147 - Misuse of food stamps, food stamp program coupons, authorization cards and electronic access devices.

§   147.   Misuse   of   food  stamps,  food  stamp  program  coupons,  authorization cards and  electronic  access  devices.  1.  a.    Whoever  knowingly  uses,  transfers,  acquires, alters, purchases, transports or  possesses food stamps, food stamp program coupons,  authorization  cards  or  electronic  access  devices  which  entitle  a person to obtain food  stamps, in any manner not authorized  by  section  ninety-five  of  this  chapter  shall  be  guilty  of  a class A misdemeanor except that if the  value of the benefit he or she obtained:    (i) exceeds one thousand dollars, he or she shall be guilty of a class  E felony; or    (ii) exceeds three thousand dollars, he or she shall be  guilty  of  a  class D felony; or    (iii)  exceeds  fifty thousand dollars, he or she shall be guilty of a  class C felony.    b. For the purposes of this section, the value of the benefit obtained  shall be the cumulative face value  of  such  food  stamps,  food  stamp  program coupons, authorization cards or electronic access devices.    2.  Any  person  found to have violated the provisions of subparagraph  (i), (ii) or (iii) of paragraph a of subdivision one  of  this  section,  who  shall possess a license to sell liquor under section sixty-three of  the alcoholic beverage control law or  to  sell  lottery  tickets  under  article  thirty-four of the tax law, shall have such license or licenses  revoked in addition to any other penalty authorized by  law.    As  used  herein,  the  word  "person"  shall  mean  any  individual, partnership,  corporation, or association.