390-C*2 - Additional powers and duties of the office of children and family services.

* §  390-c. Additional powers and duties of the office of children and  family services. 1. The commissioner of children and family services  is  authorized and directed to promulgate necessary rules and regulations to  ensure  that,  whenever  a  child  day  care  provider  is  licensed  or  registered pursuant to section three hundred ninety of this article, the  police department and fire department of the municipality  wherein  such  licensee  or  registrant  is  authorized to operate and the state police  shall be notified of the existence of the child  day  care  center,  its  location and the fact that children are likely to be at that location in  the  event  of an emergency. In those cases where the local municipality  does not have a police department or a fire department, the  sheriff  of  the appropriate county shall be notified in lieu thereof.    2.  The commissioner of children and family services is authorized and  directed to conduct a study to determine the best method of compiling an  accurate and accessible central record of information regarding the safe  operation of each day care center  licensed  or  registered  within  the  state.  Such  record  should include but not be limited to complaints by  parents or guardians, internal incident reports, reports  by  police  or  fire  departments, local or state building code violations, any relevant  information gathered from utility providers or other visitors to the day  care center and any additional information  held  by  another  state  or  local agency regarding a day care provider or a day care center location  which could affect safe operation of a day care center.    3.  On or before the thirtieth day of June in the year next succeeding  the year in  which  this  section  takes  effect,  the  commissioner  of  children and family services shall report to the governor, the temporary  president  of  the  senate and the speaker of the assembly regarding the  results of the study undertaken pursuant  to  subdivision  two  of  this  section.    * NB There are 2 § 390-c's