Title 6 - (101 - 111) POWERS TO ENFORCE SUPPORT
- 101 - Liability of relatives to support.
- 101-A - Proceedings to compel support by persons in need thereof.
- 102 - Powers of public welfare officials to bring and defend suits.
- 103 - Seizure of property of persons liable for support.
- 104 - Recovery from a person discovered to have property.
- 104-A - Transfer of property for the purpose of qualifying for assistance; presumption.
- 104-B - Liens for public assistance and care on claims and suits for personal injuries.
- 105 - Claim on insurance.
- 106 - Powers of social services official to receive and dispose of a deed, mortgage, or lien.
- 106-A - Exemption from payment of fees for instruments affecting real or personal property; exemption of mortgages from mortgage recording tax.
- 106-B - Adjustment for incorrect payments.
- 106-C - Crediting of overpayment of tax to obligation of public assistance recipients.
- 107 - Disposal of seized property and penalties collected.
- 108 - Appointment of guardians for minors; notice of accounting.
- 109 - Trust funds to be established.
- 110-A - Special provisions for legal services to enforce support to recover costs of public assistance and care and to establish paternity.
- 111 - Functions of the department.