390-B - Criminal history review of child care providers, generally.

§  390-b.  Criminal history review of child care providers, generally.  1. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the  contrary,  and  subject  to  rules  and  regulations of the division of criminal justice  services, the office of children and family  services  shall  perform  a  criminal  history  record  check  with  the division of criminal justice  services regarding any operator, employee or volunteer of  a  child  day  care  center or school age child care provider, as defined in paragraphs  (c) and (f) of subdivision one of section three hundred ninety  of  this  title.  Child day care center operators, school age child care operators  and any employees or volunteers, who previously did not have a  criminal  history record check performed in accordance with this subdivision shall  have  such  a criminal history record check performed when the child day  care center or school age child care provider  applies  for  license  or  registration  renewal.  Child  day care centers which are not subject to  the provisions of section three hundred ninety of this title, shall  not  be  subject  to  the  provisions of this section. The provisions of this  section shall apply to a volunteer only  where  the  volunteer  has  the  potential  for regular and substantial contact with children enrolled in  the program.    (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to  the  contrary,  and  subject  to  rules  and  regulations of the division of criminal justice  services, the office of children and family  services  shall  perform  a  criminal  history  record  check  with  the division of criminal justice  services regarding the operator, any assistants, employees or volunteers  of a group family day care home or family day care home, as  defined  in  paragraphs  (d)  and  (e)  of  subdivision  one of section three hundred  ninety of this title, and any person age eighteen or  over  residing  on  the  premises  of the group family day care home or family day care home  which is to be licensed or registered in accordance with  section  three  hundred  ninety  of  this  title.  Group family day care home operators,  family day care home operators, any assistants, employees or volunteers,  and persons who are age eighteen or over residing on the premises  of  a  licensed  group  family day care home or registered family day care home  who previously did not have a criminal history record check performed in  accordance with this subdivision shall  have  such  a  criminal  history  record check performed when the group family day care home or family day  care home applies for renewal of the home's license or registration. The  provisions  of  this  section  shall apply to a volunteer only where the  volunteer has the potential for regular  and  substantial  contact  with  children enrolled in the program.    2.  (a)  As  part  of the provider's application for, or renewal of, a  child day care center or school age child care license or  registration,  the  provider  shall  furnish the office of children and family services  with fingerprint cards of any operator of a child  day  care  center  or  school  age  child  care  program,  and  any  employee or volunteer, who  previously did not have a criminal history  record  check  performed  in  accordance with this section, together with such other information as is  required  by the office of children and family services and the division  of criminal justice services.    (b) Every child day care center or  school  age  child  care  provider  shall  obtain  a  set  of  fingerprints for each prospective employee or  volunteer and such other information as is required  by  the  office  of  children  and  family  services  and  the  division  of criminal justice  services. The child day care center or school  age  child  care  program  shall furnish to the applicant blank fingerprint cards and a description  of  how the completed fingerprint cards will be used. The child day care  center or school age child care program  shall  promptly  transmit  such  fingerprint cards to the office of children and family services.(c)  As part of the provider's application for, or renewal of, a group  family day care home license or family day care home  registration,  the  provider  shall  furnish the office of children and family services with  fingerprint cards of any operator of a group family  day  care  home  or  family  day care home, and any assistant, employee or volunteer, and any  person age eighteen or over residing on the premises of the group family  day care home or family day care home, who previously  did  not  have  a  criminal history record check performed in accordance with this section,  together  with  such  other  information as is required by the office of  children and family  services  and  the  division  of  criminal  justice  services.    (d)  Every group family day care home or family day care home provider  shall obtain a set  of  fingerprints  for  each  prospective  assistant,  employee,  volunteer  and  any  person  age eighteen or over who will be  residing on the premises of the group family day care home or family day  care home, and such other information as is required by  the  office  of  children  and  family  services  and  the  division  of criminal justice  services. The group family  day  care  home  or  family  day  care  home  provider  shall  furnish  to the applicant blank fingerprint cards and a  description of how the completed fingerprint cards  will  be  used.  The  group  family  day  care  home  or  family  day care home provider shall  promptly transmit such fingerprint cards to the office of  children  and  family services.    (e)  The  office  of  children  and  family  services  shall  pay  the  processing fee imposed pursuant to subdivision eight-a of section  eight  hundred  thirty-seven  of  the executive law. The office of children and  family services shall promptly submit  the  fingerprint  cards  and  the  processing fee to the division of criminal justice services for its full  search and retain processing.    (f)  A  licensed or registered child day care center, school-age child  care program, group family day care home or family  day  care  home  may  temporarily  approve  an  applicant  to  be  an  employee,  assistant or  volunteer for such provider while the results of  the  criminal  history  record  check  are  pending,  but  shall  not  allow such person to have  unsupervised contact with children during such time.    3. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the  contrary,  after  reviewing  any  criminal  history  record  information  provided  by the  division of criminal justice services, of an individual who  is  subject  to  a criminal history record check pursuant to this section, the office  of children  and  family  services  and  the  provider  shall  take  the  following actions:    (a)  (i)  Where  the  criminal history record of an applicant to be an  operator of a child day care center,  school  age  child  care  program,  group family day care home, family day care home, or any person over the  age  of eighteen residing in such a home, reveals a felony conviction at  any time for a sex offense, crime against a child, or a crime  involving  violence,  or  a  felony  conviction  within  the  past five years for a  drug-related offense, the office of children and family  services  shall  deny  the  application  unless the office determines, in its discretion,  that approval of the application will not  in  any  way  jeopardize  the  health,  safety  or  welfare  of  the children in the center, program or  home; or    (ii) Where the criminal history  record  of  an  applicant  to  be  an  operator  of  a  child  day  care center, school age child care program,  group family day care home, family day care home, or any person over the  age of eighteen residing in such a home,  reveals  a  conviction  for  a  crime  other  than  one set forth in subparagraph (i) of this paragraph,the office of children and family services  may  deny  the  application,  consistent with article twenty-three-A of the correction law; or    (iii)  Where  the  criminal  history  record  of an applicant to be an  operator of a child day care center,  school  age  child  care  program,  group  family  day  care home, family day care home, or any other person  over the age of eighteen residing in such a home, reveals a  charge  for  any  crime,  the  office  of children and family services shall hold the  application in abeyance until the charge is finally resolved.    (b) (i) Where the criminal history record of a current operator  of  a  child  day  care center, school age child care program, group family day  care home, family day care home, or any other person  over  the  age  of  eighteen  residing  in such a home, reveals a conviction for a crime set  forth in subparagraph (i) of paragraph  (a)  of  this  subdivision,  the  office of children and family services shall conduct a safety assessment  of  the program and take all appropriate steps to protect the health and  safety of the children in the program. The office of children and family  services shall deny, limit,  suspend,  revoke,  reject  or  terminate  a  license  or  registration  based on such a conviction, unless the office  determines, in its discretion, that continued operation of  the  center,  program  or  home  will  not in any way jeopardize the health, safety or  welfare of the children in the center, program or home;    (ii) Where the criminal history record of  a  current  operator  of  a  child  day  care center, school age child care program, group family day  care home, family day care home, or any other person  over  the  age  of  eighteen residing in such a home, reveals a conviction for a crime other  than  one  set  forth  in  subparagraph  (i)  of  paragraph  (a) of this  subdivision, the office of children and family services shall conduct  a  safety  assessment  of  the  program  and  take all appropriate steps to  protect the health and safety of the children in the program. The office  may deny, limit, suspend, revoke,  reject  or  terminate  a  license  or  registration  based  on  such  a  conviction,  consistent  with  article  twenty-three-A of the correction law;    (iii) Where the criminal history record of a  current  operator  of  a  child  day  care center, school age child care program, group family day  care home, family day care home, or any other person  over  the  age  of  eighteen  residing  in  such a home, reveals a charge for any crime, the  office of children and family services shall conduct a safety assessment  of the program and take all appropriate steps to protect the health  and  safety  of the children in the program. The office may suspend a license  or registration based on such a charge where necessary  to  protect  the  health and safety of the children in the program.    (c)  (i)  Where  the  criminal history record of an applicant to be an  employee or volunteer at a child day care center  or  school  age  child  care  program reveals a conviction for a crime set forth in subparagraph  (i) of paragraph (a) of this subdivision, the  office  of  children  and  family services shall direct the provider to deny the application unless  the   office  determines,  in  its  discretion,  that  approval  of  the  application will not in any way jeopardize the health, safety or welfare  of the children in the center or program;    (ii) Where the criminal history  record  of  an  applicant  to  be  an  employee  or  volunteer  at  a child day care center or school age child  care program reveals a conviction for a crime other than one  set  forth  in  subparagraph (i) of paragraph (a) of this subdivision, the office of  children and family services may, consistent with article twenty-three-A  of the correction law, direct the provider to deny the application;    (iii) Where the criminal history record  of  an  applicant  to  be  an  employee  or  volunteer  at  a child day care center or school age child  care program reveals a charge for any crime, the office of children  andfamily  services shall hold the application in abeyance until the charge  is finally resolved.    (d)  (i)  Where  the  criminal history record of a current employee or  volunteer at a child day care center or school age  child  care  program  reveals  a  conviction  for  a  crime  set  forth in subparagraph (i) of  paragraph (a) of this subdivision, the office  of  children  and  family  services  shall  conduct a safety assessment of the program and take all  appropriate steps to protect the health and safety of  the  children  in  the  program.  The  office  shall  direct  the provider to terminate the  employee or volunteer based on such  a  conviction,  unless  the  office  determines,  in  its  discretion,  that  the  continued  presence of the  employee or volunteer in the center or  program  will  not  in  any  way  jeopardize  the  health, safety or welfare of the children in the center  or program;    (ii) Where the criminal  history  record  of  a  current  employee  or  volunteer  at  a  child day care center or school age child care program  reveals  a  conviction  for  a  crime  other  than  one  set  forth   in  subparagraph  (i)  of  paragraph  (a) of this subdivision, the office of  children and family services shall conduct a safety  assessment  of  the  program  and take all appropriate steps to protect the health and safety  of the children in the program. The office may direct  the  provider  to  terminate  the  employee  or  volunteer  based  on  such  a  conviction,  consistent with article twenty-three-A of the correction law;     (iii) Where the criminal history record  of  a  current  employee  or  volunteer  at  a  child day care center or school age child care program  reveals a charge for any  crime,  the  office  of  children  and  family  services  shall  conduct a safety assessment of the program and take all  appropriate steps to protect the health and safety of  the  children  in  the program.    (e)  (i)  Where  the  criminal history record of an applicant to be an  employee, assistant or volunteer at a group  family  day  care  home  or  family  day  care  home  reveals  a  conviction for a crime set forth in  subparagraph (i) of paragraph (a) of this  subdivision,  the  office  of  children  and  family  services  shall  direct  the provider to deny the  application unless  the  office  determines,  in  its  discretion,  that  approval  of  the application will not in any way jeopardize the health,  safety or welfare of the children in the home;    (ii) Where the criminal history  record  of  an  applicant  to  be  an  employee,  assistant  or  volunteer  at  a group family day care home or  family day care home reveals a conviction for a crime other than one set  forth in subparagraph (i) of paragraph  (a)  of  this  subdivision,  the  office  of  children  and  family  services may, consistent with article  twenty-three-A of the correction law, direct the provider  to  deny  the  application;    (iii)  Where  the  criminal  history  record  of an applicant to be an  employee, assistant or volunteer at a group  family  day  care  home  or  family  day  care  home  reveals  a  charge for any crime, the office of  children and family services shall  hold  the  application  in  abeyance  until the charge is finally resolved.    (f)  (i)  Where  the  criminal  history  record of a current employee,  assistant or volunteer at a group family day care  home  or  family  day  care home reveals a conviction for a crime set forth in subparagraph (i)  of  paragraph (a) of this subdivision, the office of children and family  services shall conduct a safety assessment of the program and  take  all  appropriate  steps  to  protect the health and safety of the children in  the home. The office of children and family services  shall  direct  the  provider to terminate the employee, assistant or volunteer based on such  a  conviction, unless the office determines, in its discretion, that thecontinued presence of the employee, assistant or volunteer in  the  home  will  not  in  any  way  jeopardize the health, safety or welfare of the  children in the home;    (ii)  Where  the  criminal  history  record  of  a  current  employee,  assistant or volunteer at a group family day care  home  or  family  day  care  home  reveals a conviction for a crime other than one set forth in  subparagraph (i) of paragraph (a) of this  subdivision,  the  office  of  children  and  family  services shall conduct a safety assessment of the  home and take all appropriate steps to protect the health and safety  of  the  children  in  the  home.  The  office  may  direct  the provider to  terminate  the  employee,  assistant  or  volunteer  based  on  such   a  conviction,  consistent  with  article  twenty-three-A of the correction  law;    (iii) Where  the  criminal  history  record  of  a  current  employee,  assistant  or  volunteer  at  a group family day care home or family day  care home reveals a charge for any crime, the  office  of  children  and  family  services  shall conduct a safety assessment of the home and take  all appropriate steps to protect the health and safety of  the  children  in the home.    (g)  Advise  the  provider that the individual has no criminal history  record.    4. Prior to making a determination to deny an application pursuant  to  subdivision  three  of  this  section, the office of children and family  services shall afford  the  applicant  an  opportunity  to  explain,  in  writing, why the application should not be denied.    5.  Notwithstanding  any  other  provision of law to the contrary, the  office of children and family  services,  upon  receipt  of  a  criminal  history  record  from  the  division  of  criminal justice services, may  request, and is entitled to receive, information pertaining to any crime  contained in such criminal history record from any state  or  local  law  enforcement agency, district attorney, parole officer, probation officer  or  court for the purposes of determining whether any ground relating to  such criminal conviction or pending criminal charge exists for denying a  license, registration, application or employment.    6. The notification by the office of children and family  services  to  the  child  day  care  provider pursuant to this section shall include a  summary of the criminal history record, if any, provided by the division  of criminal justice services.    7. Where the office of children and family services  directs  a  child  day  care  provider to deny an application based on the criminal history  record, the provider must notify the applicant that such record  is  the  basis of the denial.    8.  Any  safety  assessment  required  pursuant  to this section shall  include a review of the duties of the individual, the  extent  to  which  such  individual  may  have  contact  with  children  in  the program or  household  and  the  status  and  nature  of  the  criminal  charge   or  conviction.  Where  the  office of children and family services performs  the safety assessment, it shall thereafter take all appropriate steps to  protect the health and safety of children receiving care  in  the  child  day  care center, school age child care program, family day care home or  group family day care home.    9. Any criminal history record provided by the  division  of  criminal  justice  services,  and  any  summary  of  the  criminal  history record  provided by the office of children and family services to  a  child  day  care provider pursuant to this section, is confidential and shall not be  available for public inspection; provided, however, nothing herein shall  prevent  a  child day care provider or the office of children and family  services  from  disclosing   criminal   history   information   at   anyadministrative   or  judicial  proceeding  relating  to  the  denial  or  revocation of an application, employment, license or  registration.  The  subject  of a criminal history review conducted pursuant to this section  shall  be  entitled  to  receive,  upon  written  request, a copy of the  summary of the  criminal  history  record  provided  by  the  office  of  children   and   family   services  to  the  child  day  care  provider.  Unauthorized disclosure of such records or  reports  shall  subject  the  provider  to  civil  penalties  in  accordance  with  the  provisions of  subdivision eleven of section three hundred ninety of this title.    10. A child day care provider shall advise the office of children  and  family  services  when  an individual who is subject to criminal history  record review in accordance with subdivision one or two of this  section  is  no  longer subject to such review. The office of children and family  services shall inform the division of criminal justice services when  an  individual  who  is  subject  to  criminal  history  review is no longer  subject to such review so that the division of criminal justice services  may terminate its retain processing with regard to such person. At least  once a year, the office of children and family services will be required  to conduct a validation of the records maintained  by  the  division  of  criminal justice services.