398-D - Child welfare services community demonstration projects.

§  398-d. Child welfare services community demonstration projects.  1.  The legislature finds that the centralized delivery of child  protective  services,   preventive  services,  adoption  services  and  foster  care  services in a social service district with a population of more than two  million hinders their effective delivery  and  adds  unnecessary  costs.  Numerous  studies have recommended that such services serve small areas,  be located in such areas, and be integrated. Such relocation will:  give  caseworkers greater knowledge of their assigned community, the residents  of that community and  the  availability  of  community-based  services;  increase  the  availability  of  caseworkers;  reduce  travel  time  for  caseworkers; enable children in foster  care  to  remain  in  their  own  communities  and schools and maintain their friendships; enable children  in foster care to have greater visitation with  their  parents;  provide  for  more  effective  delivery  of  preventive  services;  and  expedite  adoptions and otherwise reduce the amount  of  time  children  spend  in  foster care.    The  relocation  of  child  welfare  service delivery to the community  sites will strengthen efforts to provide a wide range of community-based  early intervention programs including, but not limited to,  school-based  health  clinics  and  community  schools, thereby ensuring the continued  development of a critical mass of community services.    2. No later than March first, nineteen hundred  ninety-six,  a  social  service  district  with  a  population  in  excess  of two million shall  implement at least three demonstration projects for a period of at least  two years to provide child welfare services  on  a  community  level  to  improve  the  delivery of child welfare services, increase adoptions and  reduce the rate of foster care placements.    These  projects  shall  be  located  in  and  serve community school districts which have high rates  of:  children at risk of becoming a part  of  the  foster  care  system,  poverty,  households  on  public  assistance,  juvenile delinquency, and  unemployment. Such  projects  shall  provide  foster  care,  preventive,  adoption and child protective services as required by this article.    3.  In  proposed  demonstration  areas, child welfare services must be  coordinated with community schools, school  health  clinics,  and  other  relevant programs to provide and administer the most efficient services.  In one demonstration area, the district shall use a caseworker to client  ratio equal to the preferred national average of one to fourteen.    4.  A report evaluating such projects shall be presented no later than  June  first,  nineteen  hundred  ninety-eight,  to  the  governor,   the  department  and the respective chairpersons of the assembly children and  families committee, the senate  children  and  families  committee,  the  assembly  ways  and  means  committee, and the senate finance committee.  Such report shall include:    (a) the number  of  children  and  families  who  received  preventive  services,  child  protective services and foster care, (b) the number of  delinquent and incarcerated youth in the demonstration projects, (c) the  length of an average foster care placement, (d) the number of  completed  adoptions  for  youth  residing within the demonstration area, including  their  age,  gender,  race,  ethnicity  and  religion,  (e)  the   gross  expenditures  for  foster  care,  compared to the gross expenditures for  child protective, preventive and adoption services, (f) changes  in  the  quality  and  quantity  of  time  spent by caseworkers with clients, (g)  staffing  ratios  of  foster  care,  preventive  and  child   protective  services,   (h)   the  perspective  (attitude,  viewpoint,  outlook)  of  caseworkers serving and clients served in the demonstration project, and  (i) recommendations for  expansion  of  community-based  provisions  for  child  welfare services.  For purposes of the report, the data describedabove should be compared to the extent possible  with  non-demonstration  areas.