365-B - Local medical plans: professional directors.

§  365-b.  Local  medical  plans:  professional  directors. 1. A local  social services medical plan shall be developed and maintained  by  each  social   services   district  under  the  guidance  or  direction  of  a  professional director. Such plan shall conform to the regulations of the  department and shall be  submitted  to  the  department  and  the  state  department  of health for review, certification and approval pursuant to  the regulations of the department and this title.    * 2. The commissioner of  social  services  of  each  social  services  district   shall   appoint   a  person,  possessing  the  qualifications  established  by  the  public  health  council  and  promulgated  by  the  department  pursuant  to section three hundred sixty-four, to serve on a  full or part-time basis.  Each professional director shall  serve  under  the  general  direction of the commissioner of social services and shall  have  the  responsibility  for  supervising  the  program   of   medical  assistance  for  needy persons in his social services district, pursuant  to the regulations of the department. The state commissioner  of  health  may  authorize two or more social services districts to appoint the same  person to serve as professional director in each of such districts.    * NB Effective until December 1, 2010    * 2. The commissioner of  social  services  of  each  social  services  district   shall   appoint   a  person,  possessing  the  qualifications  established by  the  public  health  and  health  planning  council  and  promulgated   by  the  department  pursuant  to  section  three  hundred  sixty-four of this title, to serve on a full or  part-time  basis.  Each  professional  director  shall  serve  under the general direction of the  commissioner of social services and shall have  the  responsibility  for  supervising  the  program of medical assistance for needy persons in his  social services district, pursuant to the regulations of the department.  The state commissioner of  health  may  authorize  two  or  more  social  services  districts  to appoint the same person to serve as professional  director in each of such districts.    * NB Effective December 1, 2010    3. In addition to any  other  duty  or  responsibility  which  may  be  assigned  or  delegated pursuant to law or regulation, each professional  director  shall  be  responsible   for   monitoring   the   professional  activities,  directly related to the program, of providers practicing in  his social services district, and  shall  take  all  steps  required  or  authorized  by  law  or regulation to ensure that such activities are in  compliance with the provisions of this chapter, the  public  health  law  and   regulations   promulgated  thereunder,  and  do  not  violate  the  provisions of section sixty-five hundred nine of the  education  law  or  regulations promulgated pursuant thereto.    4.  For  purposes  of  this  section  "provider" shall mean any person  receiving payment under this title.