144 - Power of public welfare officials and service officers to administer oaths; power of public welfare officials to subpoena persons liable for support a

§  144.  Power  of  public  welfare  officials and service officers to  administer oaths; power of public welfare officials to subpoena  persons  liable  for  support  and  compel production of records.  Public welfare  officials and service officers shall have power to administer oaths  and  take affidavits in all matters pertaining to their office and to elicit,  by  examination  under  oath,  statement of facts from applicants for or  recipients of assistance or care.  Public welfare officials  shall  have  further  power  to  subpoena  persons  liable  by law for the support of  applicants  for  or  recipients  of  assistance  or  care,  compel   the  attendance  of  such persons and take their testimony under oath for the  purpose of determining the ability of such persons to contribute towards  the support of such applicants for or recipients of assistance or  care,  and  in  connection therewith to compel the production of books, papers,  records and documents.   Such persons shall  be  entitled  to  the  same  mileage  fees  as  are  allowed to witnesses required to attend in civil  actions in courts of record.