the purposes  of  this  title  and  other  applicable  provisions of law.