365-H - Provision and reimbursement of transportation costs.

* § 365-h. Provision and reimbursement of transportation costs. 1. The  local  social  services  official  and,  subject  to  the  provisions of  subdivision four of this section, the commissioner of health shall  have  responsibility  for prior authorizing transportation of eligible persons  and  for  limiting  the  provision  of  such  transportation  to   those  recipients  and  circumstances  where  such transportation is essential,  medically necessary and appropriate to obtain medical care, services  or  supplies otherwise available under this title.    2.  In  exercising  this  responsibility,  the  local  social services  official and, as appropriate, the commissioner of health shall:    (a) make appropriate and economical use  of  transportation  resources  available  in  the  district  in  meeting  the  anticipated  demand  for  transportation within the  district,  including,  but  not  limited  to:  transportation  generally available free-of-charge to the general public  or specific segments  of  the  general  public,  public  transportation,  promotion  of  group rides, county vehicles, coordinated transportation,  and direct purchase of services; and    (b) maintain quality assurance mechanisms in order to ensure that  (i)  only  such  transportation  as  is  essential,  medically  necessary and  appropriate to obtain  medical  care,  services  or  supplies  otherwise  available under this title is provided; (ii) no expenditures for taxi or  livery  transportation are made when public transportation or lower cost  transportation is reasonably available to eligible  persons;  and  (iii)  transportation  services  are  provided  in a safe, timely, and reliable  manner  by  providers  that  comply  with  state  and  local  regulatory  requirements  and  meet  consumer  satisfaction criteria approved by the  commissioner of health.    3. In the event that coordination or other such cost savings  measures  are   implemented,   the   commissioner  shall  assure  compliance  with  applicable standards governing the safety and quality of  transportation  of the population served.    4.  The  commissioner of health is authorized to assume responsibility  from  a  local  social  services  official   for   the   provision   and  reimbursement  of  transportation  costs  under  this  section.  If  the  commissioner elects to  assume  such  responsibility,  the  commissioner  shall  notify  the  local  social services official in writing as to the  election, the date upon which the election shall be effective  and  such  information  as  to  transition  of responsibilities as the commissioner  deems prudent.  The  commissioner  is  authorized  to  contract  with  a  transportation  manager or managers to manage transportation services in  any local  social  services  district.  Any  transportation  manager  or  managers  selected by the commissioner to manage transportation services  shall have proven experience in coordinating transportation services  in  a  geographic and demographic area similar to the area in New York state  within which the contractor would manage the provision of services under  this section. Such a contract or contracts  may  include  responsibility  for:   review,   approval   and  processing  of  transportation  orders;  management  of  the  appropriate  level  of  transportation   based   on  documented  patient  medical  need;  and development of new technologies  leading to efficient transportation services. If the commissioner elects  to assume such responsibility from a local social services district, the  commissioner shall examine and, if appropriate, adopt quality  assurance  measures  that  may  include, but are not limited to, global positioning  tracking  system  reporting  requirements   and   service   verification  mechanisms.  Any and all reimbursement rates developed by transportation  managers under this subdivision shall  be  subject  to  the  review  and  approval of the commissioner. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision  of  sections one hundred twelve and one hundred sixty-three of the statefinance  law,  or  section  one  hundred  forty-two  of   the   economic  development  law,  or  any  other law, the commissioner is authorized to  enter into a contract or contracts  under  this  subdivision  without  a  competitive  bid  or  request  for  proposal process, provided, however,  that:    (a) the department shall post on its website, for a period of no  less  than thirty days:    (i)  a description of the proposed services to be provided pursuant to  the contract or contracts;    (ii) the criteria for selection of a contractor or contractors;    (iii) the period of time during which  a  prospective  contractor  may  seek  selection,  which  shall  be  no  less than thirty days after such  information is first posted on the website; and    (iv) the manner by  which  a  prospective  contractor  may  seek  such  selection, which may include submission by electronic means;    (b)  all  reasonable and responsive submissions that are received from  prospective contractors in timely  fashion  shall  be  reviewed  by  the  commissioner; and    (c) the commissioner shall select such contractor or contractors that,  in  his or her discretion, are best suited to serve the purposes of this  section.    * NB Effective until 4 years after the date the contract entered  into  pursuant this section (365-h) is executed.    * § 365-h. Provision and reimbursement of transportation costs. 1. The  local  social  services  official  shall  have  responsibility for prior  authorizing transportation of eligible  persons  and  for  limiting  the  provision  of  such transportation to those recipients and circumstances  where  such  transportation  is  essential,  medically   necessary   and  appropriate  to  obtain  medical  care,  services  or supplies otherwise  available under this title.    2. In  exercising  this  responsibility,  the  local  social  services  official shall:    (a)  make  appropriate  and economical use of transportation resources  available  in  the  district  in  meeting  the  anticipated  demand  for  transportation  within  the  district,  including,  but  not limited to:  transportation generally available free-of-charge to the general  public  or  specific  segments  of  the  general  public, public transportation,  promotion of group rides, county vehicles,  coordinated  transportation,  and direct purchase of services; and    (b)  maintain quality assurance mechanisms in order to ensure that (i)  only such  transportation  as  is  essential,  medically  necessary  and  appropriate  to  obtain  medical  care,  services  or supplies otherwise  available under this title is provided and (ii) no expenditures for taxi  or livery transportation are made when public  transportation  or  lower  cost transportation is reasonably available to eligible persons.    3.  In the event that coordination or other such cost savings measures  are  implemented,  the  commissioner  shall   assure   compliance   with  applicable  standards governing the safety and quality of transportation  of the population served.    * NB Effective 4 years  after  the  date  the  contract  entered  into  pursuant this section (365-h) is executed.