131-AA - Monthly statistical reports.
§ 131-aa. Monthly statistical reports. 1. Reporting requirements. The commissioner of the office of temporary and disability assistance shall issue, within sixty days of the end of each month, a monthly statistical report containing each of the tables in the March two thousand four Temporary and Disability assistance statistics report as provided on the office of temporary and disability assistance website. Such report shall also include aggregate total claims for both New York city and the rest of the state related to temporary and disability assistance not already included in the March 2004 Temporary and Disability Assistance Statistics report as provided on the office of temporary and disability assistance website. The commissioner may also include similar tables containing statistical information including, but not limited to, temporary and disability assistance claims on emergency child care, family shelter, shelter for victims of domestic violence, eviction prevention including, but not limited to, security deposits and brokers fees, supplemental claims, cancellations or refunds, drug or alcohol treatment, and increased costs associated with cases for individuals with AIDS. The commissioner may also include any other statistical information related to temporary and disability assistance that he or she deems to be appropriate. The commissioner shall also, within sixty days of the completion of each quarter of the state fiscal year, issue an update of monthly temporary and disability assistance claims for each of the previous twenty-four months based on actual claims received by the end of such quarter; provided, however, the update following the third quarter of the state fiscal year shall be completed within thirty days. Such update shall include the total number of recipients, the monthly average payment, and total claims, received by the end of such quarter, for New York city, the rest of the state, and total state claims. 2. Additional reporting requirements. In addition to the information required to be included in the monthly statistical report pursuant to subdivision one of this section, the commissioner of the office of temporary and disability assistance shall include in such monthly statistical report detailed tables with comprehensive data for federally participating family assistance and safety net cases, safety net non-maintenance of effort cases, and safety net maintenance of effort cases, for each county and New York city, according to the following categories: (a) Work participation rates. A statistical table containing data related to federally required work participation rates including, but not limited to, the numerator applied to the required federal calculation for work participation and the denominator applied to the federal calculation for work participation; and any other information that the commissioner deems to be appropriate. (b) Earned income. A statistical table containing data related to the aggregate amount of earned income reported by public assistance recipients including, but not limited to, aggregate earned income used in the calculation of public assistance benefits, both before and after the earnings disregard is applied to such benefits, the number of cases for which earned income is applied to the calculation of such benefits, both before and after the earnings disregard, and any other information that the commissioner deems to be appropriate. (c) Sanctioned cases. A statistical table containing data related to the number of cases in sanction status and the reason for such sanction including, but not limited to, the number of sanctioned cases included in the federal work participation calculation, the number of sanctioned cases not included in the federal work participation calculation, and any other information that the commissioner deems to be appropriate.(d) Home energy assistance program (HEAP). For each county and New York city, a statistical table containing data related to the allocation of federal and state monies for the HEAP program and the number and dollar amount of benefits provided including, but not limited to, the number, dollar amount and average dollar amount of regular autopay benefits, regular non-autopay benefits, emergency benefits, allocation for administrative costs, and any other information that the commissioner deems to be appropriate. 3. Upon issuance, the reports required by this section shall be posted on the office of temporary and disability assistance website, and shall also be submitted by the commissioner to the governor, the temporary president of the senate, the speaker of the assembly, the chair of the senate finance committee and the chair of the assembly ways and means committee.