364-D - Medical assistance research and demonstration projects.

* §  364-d. Medical assistance research and demonstration projects. 1.  The department is authorized to sponsor, conduct and participate in  the  following  research  and  demonstration  projects:  "Eldercare: A Social  Health Maintenance Organization", "New York  State  Alcoholism  Services  Demonstration",  and  "Physician Reimbursement and Continuing Care Under  Medicaid",  for  the  purpose  of  testing   the   use   of   innovative  administrative techniques, new reimbursement methods, and changes in the  scope  of  benefits,  so  as  to promote a more efficient utilization of  health resources and  the  containment  of  medical  assistance  program  costs.  Such  demonstration  projects  may  be  conducted in one or more  social services districts or portions of such districts.    2. (a) Social services districts shall be required to  participate  in  the  operation  of  such  research  and  demonstration  projects  as the  department may approve. Social services districts shall  cooperate  with  the  department  in the conduct of such projects whenever the department  shall request or require such participation or cooperation.    (b) Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law to the contrary,  expenditures made in connection with any research demonstration  project  undertaken  pursuant  to the provisions of this section shall be subject  to state reimbursement under section three hundred sixty-eight-a of this  title.    3. The research and demonstration projects undertaken pursuant to  the  provisions  of  this  section  shall limit the individuals participating  thereunder to those persons with respect  to  whom  the  department  has  determined that there is a reasonable expectation that the total cost of  benefits  under  such  project  would  be  less  than  the total cost of  benefits for such individual if the research and  demonstration  program  were not in effect.    4.  Notwithstanding  any inconsistent provision of this chapter or any  other law to the contrary, the commissioner may, subject to the approval  of the director of the budget, approve any or all of  the  research  and  demonstration projects specified in subdivision one of this section, and  apply  for the appropriate waivers under federal law and regulation, and  may waive any of the provisions of this chapter, when such action  would  be likely to assist in promoting the objectives of this title.    5.  (a) For each project undertaken pursuant to the provisions of this  section, the department shall submit an interim report and final  report  to  the  governor  and  the legislature. The interim report shall be due  eighteen months after the  date  of  approval  of  the  project  by  the  department;  the  final  report  shall  be  due at the conclusion of the  project.    (b) Such reports shall include a listing of the accomplishments of the  research and demonstration project, and shall evaluate the progress made  in achieving the objectives of the project.    6. This section shall be effective with respect to each such  project,  other  than  the  "New  York  State  Alcoholism  Services  Demonstration  Project", if and as long as,  federal  participation  is  available  for  expenditures  made for such research and demonstration project conducted  pursuant to the provisions of this section.    * NB Expired July 22, 1986 -- Eldercare: A Social  Health  Maintenance  Organization expired April 9, 2007 per chapter 58 of 2007 Part C § 6.