377 - License to board children.

§  377.  License  to  board  children. 1. Application for a license to  receive, board or keep any  child  shall  be  made  in  writing  to  the  commissioner  of social services in and for the social services district  wherein the premises to be licensed are located, in the form and  manner  prescribed  by  the  department.  The  department  shall require that an  applicant set forth:  his or her employment  history,  provide  personal  and employment references and sign a sworn statement indicating whether,  to  the  best of his or her knowledge, he or she has ever been convicted  of a crime in this state  or  any  other  jurisdiction.  Not  until  all  inquiries  are  completed and evaluated shall the commissioner of social  services cause such license to be issued.    2. Before any such license shall be  issued  an  authorized  agent  or  employee  of  the  social  services district shall visit and inspect the  premises for which such license is requested, make such further  inquiry  and  investigation  as  may  be  required  to  ascertain compliance with  applicable requirements.    3. If  it  appears  from  such  inquiry  and  investigation  that  the  applicant  maintains  a  home  suitable  for  the  care  of  children in  accordance with the regulations of the department, the  commissioner  of  social  services shall cause such license to be issued in such manner as  the department may provide.    4. The commissioner of social services, issuing or renewing  any  such  license,  shall  in  accordance  with  the directions of the department,  transmit a copy or report thereof to the department.