385 - Orders; prohibiting placing out or boarding out; removal.

§  385.  Orders; prohibiting placing out or boarding out; removal.  1.  Prohibiting placing out or boarding  out.    Whenever  the  commissioner  shall  decide  that any disposition of a child under this title has been  made for purposes of gain, or without due inquiry as  to  the  character  and  reputation of the person with whom such child is placed, or in such  manner that such child is subjected to cruel or  improper  treatment  or  neglect  or  immoral  surroundings, or in such manner that the religious  faith of the child is not preserved and protected as  provided  by  this  title,   the  commissioner  may  issue  an  order  prohibiting  such  an  authorized agency, association,  corporation,  institution,  society  or  other  organization  from  thereafter  placing  out  or boarding out any  child.  No such order shall be issued until after an opportunity  to  be  heard  before  the  commissioner  or  his  designee and after reasonable  notice has been given, with a copy of the charge.  A full record of  the  proceedings   and  decision  on  such  hearing  shall  be  kept  by  the  department.  Any such order issued by the commissioner may be revoked by  the commissioner.    2.  Whenever the commissioner shall find a minor    (a)  placed out or boarded out in a home which is unsuitable or has no  license or certificate, or    (b)  cared for under a certificate or license but neglected or without  suitable care or protection, he may order its removal within thirty days  by the agency which placed it and if such order cannot  be  served  upon  such  agency,  it  may  be addressed to the public board, commission, or  officer of the county charged with the care of  such  child.    If  such  child  is  not  removed  within  the  specified  time, the matter may be  brought before the children's court or other court having  jurisdiction,  for adjudication and disposition.    3.    Review of orders.  Any person, agency, association, corporation,  institution, society or other organization, aggrieved by the decision of  the commissioner in making any order pursuant to the provisions of  this  title,  may  institute,  in the judicial district in which the applicant  resides  or  has  its  chief  office,   a   proceeding   under   article  seventy-eight  of  the  civil  practice  law  and  rules  in  which  the  reasonableness of such decision shall be subject to review.