Article 9 - (130 - 157) DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY
- 130 - Commissioner of public safety; appointees.
- 131 - Duties of commissioner.
- 132 - Deputy commissioner.
- 133 - Rules, orders and regulations.
- 134 - Constitution of police and fire departments.
- 135 - Membership.
- 136 - Terms of office.
- 137 - Discipline.
- 138 - Appeal from determination of commissioner.
- 139 - Exemptions.
- 140 - Pension funds.
- 141 - Chief of police.
- 142 - Powers and duties of members of police department.
- 143 - Service of process.
- 144 - Political activity prohibited.
- 145 - Department of health.
- 146 - Health officer.
- 147 - Deputy health officer.
- 148 - Appeals from orders of health officer.
- 149 - Inspection of public buildings.
- 150 - Approval of plans for sewers and drains.
- 152 - Actions to restrain nuisances.
- 153 - Duty in case of peril to public health.
- 154 - Public health law applicable.
- 155 - Subordinates.
- 156 - Duties of superintendent.
- 157 - Application of chapter limited.