363-D - Provider compliance program.

§  363-d.  Provider  compliance program. 1. The legislature finds that  medical assistance providers may be able to detect and  correct  payment  and  billing  mistakes  and  fraud  if required to develop and implement  compliance programs. It is the purpose  of  such  programs  to  organize  provider   resources   to   resolve  payment  discrepancies  and  detect  inaccurate billings, among other things, as quickly and  efficiently  as  possible,  and  to impose systemic checks and balances to prevent future  recurrences. The legislature accordingly declares  that  it  is  in  the  public  interest  that  providers  within the medical assistance program  implement compliance programs. The legislature also recognizes the  wide  variety of provider types in the medical assistance program and the need  for  compliance  programs  that  reflect  a provider's size, complexity,  resources, and culture. For a compliance program  to  be  effective,  it  must  be  designed to be compatible with the provider's characteristics.  At the same time, however, the legislature determines that there are key  components that must be included in every compliance  program  and  such  components  should  be  required  if  a  provider  is  to  be  a medical  assistance program participant.  Accordingly,  the  provisions  of  this  section   require   providers  to  adopt  effective  compliance  program  elements, and make each provider responsible  for  implementing  such  a  program appropriate to its characteristics.    2.  Every  provider  of  medical assistance program items and services  that is subject to subdivision four of  this  section  shall  adopt  and  implement a compliance program. The office of Medicaid inspector general  shall  create  and  make  available on its website guidelines, which may  include a model compliance program, that  reflect  the  requirements  of  this section.  Such program shall at a minimum be applicable to billings  to  and  payments  from  the  medical assistance program but need not be  confined to such matters. The compliance program  required  pursuant  to  this  section  may  be  a  component  of  more  comprehensive compliance  activities  by  the  medical  assistance  provider  so   long   as   the  requirements of this section are met. A compliance program shall include  the following elements:    (a)   written   policies   and  procedures  that  describe  compliance  expectations as embodied in  a  code  of  conduct  or  code  of  ethics,  implement  the  operation of the compliance program, provide guidance to  employees and  others  on  dealing  with  potential  compliance  issues,  identify  how to communicate compliance issues to appropriate compliance  personnel  and  describe   how   potential   compliance   problems   are  investigated and resolved;    (b)   designate   an  employee  vested  with  responsibility  for  the  day-to-day operation of the compliance program; such  employee's  duties  may  solely relate to compliance or may be combined with other duties so  long as compliance responsibilities are satisfactorily carried out; such  employee shall report directly to the entity's chief executive or  other  senior  administrator  and  shall  periodically  report  directly to the  governing body on the activities of the compliance program;    (c) training and education  of  all  affected  employees  and  persons  associated  with  the  provider, including executives and governing body  members, on compliance issues, expectations and the  compliance  program  operation;  such  training  shall occur periodically and shall be made a  part of the orientation for a  new  employee,  appointee  or  associate,  executive and governing body member;    (d)  communication  lines  to  the responsible compliance position, as  described in paragraph (b) of this subdivision, that are  accessible  to  all  employees,  persons  associated  with  the provider, executives and  governing body members, to allow compliance issues to be reported;  such  communication   lines   shall   include   a  method  for  anonymous  andconfidential good faith reporting of potential compliance issues as they  are identified;    (e) disciplinary policies to encourage good faith participation in the  compliance  program by all affected individuals, including policies that  articulate expectations for reporting compliance issues  and  assist  in  their  resolution  and  outline  sanctions  for:  (1)  failing to report  suspected problems; (2) participating in non-compliant behavior; or  (3)  encouraging,   directing,   facilitating   or  permitting  non-compliant  behavior;  such  disciplinary  policies  shall  be  fairly  and   firmly  enforced;    (f)  a  system  for  routine  identification  of compliance risk areas  specific to the provider type, for self-evaluation of such  risk  areas,  including  internal  audits  and as appropriate external audits, and for  evaluation of potential or actual non-compliance as  a  result  of  such  self-evaluations and audits;    (g)  a  system for responding to compliance issues as they are raised;  for  investigating  potential   compliance   problems;   responding   to  compliance  problems as identified in the course of self-evaluations and  audits;  correcting  such   problems   promptly   and   thoroughly   and  implementing procedures, policies and systems as necessary to reduce the  potential for recurrence; identifying and reporting compliance issues to  the  department  or  the  office  of  Medicaid  inspector  general;  and  refunding overpayments;    (h) a policy of non-intimidation and non-retaliation  for  good  faith  participation  in  the  compliance program, including but not limited to  reporting  potential  issues,  investigating  issues,  self-evaluations,  audits  and  remedial actions, and reporting to appropriate officials as  provided in sections seven hundred forty and seven hundred forty-one  of  the labor law.    3. Upon enrollment in the medical assistance program, a provider shall  certify  to  the  department  that the provider satisfactorily meets the  requirements of this section. Additionally, the commissioner  of  health  and  Medicaid inspector general shall have the authority to determine at  any time if a provider has  a  compliance  program  that  satisfactorily  meets the requirements of this section.    (a) A compliance program that is accepted by the federal department of  health  and  human  services  office of inspector general and remains in  compliance with the standards promulgated by such office shall be deemed  in compliance with the provisions of this section, so long as such plans  adequately address medical assistance program risk areas and  compliance  issues.    (b)  In  the  event  that  the  commissioner of health or the Medicaid  inspector general finds that the provider does not have  a  satisfactory  program  within  ninety days after the effective date of the regulations  issued pursuant to subdivision four of this section, the provider may be  subject to any sanctions or penalties permitted by federal or state laws  and regulations, including revocation of  the  provider's  agreement  to  participate in the medical assistance program.    4. The Medicaid inspector general, in consultation with the department  of  health,  shall  promulgate  regulations establishing those providers  that shall be subject to the provisions of this section  including,  but  not limited to, those subject to the provisions of articles twenty-eight  and thirty-six of the public health law, articles sixteen and thirty-one  of  the  mental  hygiene  law, and other providers of care, services and  supplies under the medical assistance  program  for  which  the  medical  assistance   program   is   a  substantial  portion  of  their  business  operations.