410-Y - Maintenance of effort.

§  410-y.  Maintenance  of effort. Each social services district shall  maintain the amount of local funds spent for child care assistance under  the child care block grant at a   level equal to  or  greater  than  the  amount  the  district  spent  for child   care assistance during federal  fiscal year nineteen hundred ninety-five under title IV-A of the federal  social security act, the federal  child  care  development  block  grant  program and the state low income child care program.  If the state fails  to  meet  the  level of state and local child care  funding necessary to  maintain the federal matching funds for child care  assistance available  under title IV-a of the federal social security  act,  the  state  shall  withhold  funding  from  those  social  services districts which spent a  lower amount of local funds for child care  assistance than  the  amount  they  spent  during  federal fiscal year  nineteen  hundred ninety-five,  based on a formula established in department regulations, equal  to  the  amount of the matching funds which  have been lost.