376 - Certificate to board children and/or minors under age of eighteen years.
§ 376. Certificate to board children and/or minors under age of eighteen years. 1. An authorized agency which shall board out any child/or minor under the age of eighteen years shall issue to the person receiving such child and/or minor for board a certificate to receive, board or keep a child/or minor under the age of eighteen years. Prior to issuing such certificate, the agency shall require that an applicant set forth: his or her employment history, provide personal and employment references and sign a sworn statement indicating whether the applicant, to the best of his or her knowledge, has ever been convicted of a crime in this state or any other jurisdiction. Not until all inquiries are completed and evaluated shall the agency cause such certificate to be issued. 2. The agency issuing or renewing any such certificate shall forthwith transmit a copy or report thereof to the board. 3. No person shall be certified by more than one authorized agency but any person so certified may receive for care at board or otherwise a child and/or minor under the age of eighteen years from other sources upon the written consent and approval of the certifying agency as to each such child and/or minor.