372-E - Adoption applications; appeals.

§ 372-e. Adoption applications; appeals. 1. An authorized agency shall  keep  a  record  of applications received from persons seeking to become  adoptive parents, including all actions taken on such applications.    2.    The  department  shall  promulgate  regulations  setting   forth  standards  and  procedures  to  be  followed  by  authorized agencies in  evaluating persons who have applied to such agencies for the adoption of  a child.  Such regulations shall also restrict the evaluation process so  as not to unnecessarily duplicate previous investigations which may have  been made of the adoptive applicant in the context of a  prior  adoption  application  or  an  application for licensure or certification to board  children.    3. (a) Upon an authorized  agency's  denial  of  an  application,  the  authorized  agency  shall furnish the applicant with a written statement  setting forth its reason for the denial of the application. Such written  statement shall include a notice to the applicant, in bold face type, of  such applicant's right to request and be granted a hearing in accordance  with the provisions of subdivision four of this section.    (b) Upon an authorized agency's  failure  to  act  on  an  application  within  six  months  of  its submission, the authorized agency shall, on  such applicant's request, furnish the applicant with a written statement  setting forth its reason for its failure to act on the application. Such  written statement shall include a notice to the applicant, in bold  face  type,  of  such applicant's right to request and be granted a hearing in  accordance with the provisions of subdivision four of this section.    4.  Any person whose application has been denied or whose  application  has not been acted upon by an authorized agency within six months of its  submission may request and shall be granted a hearing in accordance with  the  provisions  of  section twenty-two of this chapter relating to fair  hearings.